Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/711

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A. D. 1589. Anno triccfimo primoRcginac Eliza 1: 1 tut, C 6. 661 'edged ; which being fri :d for the Defendant, < if the PI upon nonfuii in h ' or Suit, that then the Plaintiff fhall be barred in that Action or Inform tionj .uiy Law or I contrary notwithftanding. (trained to fuc by Order of fome Court. 2 Andrrf. 180. 3 Buld. 278. The County (hall be eaprelTcd where the OlTcnce was done. Cro. fcl. 64-, 7jt, Cro. Jac. 85, 178. Hob. 184, 151, 327. 1 I'mt. 8. 1 Salt. 370. III. Provided alway , That this A I, nor any Tl i contained, fhdl in any wife i . • r,. any fuch Officers of Record, as ha* in i peel ol their Offices here! Ily ufed to exhibit In ■ < formations, or Cue upon Penal Laws j (2) but that they and every of them may inform and purftie in that '■ J i » ,L '» Behalf, as they might have done before the mating of this Act; any Thing in ti i » Act to die contrary Mu in any wife notwithftanding. IV. And provided alio. That this Aft, nor any Thing herein contained, (hall extend to the laying or 1 alledging of any Offence in any Declaration or In brmation, foi or i m rning tny ( hamperty, Bu irjoi- of Titles 01 Extortion, (z) or any Offence committed or ti -i** foft Year of the Queen's Majefty s Reign, intituled, .,' if: i from beyond the Seas, and touching Cujloms of Jweet Wines (3) And one other .vet made in the faid , firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Art of a Subfirly oj ndage, orar c. ,o. in any of them contained ; (4) or for the concealing, or deli rtd 37 H. S. c g, SucccfTors, ofanyCuftom, Tonnage, Poundage, bubfidy, Impoft or Prizage ; (;) or for any 1M H.e.1. Offence comprifed in any Statute made or to be made againft cngroii.: the Penalty or Forfeiture fhall appear to be to the svery fuch Offence (hall or may be laid in any County at the Pleafure ol [. 2. corrupt Ufury ; (6) or for any Offence comprifed in any Statute made or to be made againft cngrofling, s ' regrating or foreftalling, where the Penalty or Forfeiture fhall appear to be to the Value of twenty *',"" Pounds or above ; (7) but that every fuch Offence (hall or may be laid in any County at the 1'lcafui - any fuch Informer; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Actions, Suits, Bills, Indictments WltMnwfM or Informations, which after twenty Days next after the End of this Seflion of Parliament (hall be had, T "" brought, fucd or exhibited, for any Forfeiture upon any Statute Penal made or to be reby the "t an £' Forfeitures is or fhall be limited to the Queen, her Heirs, or Succeflbrs only, fhall be had, brought, fucd l ^" ae i or exhibited within two Years next after the Offence committed or to be committed againft fuch Act zHmv'.P.C* Penal, and not after two Years : (2) And that all Actions, Suits, Bills or Informations which after the -:'■ faid twenty Days fhall be had, brought, fued or commenced for any Forfeiture upon any Penal Statute 4 Moi - "9> .made or to be made, except the Statute of Tillage, the B ! 1 id Suit whereof is or fhall be by the faid I 3 °" . fo Statute limited to the Queen, he"r Heirs or Succeflbrs, and to any other which fhall profecute in that '■' Behalf, fhall be had, brought, fued or commenced by any Perfon that may lawfully purfue for the fame as aforefaid, within one Year next after the Offence committed, or to be committed againft the faid Sta- tute ; (3) and in Default of fuch Purfuit, that then the fame (hall be had, fued, exhibited or brought for the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflbrs, at any Time within two Years after that Year ended. (4) And if any Action, Suit, Bill, Indictment or Information for any Offence againft any Penal Sta- tute made or to be made, except the Statute of Tillage, fhall be brought after the Time in that Behalf before limited, That then the fame fhall be void and of none Effect ; any Act or Statute made to the contrary notwithftanding. VI. Provided always, That where any Action, Information, Indictment or other Suit, is or fhall be Afllon-, ihfor- limited by any Statute Penal, to be had, fued, commenced or brought within fliorter Time than is nariom, tea afoic rehearfed ; That in every fuch Cafe, the Action, Information, Indictment or ether Suit fnall be Jj m,wd by-*"* brought within the Time limited by fuch Eftatute. foTS&i ■ fliorter Time. lLd.I. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That one Statute made in the feventhYear a Repeal of the of the Reign of the late King of famous Memory, King Hairy the Eighth, concerning the Time of Sti bringing Actions or Informations upon Penal Laws, fhall from and after twenty Days after the End of 7 H - s - c - 3- this Seflion of Parliament be utterly repealed; (2) and that all Suits from and after the faid twentv tc "'; h '" g,n,ot *' Days to be purfued upon any Statute, for ufing any unlawful Game, or for not ufing of any lawful" 11 Game, (3) or for not having Bows and Arrows according to the Law, (4) or for ufing any Art or Myltery in the which the Party hath not been brought up according to the Statute in that Behalf made, (5) fhull be fued and profecuted in the General Quarter-Semons of the Peace, or Affiles, of the fame 5 EI. c. 4. County where the Offence fhall be committed, or otherwife enquired of, heard and determined in the Zemin 6rTencs» Affifes, or General Quarter-Seflions of the Peace of the fame County where u. :h ( >i ence fhall be com- P un '°" b £ onl y mitted, or in the Leet within which it fhall happen, and not in any wife out of the fame County where Q,,aiter-Sefli- fuch Offence fhall happen or be committed. 18 El. c. 5. 27 El. c. 10. 21 Jac. 1. c. 4. inaLett: Raym. 154. z Mod. 246. Farther Provifom relating beretc, 4 Sf j TV, & if; c. lS. «i 9 Ar.-.. 1, aO> CAP. VI. An Aft againft Abufes in Ele&ion of Scholars, and Prelentation to Benefices. HERE AS by the Intent of the Founders of Colleges, Chi "iate, Churches Cathe- Elevens, p re - dral, Schools, Flofpitals, Halls and other like Societies within this Realm, and by the Statutes feneations, &c. ' and good Orders of the fame, the Elections, Prefentatlons and Nominations of Fellows, Scholars, "• Colleges, &c. ' Officers and other Perfons, to have Room or Place in the fame, are to be nad and made of the f.tteft ^""'"^Vi'n-eni .*' and moft meet Perfons, being_ capable of the fame Elections, Prcfcntations and Noiri 1a - aim,. ' wi '- :