Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/72

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34- C, 7 . Anno duodecimo Ed wardi IV. A. D. 1472. of all Statutes made for the polling down of " Annoyances of Wears, Mills, Millftanks, Stakes, " and Kedels,- in letting of the Paffages and ftraiting, " made in old Time and levied, be judged or confider- " ed by the faid Juftices to be broken down or amend- " ed, he that hath the Freehold of the fame fhall do : " Execution thereof at his own Colts, within half a " Year after Knowledge given to- him, upon Pain of " Forfeiture of an hundred Marks, to be paid to our " Lord the King by Eftreats in the Exchequer ; (3) " and he that doth levy them again, enhanfe, or {trait " them contrary to the faid judgement, and thereof " be duly convi£t, fhall run in pain of an hundred " Marks, to be paid to our Lord the King by Eftreats " in the Exchequer aforefaid, as in the fame Statutes " more fully appeareth. (4) Contrary to which Great " Charter, and ajl the Statutes aforefaid, in divers " Parts of this Realm of England, both in the deftroy- " ing of the Fifh, as afore is faid, and in Difturbance " of the Paffages of Ships, Barges, Boats, and other " Vefl'els, by divers and many People divers Fifngarths, " Mills, Mi'lldams, Miliftanks, Locks, ebbing Wears, " Stakes, Kedels, Hecks, or Floodgates, and divers

' other Difturbances, be daily enhanfed, levied, and

" enlarged, to the great Damage of our Lord the King, A Confirmation " an d of his faithful Lieges:" ' (;) Our faid Lord the King gracioufly confidering the Premiffes, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and at the Requeft of faid Commons, in this Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the. fame, hath ordained and. eftablifhed, That the faid Statute of the Great Charter, and all other Statutes concern- ing the Premiffes, fhall be duly obferved and kept ; (6) adjoined thereto, That if after the Feaft of St. Michael, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God 1475, by Award, Rule, or Judgement of any of the faid CommiiHoners affigned, according to the faid Statute made in the faid Firft Year of King Henry the Fourth, it be found that any fuch Wears, Fifh- garths, Mills, Milldams, Millftanks, Locks, ebbing Wears, Stakes, Kedels, Hecks, or Floodgates, be made, levied, enhanfed, ftraited,, or enlarged, againft the fame Statute, the Offenders in this Behalf con- trary to the forefaid' Award, Rule, and Judgement, an Offender that <■■ b e ; n g duly warned by the Sheriff or Sheriffs by Scire doth not pertorm < s { ■ &£&.& t0 the Sheriff or Sheriffs of fuch, the Award ot r J~ ~ . .■ r .,,_ „.,, ■■ County or Counties where men. Wears, riingarths. Mills, Milldams, Millftanks, and other Noyances, Difturbances, or Impediments be, and within Three Months next after the faid Garnifhment made, they do not duly and wholly amend, break down, and avoid the faid making, levying, enhanfmg, ftrait- ing, or enlarging, being defective, as afore is faid in the faid Statute made in the faid Firft Year, that then he or they, being defective in this Behalf, fhall for- feit to our Lord the King an hundred Marks, to be paid by Eftreats in the Exchequer in Manner and Form as in the fame Statute more fully is contained. The Penalty of Commifiinner authored by the Scatute of j H. 4. c. iz. The Penalty of < IV. Moreover, if the faid Offender, or his Heir or 1 "IH^ 1°;? ' ^ e ' rs 5 Affignee or Affignees, or any of them, do de- ' fer or continue the fame Default, contrary to the ' Award, Rule, or Judgement of the Commiflioners ' aforefaid, that he or they fo doing, deferring, or con- ' tinuing the faid Default, fhall forfeit for every Month

