Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/71

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A. D. 1472. Anno duodecimo Edvvardi IV. Cotton MS. temps Is Roy E. Fitz le Roy Henry, £c depuis, mi tiebt rivers, perqueuxlez niefs & bateux furcnt diftourbez, (jils ne puiflent paflcr come ils foloient, ferroient ounez & nettement abatuz launz cftre relevcz; &qe briefs ferroient fur ceo maundez as vifcountz dez lieux, ou meftier ferroit, dc furveier jcenquerer, Si dc fairc cut execution: Et auxi qe Juftices ferroient fur ceo aflignez, as toutz les foitz qil bufoigncroit : Et aprcs ceo fur grevous com- pleint dez graundez 5c dez Communes fait en le parlement du dit Roy E. le tierce, Ian de fon reigne jtlv°. complcignauntz per lour petition, qe le dit eftatuit neftoit pas duement executez, ne gardes, folonqe lefFect dicellc, accordez fuift Si eftabliez, <|e le dit eftatuit en cell point ferroit tenuz & gar- dcz, folonqe lefFcift dicellc- ; ajouftant a ycelle, qc fi alcun tiel anufauncc fuiflet fait, ferroit abatuz per due proccflccontcignuz en le dit eftatuit; & celluy qe ferroit relever le dit anulaunce, ck dc ceo foit duement atteint, encourgeroit la peynede C. marcs, devers noftrc Seignur le Roy, a levers per les e- ftreites del Efchequer; et que mcfme la ley ferroit tenuz danufaunce fait per le enhauncer de lcz ditz gorces, molyns, eftankes, eftakez, & kideux, come per novel lever; come en lez ditz eftatuitz pluis plcinemcnt appiert. Et lors a la rcquefte des ditz Communes, monftrantz per lour petition, qe les communes paflages dez niefs & bateux en les graun- dez rivers Dengleterre, et auxint prees Si paftures & terres femez adjoignauntz as ditz rivers, furcnt graundement diftourbcz, furroundez, gaftez, & deftruitz, per les outrageous enhaunfer Si cftraiture dez gorcez, molyns, eftankes, eftakes & kideux, auncienement faitz& levez devaunt le temps du dit Roy E. fitz au Roy Henry, dount graundes da- mages & perdez iovent foitz euflent aveignuz au poeple du Roialme, et aviendrent de jour en autre, ii temedic ne feuiletent mife. Accordez eft Si eftablie, del aflent du dit parle- ment tenuz Ian primer du dit pretenfe Roy Henry iiij tc . qe lcz ditz eftatuitz foient en toutz lour ar- ticlez tenuz & fermement gardez, & duement ex- ecutz ; adjouftant a ycelle, qe commiflions foient faitz en due fourme as fufficeantz perfonez, deftre Jufticez en chefcune countee Dengleterre ou bu- foigne ferra, de furveier Si garder lez eawez Si graundez Ryvers illeofquez, & lez defautez corri- ger Si amender, & ent due execution faire, per les ditz eftatuitz folonqe lefFect dicelles ; fibien per lour furveu, advys, Si difcretion, come per les enque- ftez ent apprendrez, deins fraunchife Si dehors, cy & quaunt bufoigne ferra, & doier Si terminer les chofes fuifditz ; et ouftre ceo, de furveier les gorces, molyns, eftankes, eftakez, Si kideux, auncien- ment faitz & levez devaunt le dit temps du Roy E. fitz au Roy Henry, Si ceux qils trovent trop en- hauncez, ou eftraitcz, de les corriger, abater, & amender, en les maner & fourme defuifditz. Sauvant toutz foitz refonable fubftaunce de les gortz, molyns, eftankez, eftakez, Si kideux fuif- ditz, iflint auncienment faitz cc levez ; &fiafcune Vol.11. all fuch Wears, Mills Millftanks Stakes, and Re- dds, which were levied and let up in the- Tim'- "t King Edward. Hon of King Henry, and after! in fuch Rivers (whereby the Ships and B difturbed that they could not pa| - a they weic v. fhould be taken away, and down, n 1 to be let up again; ((•) and that Writs fhould be thereupon fent to the Sheriff of fuch l'l Need mould be, to Purvey and inquire, and the fame to execute; (-) and that Juftices fhould be thei afligned at all Times when Need rcqu!. And after grievous Complaint, both 1 and of the Commons thereupon made in the Parlia- ment of the laid King Edward the Third, in 'he; five and fortieth Year of his Reign, (hewing by their Petition, that the faid Statute was not duly executed nor obferved according to the Form and EfFeiSl thereof ; it was accorded and eftablifhed, i the fame Statute in that Point fliould be holden kept according to the Tenor of the fame; {■,, 1- joined thereto, that if any fuch Annoyance be d that the fame be broken down by due Procefs con- tained in the faid Statute, (to) and that he which again doth levy fuch Annoyances, and be 'thereof duly attainted, fhall run in the Pain of an C. Marks to our Lord the King, to be levied by the Eftrcats of the Exchequer: (11) The fame Law fhall be: ' holden of Annoyance made by the enhanfing of the faid Wears, Mills, Millftanks, Stakes, and Kedels, as by new levying, as in the faid Statutes more plainly appeareth. (12) And then at the Rcqucft of the faid Commons, ihewing by their Petition, that the common Paflages of Ships and Boats in the great Rivers of England, and alfo A'leadows and Pa- ftures, and arable Lands adjoining to the faid Ri- vers, were greatly difturbed, drowned, wafted, and deftroyed by the outragious enhanfmg and ftraiting of Wears, Mills, Millftanks, Stakes, and Kedels, made in old Time, and levied before the Time of the faid King Edward, Son to the laid King Hen- ry, whereby great Lofs and Damage often enfued to the People of the Realm, and daily would enfue, if Remedy were not provided. " II. Wherefore it was ordained and enabled by" the Aflent of the faid Parliament, holden the Firft Year of the faid pretenfed King Henry the Fourth, That the faid Statutes in all their Articles fhouid be ob- ferved, firmly kept, and duly executed ; (z) ad- joining thereto, that Commiflions fhould be made in due Form to fufficient Perfons to be Juftices in every County of England, where Need fliould be, to fnrvey and keep the Waters and great Rivers there, and to corredl and amend the Faults, and to make due Execution by the faid Statutes, according to the Effect, of the fame, (3) as well by their Sur- vey, Advice, and Difcretion, as by Inquerts to be taken thereof within Franchife and without when Need ill all be, and to hear and determine all thole Things aforefaid 5 (4) and moreover to furvcy the Wears, Mills, Millftanks, Stakes, and Kedels made in old Time, and levied before the faid Time of King Edward, Son to King Henry; and fuch as they find too much enhanicd or ftraited, to cor- rect, break down, and amend in the Manner and Form aforefaid. " III. Saving always a reafonable. Subftance of the

fame Wears, Mills, Millftanks, Stakes, Kedels, fo
made in old Time and levied, (z) And if any fuch

F " Annoyances