Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/718

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Wury, 13 Eliz. c. S. 14 Eliz, c. )] 668 C. 1 1 . Anno tricefimo primo Reginse Elizabeths. A. D; 1 5 8 9, ' XI. And alfo one other Act was then and there made, intituled, An Acl agalnjl Vfury.' 1 XII. And where in the Parliament holden at Weftminfler the eighth Day of May in the fourteenth Ye. r of her Highnefs Reign, there was one other Act made, intituled, An Ail for the Continuation, Ex- planation, Perfecting and Enlarging of divers Statutes ; in which Statute are contained divers Branches, Claufes and Provifions touching and concerning the Explanation, Perfecting and Enlarging of divers of the Statutes before mentioned.' Poor, ' XIII. And where alfo in the firft Seffion of the Parliament begun and holden at Weftminfler 'the eight 14EI1Z.C.5. « D a y of May in the fourteenth Year of the Queen's Hignefs Reign that now is, and from thence conti- Poor, jS Eliz. c. 3. Continuance, a 7 Eliz, c. j 1 Enxjueft, Sj Eliz, c. 7. Fr.inchife, 27 Eliz, not printed. The before re- hearfed 17 Sta- tutes ihall con- tinue until the End of the next Parliament. EXP. Fifii, 5 Eliz. c. 5. ao Eliz, jefty's Reign, there was one other Act made, intituled, An Ail for the fetting of the Poor an IVork^ and for the Avoiding of Idlenefs.' ' XV. And where in the Parliament holden at Wejlminjler the three and twentieth Day of November in the feven and twentieth Year of her Majefty's Reign, one other Act was made for the Reviving, Con- tinuance, Explanation and Perfecting of divers Statutes, in which are contained divers Branches, Pro- vifions and Claufes touching and concerning certain Additions and Alterations, unto and of divers of the faid former recited Statutes, and other new Provifions.' ' XVI. And where in the faid Parliament holden at Weftrninjier the three and twentieth Day of No- vember in the feven and twentieth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, there was an Act made for the Levying of IiTues loft by Jurors.' ' XVII. And whereas alfo in the Parliament holden at Weflminfter the three and twentieth Day of No~ vember in the feven and twentieth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, there was one other Act made, intituled. An Acl' for the good Government of the City or Borough of Weftminfter.* ' XVIII. Forafmuch as the Branches, Claufes and Provifions, contained and fpecified in the faid two Acts of Continuance, made in the fourteenth and feven and twentieth Years of her Majefty's Reign, in Addition, Alteration, Explanation, Perfecting and Enlarging of divers of the faid Statutes, and other Statutes, and all the Refidue of the faid recited Acts, do feem good and beneficial to the Weai and Profit of this Realm;' (2) Be it enacted, That the faid Branches, Claufes and Provifions of the faid two A<3s of Continuance, and all the Refidue of the faid recited Statutes and Acts and every of them, and all and every Article, Claufe and Sentence in them and every of them contained, fhall be continued and endure in full Force and Effect until the End of the next Parliament nextenfuing. ' XIX. And where alfo in the firft Seffion of Parliament holden at Weftminfter the twelfth Day of Ja- c nuary in the faid fifth Year of her Majefty's Reign, one Act was then and there made, intituled, An An ' touching certain politick Conftitutions made for the Mahrtenance of the Navy •' (z) Be it further enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That fo much only of the faid laft mentioned Act, as at this prefent ftandeth in Force, and not heretofore at any Time repealed, fhall continue and endure in full Force and Effect, unto the End of the next Parliament next enfuing. ' XX. Where in the Parliament now laft paft holden at Weftminfter, an Act was then made, intituled, An Acl for the Continuance and Perfecting of divers Statutes; in the End of which Act one Provifo is contained in thefe "Words following, viz. Provided always, That whereas divers her Majefty's loving Subjects dwelling in the remote Places of this Realm are many Times malicioufly troubled upon Infor- mations and Suits, exhibited in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, upon Penal Statutes, and are drawn up upon Procefs out of the Countries where they dwell, and driven to attend and put in Bail, to their great Troubles and Undoings : (2) For Reformation whereof, Be it enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall be fued or informed againft, upon any Penal Law, in any the faid Courts of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, or Exchequer, where fuch Perfon or Perfons are bail- able by Law, cr where by the Law or Favour of the Court fuch Perfon or Perfons may appear by At- torneys that in all and every fuch Cafe, the Perfon or Perfons fo to be impleaded or fued, fhould and might at the Day and Time contained in the firft Procefs ferved for his Appearance, appear by Attor- ney of the fame Court where the Procefs is returnable, to anfwer and defend the fame, and not to be urged to perfonal Appearance, or to put in Bail for the anfwering of fuch Suit ; any former Law, Cu- ftorr. or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding ;' (3) Be it now enacted by the Authority of this pre- hear- *" ent Parliament, That the fame Branch of the faid Act fhall extend, and fhall be interpreted, expounded ing by Attorney a ' na ' underftood to extend, only to the natural Subjects born or to be born within the Dominions of the in Suits upon Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, and to Perfons made free Denizens, and to no others ; any Penal Laws, Thing therein contained to the contary in any wife notwithftanding. ihall extend only 3 J to natural born Subjects or Free CAP. XI. Denizens. An Aft of Explanation or Declaration of the Statute of oSlavo Regis H. 6. concerning Forci- ble Entries, the Indictments thereupon found. The Statute of 29 Eliz. c. 5. S H. 6. c. g. 'HEREAS there is one good Act made and eftablifhed in the eighth Year of the Reign pf King Henry the Sixth, againft fuch Perfons as fhould make Forcible Entry into Lands, 1 enements ' and other Poffefllons, or them fhould Forcibly hold ; and ojie very good Provifo or Claufe, in the faid

  • Act contained, as enfueth ;'

« II. Providel