  • after the faid Three Months ended, that the fame

3 continue in his Offence, or doth delay to reform Cotton MS. tiel anufaunce des gortz, molyns, eftankez, efta- kez, & kideux, en deftourbaunce de les paffagez> & eftraiturez auncienment faitz & levez, foient ajuggez ou confiderez per les ditz Juftices deftre abatuz ou amendez, ceftuy qi ad frank tenement" dicelles ferra ent execution de fes coftagez deins un demy un apres notification a luy ent affaire, fur peyne de forfaiture de C. marcs, a paiers a noftre Seignur le Roy per eftretes en lefchequer : & cel- luy qi les face relever, enhauncer, ou eftreiter, encountre le dit jugement, h de ceo duement con- vic~te, encourge la peyne de C. marcs a paiers a noftre Seignur le Roy per eftretes en lefchequer fuifdit; come en mefmes les eftatuitz pluis pleyne- ment appiert : Encountre quele Magna Carta & toutz les eftatuitz avauntditz, en diverfez partiez de ceft Roialme Dengleterre, en deftruction de peffon come avaundit, & en deftourbaunce de les paffages de les niefs, bargez, bateux, & autres vef- feaulx diverfez & plufours gortz, fifnganhsz, mo- lyns, milledammes, eftankes, de molyns, lok- kes, hebbyngweres, effakes, kideux, hekkes, flodegatez, & diverfez autres diftourbauncez, de jour en autre fount faitz, levez, enhauncez, & enlargez, a graund damage noftre Seignur le Roy & de fes foialx liegez : Noftre dit Seignur le Roy, les premiffez gracioufment confideraunt, del advys & affent des ditz Seignurs efpirituelx k. ternporelx & a la requefte des ditz communes en celt parle- ment affemblez, & per audtorite fuifdit ad 6Cqeigi10 et eftablie, qe le dit eftatuit de Magna Carta et toutz autres eftatuitz les premiffes concerliantz foient duement obfervez et gardez ; adjouftant a ycelle, qe ft apres la fefte de feint Michell, qe fer- ra en Ian noftre Seignur. Dieu M-CCCClxxv. per agarde rule ou jugement dafeuns de les ditz com- miffioners, accordaunt al avauntdit eft'atii-it le dit an primer du dit Roy Henry le quart fair affigriez, il foit trovee, qe afcuns tielx gorces, Fysfhgarthes, molyns, milledammes, eftankes de molyns, lokkes, hebbyngweres, eftakes, kydeux, hekkes, ou flode- yates, fount faitz, levez, enhauncez, eftreitz, ou enlarges, encountre mefme leftatuit, les offendours en celle partie, contrarie a l'avauntdit- agarde rule et jugement, duement perfcire facias a le v'ifcounE Ou'vifcountz dautiel countee ou countees, ou tielx gorces, fifhgarthez, molyns, milledarnmez, et au- tres anufaunces, ou empedimentz, ou deftour- baunces avaunt reherfes, ferrount trovez faitz, . euez, enhaunces, eftreites, et enlarges, dire£t, foi- ent duement garnife per le dit vifcount ou fouth- vifcount, et dedeinz trois mois profcheins apres le ditgarnifement fait a fes propres coftages et charges duement etpleynement namendent pas, ou ouftent, avoident, la dit faifure, lever, enhaunfer, eftrai- ture, ou enlargement, defectif come avaunt eft dit en le dit eftatuit en Ian primer fuifdit efpecifie; qe lors cefluy ou ceux en celle partie defettif forface ou forfacent a noftre Seignur le Roy pur chefcune default C. marcs, per tranfeript ent a deliverer ea le dit Efchcquer, en le fourme come en mefme leftatuit pluis pleynement eft ccntsignuz. Et ouftier ft le dit offendour, ou fon heir ou heirs, afligne ou afiignez, ou afcun de eux, face ou facent, differrer ou continuer mefme le default, contrarie as les agardz rule et jugement des Com- miffioners avauntditz ; qe celluy ou ceux enfi fai- fant, different, oucontinuant, le dit default, "for- face ou forfacent, pur chefcun mois apres les dites trois