Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/702

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The J ■ffiees of n Nor- folk fl all take Order or the Repa.i of Sea- b?.nks md Sea- vrbvks within the Ian leCounty Every Perfon charge Me for the Rt pit of 652 C. 25, 26. Anno xxvii Reginas Elizabeth /£. A. D. 1585. during; in which faid Act made in the fifth Year, and one other Ait made in the eighteenth Yearof her Majefty's Reign, there were contained divers further Additions and Ordinances, tending to the Amendment and Maintenance of the faid Highways : (2) And whereas the Ssa-banks and Sea-works in fundry Parts of the Sca-coafts within the County of Norfolk, (not being within the particular Charge of any Perfon or Perfons, or of any Townfhip, or to be maintained by any other corr.mon Charge] are by the Working of the Sea ruined and decayed, to the great Hurt and Prejudice of many Townfhips within three Miles of the faid Banks and Sea-works, and likely daily more and more to grow in Ruin and Decay, if convenient Remedy be not provided in that Behalf: (3) And whereas the Highways within ' three Miles of the faid Sea-banks and Sea- works be fo gravelly and fandy, as neither need nor require

  • for the Amendment of the fame fo many of the faid Day-works as be limited and appointed by the

' faid Statutes, the Surplufage of which faid Day-works, if it might be yearly imployed towards the

  • Repairing, Amending and Maintainance of fuch of the laid Sea-banks and Sea-works as are not or

' ought not to be made and maintained at the particular Charge of any Perfon or Pcrfons, or at the 1 Charge of any Townfhip, or by Acre-mot or other common Charge, would be a fmgular Benefit and ' Help to the aforefaid Townfhips within three Miles of the faid Sea-banks ana Sea-works fo yearly ' to be made and maintained :' II. For Remedy whereof, Be it enacted and ordained by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That from and after the Feaft of Pentecojl now next enfuing, the Jufliccs of Peace within the faid County of Norfolk fhall and may yearly, at any General Seffions to be holden within the faid County, for and towards the Making and Amending of the faid Sea-banks or Sea- works (now being or that hereafter fhall be in Ruin or Decay) limit and appoint fo many of the aforefaid Day-works, as by their Dif- S "cluht cretion fhall be thought fuperfluous, and not needful, to be imployed towards the Amendment of the aforefaid Highways within three Miles of the faid Sea-banks or Sea-works, which fhall needfully require any fuch Reparation or Amendment. ill. And be it further enacted, That every Perfon and Perfons dwelling within three Miles of the faid Sea-banks and Sea- works needfully to be amended as is aforefaid, fhall yearly upon reafonable Warn- ing given, during lb many Days as fhall be limited and appointed in the faid Seffions, in refpect of his they ftand and tiie'ir Labour and Carriages, ftand and be in that Degree charged and chargeable towards the Making, charged for the Repairing and Amending of the faid Sea-banks or Sea-works, as by the aforefaid Statutes they ftand charged unending of an J chargeable for the Amendment of any Highways ; and that they and every of them for the not Doing and Performing the fame, fhall incur the like Pain, Penalty and Forfeiture as is contained in the forefaid The Conftables Statutes made for the Amendment of Highways and every of them : (2) And that the faid Juftices likewife if i?"'.' 1 !" 18 in their aforefaid General Seffions fhall and may nominate and appoint the High Conftables of every Hun- vevors'of Sea- dred, that Rid be charged or chargeable by Force of this Act towards the Making or Amending of the faid works. Sea-banks or S:a-works, to be Surveyors of the faid Sea-works and Sea-banks ; (3) and that they and every of them fhall take upon them the Execution of the faid Charge and Office, and duly perform the fame, upon fuch like Pain and Forfeitures as by the faid Statutes or any of them, to be impofed upon any Surve/or They who fhall or Surveyors for not taking upon him or them the Office of Surveyor for the Amending of Highways : (4) be ciiaged with And that every Perfon and Perfons which fhall be yearly charged to the Making and Maintenance of the the AmenJm'jnt j^jj B an ks or Sea-works, fhall bz difcharged of fo many Days towards the Making of the faid Highways, r viT'^dT as *hall be imployed and beftowed towards the Making and Amending oi' the faid Sea-works an J Sea-banks ; charged of the all the faid Penalties and Forfeitures to be levied in Manner and Form as, in the faid Statutes are limited and' Repair of High- appointed. (5) This Act to endure and continue for the Space of five Years, and from thenceforth unto ways. the End of the Parliament next enfuing the faid five Years. [3 Car. 1. c. 4. continued until the End of the Farther Prw £ r fj- Seffion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4.] fvm rdati*i ^ b:retc,T,W< M. !■ 12. 7 W. 3. c. 29. S W. 3- c. 16. 6 Am. c. 29. 9 Amu e. iS. 1 Geo. 1. c. 11 fc, 52. 5 Geo. 1. c. 12. 6 Geo. 1. c. 6. 5 Geo. 2. c. 33. (lub'ieb is made perpetual by 27 Geo. 2. c. 16. J 7 Geo. 2. c. 9. S Geo. 2. c. 20. 9 Geo. 2. e. iS. 14 Gey. 2. c. 42. 15 Geo. 2. c. 2. 16 Geo. 2. c. 2g. 21 Geo. 2. c. 23. 2.4 Geo. 2. c. 431 26 Gen. 2. c. 2S & 30. 28 Geo. 2. c. 17. 30 Geo. 2. c. 2S. and 31 Geo. 2. c. 34. CAP. XXV. Rochetter As f ten as the Rents or Profits belonging to Rochs/fer Bridge in Kent fhall not be fufficient to bear the BnJ S e - Charge of the Reparation thereof, the two Wardens and more Part of the twelve Affiftants fhall tax all the contributory Lands, rating every Parifh where thofe Lands be, proportionably at fuch Sums of Money, to be paid in fuch Manner, as by the faid Wardens, C5V. fhall be appointed in Writing under their Hands and Seals, for the which any rerfon by them affigned may diftrain and fell the Diftrefs. At the yearly Election of the faid two Wardens and Affiftants, two Houfholders at the leaft fhall be prefent of every Parifh within feven Miles of the faid Bridge, wherein any contributory Lands do lie, to give their Voices at the fame Election. PR. 9 H. 5. c. 12. 18 El. c. 17. C A P. XXVI. It fhall be lawful for fix, five, four or three Juftices of Peace inhabiting within eight Miles of Mid did on in the County of Kent, to tax upon the Grounds lying without the Ifle of Sbeppey, and within four Miles Diftance from King's Ferry there, fuch Affeflments towards the Repair of the Highway leading from Mid- dleion to King's Ferry, as to them mall feem reafonable, though the Owners or Occupiers of the faid Grounds be dwelling without the Compafs of four Miles : So as of every Year no Acre of frefh Marfh. ■ be rated above a Peny, nor ten Acres of fait Marfh above a Peny, notwithftanding the Statute of 18 Eliz. c, io. PR. a CAP. Highways.