Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/697

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A.D.1585. Anno xxvii Reginzc Eli ZAEF.Tii.r. C. j 4 — 17. 647 X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Hue and I to be done or made by the Country, or Inhabitants of any Hundred, (hall b all ■ I lawful Hu; and Cry or Purfuit upon or after any the (aid felons 01 ( ) I Cry or Purfuit be done and made by Horfemen and Footmen j any U: withftanding. XI. And ds it further alfo enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parlia lent, That no Perl f<>n that fh.ill hereafter happen to be robbed mall have or maintain any A I Virtue of the faid two mentioned Stan 01 h i of them, except the fame Perfon a fli all with as much convenient Speed as may be, give Notice and Intelligcn e of the (aid I bery fo committed unto fome of the Inhabitants »l fone Town, Villi.-- 01 rfamlci • where any fuch Robbery (hall be committed j (2) nor (hall bring er have any Action upon any the Statutes aforefaid, except he or they (hall lirlt within twenty I J.iy , n xt b( fore I brought be examined upon his or their corporal Oath, to betaken before 10 neone fuftice ol : the County where the Robbery was committed, inhabiting within the faid Hundred wh was committed, or near unto the (am ■, whether he or they do know t le Parties that commute I 1 Robbery, or any of them : (3) And it' upon fuch Examinati »n it be confe fed that he or they do Icj Parties that committed the fti.l Robbery, or any of them, That then he or they fo c uifeffing (h-ill bei the faid Action be commenced or brought, enter into fufficient Bond by Recognizan( i before the : Juftice before whom the faid Examination is had, effectually to profecute the fame Perfon an J Perfon I known to have committed the faid Robbery, by Indictment, or otherwife, according to the due Courfe o( the Laws of this Realm. Sec farther Limitations, 8 Geo. 2. c. t(s.—.-ln,l fee 22 Get. 2. c. 24. wbi b amend; ib-j Jmgoing. Sti tikmnft 4 //'. S* M, apprehending HigbtvJjmcn. CAP. XIV. An Aft for reviving of a former Statute made for the true making of Malt. ' YT7HEREAS in the Parliament holdcn at IVeflminfl r, upon Prorogation the fourth Day of November ' VV in the fecond Year of the Reign of the late King of molt famous Memory King Edward the >ixth, ' moft dear Brother to our Sovereign Lady the Queen's MijelH that now is, there was amongit other Thi

  • one good and neceffary Act of Parliament made and cftablifhed, intituled, An Act for the true rrui::.

■* Mult ; (2) which faid Statute was after difcontinued, ami fo refteth and remainvth as yet, albeit in Truth, 2 a ' during the Continuance thereof, the fame did much Good to the Commonwealth, and fo would it do< • ■-■ ' ftill, if the fame might be revived and (land in Force as heretofore it hath done :' II. In Confederation whereof, may it pleafe her Highnefs, with the Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament allembled, and by tilt Authority of the feme,/! that it may be enacted, That the faid former Act and Statute above-mentioned, and every Branch, Ar- ticle and Provifo therein contained, fhall be revived, and from henceforth continue, ih-.nd and end arc in:- Force and Strength to all Intents, Conftrudtions and Purpofes, and lhall le obferred and kept in all Mifc Things, according to the Tenor, Effect and true Meaning of the fame. (2) This Act to continue for the 'I ime of three Years now next following after the End of this prefent Seflion of Parliament, and after the End of the faid three Years, then to the End of the Parliament then next after follqwing. f 3 Car. _ . _ _ 1. c. 4. continued until the End of the firft Seflion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4. §. 18.] Stat. 1. c. 2. lGes. 1. Stat. 2. e.z. 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. 9 ft). i.t. J. 12 Geo. 1. c. 4. 13 Crw. I. o 7. :C«.i..-. i, 33 Get, 2. t. 31 Malt Aas, CAP. XV. It fhall be lawful to any of the Queen's Subjects to brine into this Realm from the Parts beyond the Sea, in Englijh Ships or Crayers, being failed by Englijh Mariners with crofs Sails, Herring, Stapk-fifh and Ling-filh, for ferving of the North Parts, paying the Queen's Cuftom and Subfidy for the fame : So as none of the laid Fifh be (hipped from any of thole North Parts into any Place of England, South or South-Weft from Bojhn ; any Statute or Provifo notwithstanding, iffc. But this fhall not be preju- diced to the Town or Burgefks of Berwick'. EXP. 13 Eliz. c. 11. & 23 Eliz. c. 7. CAP. XVI. ' It fhall not be lawful to any Perfon (faving a Tanner, bis Executors, Administrators or Lcgatories, or toCorawilneTj, them to whom tanned Leather fhall be forfeited) to fell or put away any tanned Leather unwrought, not converted into made Wares, in defrauding the true Meaning of the Statute of 5 Eliz. c. 8. EXP. c a p. xvir. An Act: touching the Breadth of white Woollen Clothes made within the Counties of Wilts, Gloucejler, Somerfet and Oxen, &c. WHEREAS in the Parliament holden at Wejbninjler in the fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of*^ 4 our late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth, "one Statute was made, intituled, An A.t for ti 1 j

  • ttue making ofJVoolhn Cloth, whereby (among ct Things) it was enacted, That all Whites and Reds, Breadih ..nd

3 ' which v.