Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/698

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648 made in the Counties of Gloucefter, S 0- merfet and Wiltfhire, a d elfewhere, (hall be. 5 & 6 Ed. 6 c. 6. The Weight of the faid Clot ics 4 & 5 Ph. & M c. 5. The Rc-afons wherefore .the , forefaid Stat, of 5 &6Ed. 6. c. 6. & 4 & 5 Ph. & M. c. 5. cannot be per- C. 17. Anno xxvii ReginzE Elizabeths. A. D. 1585. ' which after the Feaft. of St. Michael the Archangel then next coining fhould be made in the Shires or ' Counties of Wilts, Gloucefter and Somerfet, or any of them, or elfewhere of like making, and all other ' Whites which ihould be made in any other Parts of this Realm of England, and not before in the fame ' Statute remembred, mould contain in Length, being thorough wet, between fix and eight and twenty ' Yards, and fhould be feven Quarters of the Yard in Breadth within the Lifts, at the leaft, and lifted ac* ' cording to the ancient Cuftom; and being well fcoured, thicked, milled and fully dried, fhould weigh ' every Piece fixty-four Pounds being white, and fixty Pounds being coloured, at the leaft, as by the faid ' Act, among divers Claufes, Articles and Provifions contained in tire fame, more plainly is expreffed : ' II. And whereas alfo in the Parliament holden at Wejhninjler in the fourth and fifth Years of the Reigns ' of our late Sovereign Lord and Lady King Philip and Queen Mary, one other Statute was made, inti- ' tuled, An Act touching the making of Woollen Clothes, whereby alfo (amongft other Things) it was ordained, ' efbblifhed, enacted and provided, That every white Cloth which fhould be made in the Counties of ' Wilts, Gloucefter and Somerfet, or any of them, or elfewhere of like making, appointed by the faid Act ' made in the faid fifth and fixth Years of King Edward the Sixth to weigh threefcore and four Pound, ' fhould weigh, being well fcoured, thicked, milled and fully dried, threefcore and one Pound r,t, the kaft; ' (2) with a Provifion in the fame laft recited Act contained, That no Perfon or Perfons -fhould incur the ' Danger, Penalty or Forfeiture limited and appointed for any Offence in the faid former recited Act, which ' was mitigated, or otherwife appointed by the fame Act made in the fourth and fifth Years of King ' Philip and Queen Mary, as by the fame Act made in the fourth and fifth Years of King Philip and Queen ' Mary, amongft divers Claufes, Articles and Provifoes therein contained, more plainly is expreffed-; (3) ' Sithence the making of which faid feveral Statutes, although the Makers of the faid Clothes have endea- ' voured themfelves according to their beft Skill and Induftry to perform and fulfil the faid recited Statute

  • in every of their Clothes, as much as in them did lie, as touching the Breadth of Clothes; and to that

' End and Purpofe have allowed and do allow fo much Yarn and Stuff" to every fuch Cloth as might ' fufheiently ferve to make all the faid Clothes full out in Length and Breadth, according to the faid for- ' mer Statute made in the fifth and fixth Years of King Edward the Sixth, and in Weight according to ' the faid Branch of the faid Statute made in the fourth and fifth Years of the Reigns of the late King ' Philip and Queen Mary; (4) yet notwithftanding many limes, by reafon of the divers Natures in the. ' 'Wools, and by the great Diverfities in the Spinning, Carding and Milling, many of the faid Clothes made within the faid Counties of Wilts, Gloucejler, Somerfet and Oxon, and elfewhere of like making, do not contain full feven Quarters in Breadth, according to the faid Statute made in the fifth and fixth Years of King Edward the Sixth, and yet do hold their full Weight or more, according to the former Statute made in the Time of the faid King Philip and Queen Mary, and no Default touching the Breadth can.juftly be The Breadth of as is aforefaid, are many Times taken and. feized by the Searchers of London when they come to their Market at Blackwell-Hall, to the great Lois and Damage of the faid Cloth-makers, and to the Hindrance of Cloth-making within the faid Counties :' III. In 'Conftderation whereof, albeit it .is not hereby intended to repeal or make void the faid former Clo.h's made in r e C ited Eftatutes, or either of them, Gtherwife than is hereafter exprefled, yet nevej'thelefs, be it enacted WiMh;re, Glon- ^y t ^ s Qj_ ieen ' s moft excellent Majcfty, with the Ailent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the end dxfordftiire. Commons, of this prefent Parliament affenibled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall be hereafter charged for any fuch Default which hereafter, fhall be in any of the laid Clothes mentioned in this Act for want of Breadth of feven Quarters, fo that the fame Cloth doth contain in Breadth, being thoroughly wet, fix Quarters and an Half at the leaft within the Lifts unwrought, and lifted according to the ancient Cuftom; any Thing in any of the faid former Statutes mentioned to the contrary . in any wife notwithftanding. IV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the. Authority aforefaid, That if any of the faid Clothes fhall not contain fix Quarters and an Half at the leaft within the Lifts, as aforefaid, that then every Perfon of- fending In that Behalf, fhall for every fuch Cloth be fubjedt to fuch Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures, zs were by Force of the former recited Statute of the fifth and fixth Years of King Edward the Sixth to have been forfeited for want of Breadth of feven Quarters within the Lifts. V. And be it never'thelefs enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Cloth to be made within any The Weight of of the faid Counties, or elfewhere of like making, called Narrow-lifted Whites, being well fcoured, Narrow-hfted , thicked, milled and fully dried, fhall contain in Weight any lei's than fixty-one Pounds at the leaft; (2) or Whites and jf an y Cloth to be made within any of the faid 'Counties, or elfewhere of like making, called Broad-lifted whites' 'Whites, .being well fcoured, thicked, milled and fully dried, fhall contain in Weight any lefs than fixty- The Length of three Pounds 'at the leaft; (3) or. if any of the faid Clothes, called Narrow-lifted or Broad-li:!ed Whites, Narrow-lifted fhall contain in Length any more than twenty and eight Yards at the n oft; (4) that then every of the faid and Broad lifted Clothiers therein-offending fhall -incur double fuch Penalties and Forfeitures for every Pound fo wanting of Whites. t > ie feveral Weights above limited, and for every Yard fo exceeding in Length, and not weighing after fuch SeCbthien Rate a? h bef? ra expreffed, as by the faid Statute of the fourth and fifth Years of King Philip and Queen ^tending. Mary is provided and appointed. (5J This Act to endure and continue for the Space of five Years next , after the this Seffion of .this prefent-Pn.diam.ent, and fro 11 t e End of the faid five Years, until the .^or farther Pro- -g J1( j f the next g e f£ on f Parliament then next enfuing. fMade perpetual by 7.Z El. c. 7. §. 70. but by Cloths fa 1 Ja ». 43 El. c. io. repealed as to the over .Lengths of Cioths.J I, c, 25. 1 Jac. 1. c, 16. 12 Car. z.f'. 23. 22 taaj Car. a. c, 8. n fif izfK 3. c. 2.0, 6 Am, c. i'&'g. 7 Ann. c-13. 10Ar.nlc.16. lCeo.i.c.ij& 41, 11 K», 1, c. 24. 7 Geo. 2. c, 25. w Ceo, 2, c, 2?. and is, Ceo, 2, c, 35. CAP The Penalty if' the Cloth do not contain in Breadth fix Quarters and an Half. 5 & 6 Ed. 6.