Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/701

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A.D. 1585. Annoxxvii RcginasEtiZABBTHiB. ( . 20 2.}. miner, or Jufticea of Pe«ce in any of th Son or Scffiom to be holdcn before then n any of them : (S) All which Sum and .Sum, of M fault of Carnage and Laying ol the faid ( ,,„! ,„ Chalk. or Payment ti afordaiJ, (hall be likewife Beftowed and employed upon the Amendment and Rcpairi in the laid Pariflies where the Caufe of Forfeiture by Default or Refufal grew the Difcretion of any fuch fuftice ol Peace as (hall dwell and be refunt next unto th Placa hc-iii* moft ajinoyed by die Carriages afocefaid, and where the Money therefore due (hould h. . | a, aforcfaid ; (9) and the lame to be levied by way ol Oiltrel". l»v any Conftable, Tithin, man, II : , l P b, or other Officer thereunto to be affigned by Warrant made in open Seffioni hy any Clerk of th the County where any the ( Miencc or OlVences aforcfaid fhall be committed, or by any tw -h-- Peace whereof one to be of the Quorum, which were prefent at the Seffioni wherein the (aid Convictioi or for any the Offences aforefaid fhall be had : (10) And if no fufficient Diftrefa can be found by thi Offi — where the laid Offence fhall be committed, whereof one to be of the Quorum, fhall be thought moft m et ; (11) the fame Forfeiture to be likewife imploycd upon the Amendment of the Highways, as "the other For' ' ' reiture fhould have been, if the fame had been levied according to the true Intent and Meaning 01 I Statute. a. c. 3. 9 & jo IK 3. c. 36. 1 Cn. 1. t . 48, 6 Got. x. c. 16. 19 Geo. %, t. 36. ar.d 31 < CAP. XX. It fhall be lawful to the Mayor and Commonalty of Plymouth in the County of Devon, and their Sue- ' ccffois, to dig and mine a Trench or Ditch, containing in Breadth between lix or feven Feet over in all Places, through all the Grounds lying between the Town of Plymouth and any Part of the of .'. . for the necellary conveying of the laid River to the faid Town, and to do Reparations and mall Things neceffary, whereby the River may be brought and continue unto the faid Town, without the Let of any Perfon ; the faid Mayor and Commonalty paying to the Owners and Farmers of the faid Grounds the Value of the Ground lo digged, to be affe-fled by two Juftices of Aflife; but the faid River fhall not be conveyed through any Perfon 's Houfe, Orchard or Garden, nor to the Hindrance of the Watcr-courfe of any Mill, without the Owner's Confent. PR. CAP. XXI. It fhall not be lawful to any Perfon to fet any Net with any Boat called a Stalboat, or other Boat or VelTel Orfbri ll.--.j. whatfoever, within the Entry or Mouth of" Or ford Haven in the County of Suffolk, or in the Gull, being a Branch of the faid Haven, except the Malic or Shale of every fuch Net throughout the Whole do contain two Inches and a Half at the leaft in the Widenefs from Knot to Knot, upon Pain to forfeit the Net fo fet, or the Value thereof, and five Pounds to the Queen and /. to be recovered by A. B. P. or /. wherein no IV. and P. (3 c. PR. Stat. 4 H. 7. c. 21. CAP. XXII. It (hall be lawful to the Mayor and Citizens of the City of Chichefter in the County of Suffix, their Chichcflcr Ha- Succeflbrs and Affigns, at any Time hereafter to lay out fo much Ground in fuch Places as they fhall vcn. think moft meet for that Purpofc, for the making of a new Chanel, from fuch Place of the Haven of the faid City unto the Suburbs thereof, between the Dell Key there and a Place called Fijbborn, and in fuch Length and Breadth throughout, as to them fhall feem necellary, for the conveying the Water along the Chanel unto the Suburbs ; and alio to enter into any Lands within Half a Vlilc of the faid new Chanel, where any Brooks, Waters, Streams or Springs fhall be, and to affign and lay out fuch Quantity thereof as fhall be convenient to bring the fame Brook-;, CY. into the laid Chanel. PR. C A P. XXIII. An AcT: for the Clothiers of Box/led in the County of EJfex. OBS. 4 J: 5 P. 5c M. c .5. being repealed 21 Jac. i. c. 28. CAP. XXIV. An Acl for repairing and maintaining of the Sea-banks and Sea-works on the Sea-coafts :.; the Councy of Norfolk. J Years of the Reign of the,. V'" ' ' for the Amending and Main- Th Aft i; not „„* .or reven Years after the End » * h f*f l : ' of the lame Parliament, was afterwards by one other Act ot Parliament made in the fifth Year of the^ ' Queen's Majeftv's Reign that now is, revived to have further Continuance io: a certain Time yet en- ,'j ]: . c . 4 O 2 during usi