Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/721

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Uivinc service, or to receive trie Communion according to her iVlajclty s Laws and statutes atorcla to come to or be prefent at any unlawful Affcmblies, Conventicles or Meetings, under Colour 01 tence of any Exercife of Religion, contrary to her Majefty's faid Laws and Statutes : (4) Or if any fon or Perfons which fhall obltinately refute to repair to fome Church, Chapel or ufual Place of Cor A. D. 1593. Anno tricefimo quinto Regina El JZABBl n.r. C. i. 671 Anno tricefimo quinto Reginse Eli z abl r hm. ' AT the Parliament begun and holden ai Wtflminfltr the nineteenth Day of February in the five ' / thirteenth Year of the Reign of our mod n Lady Elizabeth, by tl ' of England, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of die Faith. • Diflojution thereof, being the tenth" ol o the high Pleafurc ' publick of this Realm, were enacted as followeth. C A P. I. An A<5t to retain the Queen's Majefty's Subjects in their due Obedience. 1 T7 0R the preventing and avoiding of fuch great Inconveniencies and Perils as might happen ;.nd p on :*---- • ' A. grow by the wicked and dangerous Practices of feditious Sectaries and difloyal PerfoiU ;' I B il I enacted by the Queen's molt excellent .Ylajeffy, and by the Lords Spiritual an i I mons, in this prefent Parliament alVemblcd, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any P rr s c, ° Perfons above the Age of fixtecn Years, which fhall obltinately refill ! to repair to fome Church, Chapel or ufual Place of Common Prayer, to hear Divine Service cftablifhcd by her Majefty's Laws and Statutt otk • in that Behalf made, and fhall forbear to do the fame by the Space or a Month next after, without any pop the) lawful Caufe, fhall at any Time after forty Days next after the End of this Seffion of Parliament, by Printing, Writing, or cxprefs Words or Speeches, advifedly or purpofely practifc or go about to move jj*j or perfwade any of her Majefty's Subjects, or any other within her Highneis Realms or Dominions, to ,1 deny, withlland and impugn her Majclly's Power and Authority in Cafes Ecclefiaftical, united and an- »sj ncxed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm ; (3) or to that End or Purpofe (hall advifedly and malici- oufly move or perfwade any other Pcrfon whatfoever to forbear or abftain from coming to Church to hear Divine Service, or to receive the Communion according to her Majefty's Laws and Statutes aforefaid, or 1 //../.'.• r.C. or Pre- 6SS. ■ y Per- Ai-cm) b r Common 1 W. *M. Prayer, and fla.ll forbear by the Space of a Month to hear Divine Service, as is aforefaid, fhall after the Sc,r - ,,c ' ,s> faid forty Days, either of him or thcmfelvcs, or by the Motion, Perfwafion, Enticement or Allurement of any other, willingly join in, or be prefent at, any fuch Affcmblics, Conventicles or Meetings, under Colour or Pretence of any fuch Exercife of Religion, contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, as is aforefaid ; (5) That then every fuch Perfon fo offending r.s aforefaid, and being thereof lawfully ThePeiiltjr for convicted, fhall be committed to Prifon, there to remain without Bail or Mainprife, until they (hall con- ~i form and yield themfelves to come to fome Church, Chapel or ufual Place of Common Prayer, and h.-ar ve ^ c |j, r^Re. Divine Service, according to her Majefty's Laws and Statutes aforefaid, and to make fuch open Submif- ligion. lion and Declaration of their faid Conformity, as hereafter in this Act is declared and appointed. II. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any fuch Pcrfon An offender not or Perfons, which fhall offend againft this Act as aforefaid, fhall not within three Months next after they conform fhall be convicted of their faid offence, conform themfelves to the Obedience of the Laws and Statutes of '-'■' this Realm, in coming to the Church to hear to Divine Service, and in making fuch publick Confeflion '•^' • and Submiflion, as hereafter in this Act is appointed and expreiled, being thereunto required by the 1!:- fhop of the Diocefe, or any Juftice of the Peace of the Count-; where the lame Perfon (hall happen to be, or by the Minifter or Curate of the Parilh ; that in every fuch Cafe every fuch Offender, being thereunto warned or required by any Jiritice of the Peace of the fame County where fuch Offender fhall then be, fhall upon his and their corporal Oath before the Juftices of the Peace in the open Quarter- Seffions of the fame County, or at the Affizes and Gaol-delivery of the fame County, before the Juftices of the lame Affizes and Gaol-delivery, abjure this Realm of England, and all other the Queen's Majefty's D01 for ever, unlefs her Majefty lhall licence the Party to return ; (2) and thereupon fhall depart out of this Realm at fuch Haven or Port, and within fuch Time, as fhall in that Behalf be affigned and appi ihited by the faid Juftices before whom fuch Abjuration fnall be made, unlefs the fame Offender be letted or ftayed by fuch lawful and rcafonable Means or Caufes, as by the Common Laws of this Realm are permitted and allowed in Cafes of Abjuration for Felony ; and in fuch Cafes of Let or Stay, then within fuch reaton and convenient Time after, as the Common Law requireth in Cafe of Abjuration for Felony, as is afo faid : (3) And that the Juftices of Peace before whom any fuch Abjuration fhall happen to be mad aforefaid, fhall caufe the fame prefently to be entred of Record before them, and fhall certify the lame to the Juftices of Affizes and Gaol-delivery of the faid County, at the next Affizes or Gaol-delivery to be holden in the fame County. III. And if any fuch Offender, which by the Tenor and Intent of this Act is to be abjured as i faid, fliall refufe to make fuch Abjuration as is aforefaid, or after fuch Abjuration made, fhall not go to ro: retufmgro i'uch Haven, and within fuch Time as is before appointed, and from thence depart out of this Realm, ac cording to this prefent Act, or after fuch his Departure fhall return or come again into any her Majefty's J Realms or Dominions, without her Majefty's fpecial Licence in that Behalf nrft had and obtained ; that [ then in every fuch Cafe the Pcrfon fo offending fhall be adjudged a Felon, and fliall fufter as in Cafe ol Felony, without Eenefit of Clergy, 1 , A::t