Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/720

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670 C. 13 — 16. Anno tricefimo primo Reginae Elizabeths. A. D. 1589. Price or Value that fliall be bona fide taken or had for any. fuch Horfe, Marc, Gelding, Colt or Filly fo fold, given, exchanged or put away, fo far as he can understand the fame, (6) and then give to the Par- ty fo buying or taking by Gift, Exchange or otherwife, fuch Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly, re- quiring and paying two Pence for the fame, a true and perfect Note in Writing of all the full Contents of the fame, fubferibed with his Hand; (7) on Pain that every Perfon that fo fliall fell, give, exchange or put away any Horfe, Marc, Gelding, Colt or Filly, without being known to the Toll-taker or other Officer aforefaid, or without bringing fuch a Voucher or Witnefs, caufing the fame to be entred as afore- faid, and every Perfon making any untrue Teftimony or Avouchment in the Behalf aforefaid, and every Toll-taker, Book-keeper or other Officer of Fair or Market aforefaid, offending in the Premiifes contrary to the true Meaning aforefaid, fliall forfeit for every fuch Default the Sum of five Pounds ; (8) but alfo that every Sale, Gift, Exchange or other putting away of any Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt, Filly, in Fair or Market, not ufed in all Points according to the true Meaning aforefaid, fhall be void ; (9) the one Half of all which Forfeitures to be to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Half to him or them that will fue for the fame before the Juftices of Peace, or in any of her Majefty's or- dinary Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt or Information ; in which no Effoin or Pro- tection fhall be allowed. The Juflicts of IJJ. And be it further enacted, That the Juftices of Peace of every Place and County, as well within ^Ta may ■ M * r Liberties as without, fliall have Authority in their Scfiions, within the Limits of their Authority and the Offenses Commiffion, to enquire, hear and determine all Offences againft, this Statute, as they may do any other A Note in Wri- ting fliall be given to the Buyer. The Penally of the Perfon of- fending in any of the Cafes aforefaid. I Lutw. 197. Every Sale otherwife made {hall be void. ^forgfaid, Matter triable before them. IV. And be it further enacted, That if any Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly, after twenty Days next enfuing the End of this Seffion of Parliament, fliall be ftoln, and after fliall be fold in open Fair or Market, and the fame Sale fhall be ufed in all Points and Circumftances as aforefaid, that yet neverthe- lefs the Sale of any fuch Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly, within fix Months next after the Felony done, fhall not take away the Property of the Owner from whom the fame was ftolen, fo as Claim be made within fix Months by the Party from whom the fame was ftoln, or by his Executors or Admini- strators, or by any other by any of their Appointment, at or in the Town or Parifh where the fame Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly fliall be found, before the Mayor or other Head Officer of the fame Town or Parifh, if the fame Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly fliall happen to be found in any Town Corporate or Market-town, or elfe before any Juftice of Peace of that County near to the Place where fuch Horfe, Mare,. Gelding, Colt or Filly fhall be found, if it be out of a Town Corporate or Market-town; (2) and fo as Proof be made within forty Days then next enfuing by two fufficient Wit- neffes, to be produced and depofed before fuch Head Officer or Juftice, (who by Virtue of this Act fliall have Authority to minifter an Oath in that Behalf) that the Property of the fame Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly fo claimed, was in the Party, by or from whom fuch Claim is made, and was ftolen from him within fix Months next before fuch Claim of any fuch Horfe, Gelding, Mare, Colt or Filly; (3) but that the Party from whom the faid Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly was ftoln, his Executors or Adminiftrators fliall and may at all Times after, notwithstanding any fuch Sale or Sales in any Fair or open Market thereof made, have Property and Power to have, take again and enjoy the faid Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly, upon Payment or Readinefs, or Offer to pay, to the Party that fhall have the 1 him with- Poffeffion and Intereft of the fame Horfe, Mare, Gelding, Colt or Filly, if he will receive and accept it, n flx Months fo much Money as the fame Party fhall depofe and fwear before fuch Head Officer or Juftice of Peace (who by Virtue of this Act fhall have Authority to minifter and give an Oath in that Behalf) that he paid for the fame bona fide, without Fraud or Collufion ; any Law, Statute or other Thing to the con- trary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That after twenty Days after the End of this Horfe-ffeakr Seffion of Parliament, not only all Acceffaries before fuch Felony done, but alfo all Acceffaries after fuch fliall not have his Felony, fhall be deprived, and put from all Benefit of their Clergy, as the Principal by Statute heretofore Clergy. made is or ought to be. iE. 6. c. 12. ° jl& 3 E. 6. c. 33. Further Provijions rcfpecling Hcrfes, ii Jae. i.e. 28. /. 12. 13 Get. 2. c. 19. and 18 Geo. 2. c. 34./. 11. CAP. XIII. The Statute of 23 Eliz. c. 6. touching the Repair of Dover Haven, fliall be revived and continued for le- vel} Years. Every Cuftomer and Officer fliall be anfwerable for the wilful Default and Neglect of his Deputy, fo far as by the fame Statute he was for own. EXP. 35 Eliz, c. 7. 43 Eliz. c. 9. 1 Jac. 1. c. 3.2. CAP. XIV. A Confirmation of two Subfidies of fix Shillings in the Pound, granted to the Queen by the Ciergy, to be paid yearly by two Shillings in the Pound. EXP. CAP. XV, 4 Confirmation of fcwp Subfidies and four Fifteenths granted to the Queen by the Temporal ty. EXP, The Owner may redeem a Horfe ftolen after, paying the Price. Kelyng48. An Acceffary to Dover Haven. SihfiJics, Pardcz), CAP. XVI. A Confirmation by Parliament of the Queen's General and Free Pardon, EXP. Anno