Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/712

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662 C. 6. Anno tricefimo primo Reginae Elizabeths. A. D. r 5 89. § Inft. Tiii c without any Reward, Gift or Thing given or taken for the fame : And for true Performance whereof* 1 Roll ij7, c fome Electors, Prefentors and Nominators in the fame, have or fhou'd take a corporal Oath to make a Roll 8", 46-, ' their Elections, Prefentations and Nominations accordingly; yet notwithftanding it is feen and found ' by Experience, that the faid Elections, Prefentations and Nominations be many Times wrought and ' brought to pafs with Money, Gifts and Rewards, whereby the fitteft Perfons to be elected, prefented ' or nominated, wanting Money or Friends, are feldom or not at all preferred, contrary to the good ' Meaning of the faid Founders, and the faid good Statutes and Ordinances of the faid Colleges, ' Churches, Schools, Halls, Hofpitals and Societies, and to the great Prejudice of Learning, and the '..Commonwealth and Eftate of the Realm :' The Forfeiture 1L For Remedy whereof be it enacted by the Queen's mod Excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual of him who and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of uketh Reward the fame, That if any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, which have Election, Pre- e °eainK a °Fil™ f entat i° n or Nomination, or Voice, or Aflent in the Choice, Election, Prefentation or Nomination low. Scholar, of any Fellow, Scholar, or any other Perfon, to have Room or Place in any of the faid Churches, Col- ore, into a Co.1- leges, Schools, Hofpitals, Halls or Societies, fhall at any Time after forty Days next after the End of lege, &c. this prefent Seffion of Parliament, have, receive or take any Money, Fee, Reward or any other Profit, ^iMft^sf 2 ' directly or indirectly, or fhaJl take any Promife, Agreement, Covenant, Bond or other Affurance to Moor 877 ' s °' receive or have any Money, Fee, Reward or any other Profit, directly or indirectly, either to him or ri. 1231. ' themfelves, or to any other of their or any of their Friends, for his or their Voice or Voices, AfTent or Fm. K 19. 455, Affents, or Confents, in electing, chufing, prefenting or nominating any Officer, Fellow, Scholar, or &'• other Perfon, to have any Room or Place in any of the faid Churches, Colleges, Schools, Halls, ~^"tf'?' 6 C ' Hofpitals or Societies; that then and from thenceforth the Place, Room or Office which fuch Perfon fo Hob. 7c 3 , 9 i67. offending (hall then have in any the faid Churches, Colleges, Schools, Halls, Hofpitals or Societies, fhall iCro. 337. ' be void : (2) And that then, as well the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibrs, and every other March 84. Perfon and Perfons, their Heirs and Succefibrs, to whom the Prefentation, Donation, Gift, Election, or Difpofition fhall of Right belong or appertain of any fuch of the faid Rooms or Places of the faid Perfon offending as aforefaid, fhall or may at their Pleafure elect, prefent, nominate, place or appoint any other Perfon or Perfons in the Room, Office or Place of fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, as if the faid Per- fon or Perfons fo offending then were naturally dead. The Penalty for III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Fellow, Officer or Scholar of giving or taking any the faid Churches, Colleges, Schools, Halls, Hofpitals or Societies, or other Perfons having Room of Money for or p} ace j n an y f t j, e f am e, fhall at any Time hereafter, directly or indirectly take or receive, or by any in'aCcJlege ^ W a Y> Device or Means, contract or agree to have or receive any Money, Reward or Profit whatfoever, Society, Sec.' for the leaving or refigning up of the fame his Room or Place, for any other to be placed in the fame, Hob. J65. that then every Perfon To taking or contracting, or agreeing to take or have any Thing for the fame, fhall forfeit and lofe double the Sum of Money or Value of the Thing fo received and taken, or agreed to be received and taken; and every Perfon by whom or for whom any Money, Gift or Reward as aforefaid fhall be given or agreed to be paid, fhall be uncapable of that Place or Room for that Time or Turn; (3 ) and fhall not be, nor had nor taken to be, a lawful Fellow, Scholar or Officer of any of the Churches, Colleges, Halls, Hofpitals, Schools or Societies, or to have fuch Room or Place there; (4) but that they to whom it fhall appertain, at any Time thereafter, fhall and may elect, chufe, prefent and nominate any other Perfon fit to be elected, prefented and nominated into the faid Room or Fellowfhip, as if the faid Perfon by or for whom any fuch Money, Gift or Reward fhall be given or agreed to be paid, were dead, or had refismed .and left the fame. (5) And for more fincere Election, Choice, Prefentation and Nomi- nation of bellows, Scholars, Officers and other Perfons, to have Room or Place hereafter in any of the iaid Churches, Colleges, Halls, Schools, Hofpitals, and other the like Societies; At every Etc- IV. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at the Time of every fuch Election, Pre- tion this Statute, f en ta(:ion and Nomination hereafter to be had, as well this prefent Act as the Orders and Statutes of the and the Statutes <- ame p] aces concerning fuch Election, Prefentation or Nomination to be had, fhall then and there be ftall'be iracf. publickly read, upon Pain that every Perfon in whom Default thereof fhall be fhall forfeit and lofe the Who fhall have Sum of forty Pounds; (2) -all which Forfeitures fhall and may be had and recovered in any her Majefty's the Forfeitures, Courts of Record by any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, that will fue for the fame, and by what by p,;]!, Pl a; n t or Action of Debt, in which no Eflbin, Proteeticsn or Wager of Law fhall be allowed : The one Moiety whereof fhall be to him or them that will fue for the fame; the other Moiety to the Ufe of the faid Church, College, Hall, Hofpital, School or Society where fuch Offence fhali be committed. (3 ) And for the Avoiding of Simony and Corruption in Prefentations, Collations and Donations of and to Benefices, Dignities, Prebends, and other Livings and Promotions Ecclefiaftical, and in Admiffions, Inftitutions and Inductions to the fame : The Penalty for V. Be it farther enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick and pieienting to a Corporate, fhall or do at any Time after the End of forty Days next after the End of this Seffion of Par- Benefice, or for Hament, for any Sum of Money, Reward, Gift, Profit or Benefit, directly or indirectly, or for or foi"l!ew rf ^ Reafon of any Promife, Agreement, Grant, Bond, Covenant, or other Aflurances, of or for any CofceEntr.'sio, ^ um °f Money, Reward, Gift, Profit or Benefit whatfoever, directly or indirectly, prefent or col- ' late any Perfon to any Benefice with Cure of Souls, Dignity, Prebend or Living Ecclefiaftical, or give cr beftow the fame, for or in Refpect of any fuch corrupt Caufe or Confideration; That then every fuch Prefentation, Collation, Gift and Beftowing, and every Admiffion, Inftitution, Inveftiture and Induction Let. 337. thereupon, fhall be utterly void, fruftrate and of none effect in Law, (z) And that it fhall and may be 5 ' lawful to and for the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibrs, to prefent, collate unto, or give or be- ftow