Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/717

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A. D. 1589. Annotriccfimo primo RegUlGE El 1 . C. 10. IV. And be it further enacted and eftablifhed by the Authority srorefaid, I ■ Writs of Proclamation hereafter to be directed to any Bifhop i I County Palatine, be delivered unto any ol the faid Bifhops for the Tii of the Paid Bifhoprick to the Chancellor of the faid County Palatine 1 their Deputy or Deputies, in Manner and Form aforefaid 5 the fame Bifhop foi thi 1 during the vacation ol the faid Bifhoprick the faid Chancellor of die 1 lid County P ' being, do not make true Return of every fuch Writ and Writs filch Court and Courts out of which the writ or Writs of Proclamation (hall be . fuch Default of Non-return, every fuch Bifliop for the Time being, and during the V See the faid Chanoellot for the Time being, fo failing to make due Return, (hall I Pounds; (3) the one Half whereof (hall be to the Queen, her Heir, and Su thereof to any fuch Perfon or Perfons as will fue for the l.une, in an Action of Debt I this Act, in any of the Queen's Courts of Record, wherein no Eflbin, Protection or V . be allowed or admitted. . V. Provided always. That this ASt, or any Thing herein contained, (hall not in any wife extend, ' >■ f<* be prejudicial to any Bifhop of the faid Bi/hoprick of Durham, tor or concerning fuch Libert chiles or Privileges as belong to the fame Bifhop's Bifhoprick or See, or to any Minifti the fame Bifhoprick or County Palatine, oth< 1 v. ife or in any other Manner than by the I g of this Act is before provided or declared; any Thing in this Act mentioned to contrary notwithft; . VI. Provided alio, That if any Perfon or Perfons dwelling within the faid Bifhoprit k or County rala- To «bw tine, after the aforefaid firft Day of April, (hall be outlawed in any fuch Suit or Action as i afbrefai 1; that "":' then all Writs of fpecial Capias Utlaqatnm, fingle Capias Utlagatvm, Nan maleflandum, and all eels, for or againft any Perfon or Perfons fo outlawed, fhafl and may from henceforth be directed I: Time to Time to the Bifhop of the faid Bifhoprick and County Palatine for the Time being, and du- ring the Vacation of the faid See to the Chancellor there for the Time being, who (hall mal e like V. and Procefs thereupon, and of like Effect, fealed with the Seal of their "laid Offi" llrefted to the Sheriff of the laid County Palatine for the Time being, as heretofore hath been ufed and accuilomed (O fuch Cafes. VII. Provided alway, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon any Writ of°" Proclamation to be awarded by Virtue of this Act, and the Mandate thereupon to be made to the Sheriff, J!"" bc " kc * and the Execution thereof, there fhall be but one only Fee taken, received or demanded for die fame by the faid Bifhop, Chancellor, and Sheriff of the laid County Palatine for the Time being. , ^ 1 • c j^dEircw. lion, CAP. X. An Aft for the Continuance and Perfecting of divers Statutes. ' "T[7HE R E AS in the ^ rft Seffion of Parliament begun in the City of London the third Day of

  • W vernier in the one and twentieth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Eord ol -. uf
  • ry, King Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned and prorogued to the Palace oiWeJlmiri er, an

' Act or Statute was made, intituled, An Aft for the true making of Cables, Halfers and Rope^ ' II. And where in the Parliament holden' upon Prorogation at Weflminfler th ll l^ III A l-cll *_»! Lll- ±.i_li'll Ul L1IL- ItllU IVlilg, *-»il»- l^CiZW 1 Ll. - KWJ t».-i. .«■*. k»v* w ... i jainft killing of young Be'qjls, called Weanlings? 'in" the Seffion of a Parliament ended ztTVeJlniittfler the firft Day of February in thr r Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth, one Act was made Con-3* 4 • i c„n: c r> »»!,„.. t>„„/t.. i r^„tti„ .» lpon Prorogation at Weflminjler the fourth Day of Ftbruar in the four and twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid King, one other Act was then and there made, =4 "• " intituled, An Ail againft killing of young Bea/ls, called Weanling ' III. And where fourth Year of the Reign of our late Sov< ccrning the Buying and Selling of Rother Beafts and Cattle l ' IV. And alfo one other Act was then and there likewife made, intituled, An Act for iheBusing andSel- v, /!u3 i'. ling of Butter and Cheefe.' . J„ ' V. And where alfo in the Parliament begun at Wejlminjler the three and twentieth Day of January in y ^ ' the firft Year of the Reign of the Queen's Majefty that now is, and there continued by Prorogation un- , V y^ r til the Diffolution thereof, one Act was then and there made, intituled, An Aci for the Prefirvation of Spawn and Fry of Fiji).' ' VI. And where alfo in the firft Seffion of Parliament holden at Wejlminjler the twelfth Day of fanu- H»fbtni<j, cry in the fifth Year of her Highhefs Reign, one Act was then and there made, intituled, An A3 for $Hn Maintenance and Increaje of Tillage :'

  • led, An Aa for Bowsers, ....

' IX. And where alfo in the Parliament begun and holden at Weflminjler the fecojid Day of April lnLoBa, 1 the thirteenth Year of her Majefty 's Reign, there was one Act and Statute made tor the Avoiding ol '5 «» c -'• 4 fome Leafes in certain Cafes to be made of Ecclefiaftical Promotions with Cure, intituled. An Act

  • touching Leafes of Benefices, and other Ecclefia llical Livings with Cure.' , . .

' X. And where alfo there was one other Act and Statute made in the faid Parliament begun and hoi- P^yer..

  • den at Wejlminjler the fecond Day of April va. the faid thirteenth Year, intituled, An Ail that FuroeyWi »3«*«-

■* may take Grain, Corn or Fifluals within five Aides of Cambridge and Oxford in certain Cafes. 4 Q_2