Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/722

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672 C.i. Anno tricefimo quinto Reginas Elizabeths. A. D. 1593. AnOffender fhall be discharged upon his open Suhmi/Tion. Latch 1 6. IV. And furthermore be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That if any Perfon or' Perfons that mall at any Time hereafter offend againft this Aft, fhall before he or they be fo warned or required to make Abjuration according to the Tenor of this Aft, repair to fome Parifh Church on fome Sunday or other Feftival Day, and then and there hear Divine Service, and at Service-time, before the Sermon, or reading of the Gofpel, make publick and open Submiffion and Declaration of his and their Conformity to her Majefty's Laws and Statutes, as hereafter in this Aft is declared and appointed ; that then the fame Offender fhall thereupon be clearly difcharged of and from all and every the Penalties anil Punifhments inflifted or impofed by this Aft for any of the Offences aforefaid. The fame Submiffion to be made as hereafter followeth ; that is to fay, The Form of the V. I A. B. do humbly confefs and acknowledge, That I have grievoufly offended God in contemning bubmiflion. ner Majefty's godly and lawful Government and Authority, by abfenting my felf from Church, and from hearing Divine Service, contrary to the godly Laws and Statutes of this Realm, and in ufmg and frequen- ting difordered and unlawful Conventicles and Affemblies, under Pretence and Colour of Exercife of Re- ligion : (z) And I am heartily forry for the fame, and do acknowledge and teftify in my Confcience, That no other Perfon hath or ought to have any Power or Authority over her Majefty: (3) And I do pro- mife and proteft, without any Diffimulation, or any Colour or Means of any Difpenfation, That from henceforth I will from Time to Time obey and perform her Majefty's Laws and Statutes, in repairino- to the Church and hearing Divine Service, and do my uttermoft endeavour to maintain and defend the fame. VI. And that every Minifter or Curate of every Parifh where fuch Submiffion and Declaration of Con- formity fhall hereafter be fo made by any fuch Offender as aforefaid, mail prefently enter the fame into a Book to be kept in every Parifh for that Purpofe, and within ten Days next following fhall certify the fame in Writing to the Bifhop of the fame Diocefe. VII. Provided neverthelefs, That if any fuch Offender, after fuch Submiffion made as is aforefaid, fhall afterwards fall into Relapfe, or eftfoons obftinately refufe to repair to fome Church, Chapel or ufual Place of Common Prayer, to hear Divine Service, and fhall forbear the fame as aforefaid, or fhall come or be prefent at any fuch Affemblies, Conventicles or Meetings, under Colour or Pretence of any Exercife of Religion, contrary to her Majefty's Laws and Statutes ; that then every fuch Offender fhall lofe all fuch Benefit as he or fhe might otherwife by Virtue of this Aft have or enjoy by reafon of their faid Submiffion, and fhall thereupon ftand and remain in fuch Plight, Condition and Degree, to all Intents as though fuch Submiffion had never been made. ' VIII. And for that every Perfon having Houfe and Family, is in Duty bound to have fpecial Regard ' to the good Government and Ordering of the fame ;' Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons mall at any Time hereafter relieve, maintain, retain or keep in his or their Houfe or otherwife, any Perfon which fhall obftinately refufe to come to fome Church, Chapel or ufual Place or Common Prayer, to hear Divine Service, and fhall forbear the fame by the Space of a Month together, contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm ; That then every Perfon which fhall fo relieve, main- %• 3 1 - and °' her tain, retain or keep any fuch Perfon offending as aforefaid, after Notice thereof to him or them given by a " the Ordinary of the Diocefe, any Juftice of Affixes of the Circuit, or any Juftice of Peace of the Coun- ty, or th« Minifter, Curate or Church-wardens of the Parifh where fuch Perfon fhall then be, or by any of them, fhall forfeit to the Queen's Majefty for every Perfon fo relieved, maintained, retained or kept, after fuch Notice as aforefaid, ten Pounds for every Month that he or they (hall fo relieve, maintain, re- tain or keep any fuch Perfon fo offending. IX. Provided neverthelefs, That this Aft fhall not in any wife extend to punifh or impeach any Per- fon or Perfons for relieving, maintaining or keeping his or their Wife, Father, Mother, Child or Chil- dren, Wards, Brother or Sifter, or his Wife's Father or Mother, not having any certain Place of Habi- tation of their own, or the Hufbands or Wives of any of them ; or for relieving, maintaining or keeping any fuch Perfon as fhall be committed by Authority to the Cuftody of any by whom theyfhall be fo relieved, maintained or kept ; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithftanding. X. And for the more fpeedy Levying and Recovering, for and by the Queen's Majefty, of all and fin- gular the Pains, Duties, Forfeitures and Payments which at any Time hereafter fhall accrue, grow or be %7[ ¥ °mzTi' P a P ble b Y Virtue of this Aft, or of the Statute made in the three and twentieth Year of her Majefty's (Jro^Jac.ASi'. 1 ' R e .'8 n concerning Recufants ; (2) be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the faid ' * Pains, Duties, Forfeitures and Payments, fhall and may be recovered and levied to her Majefty's Ufe, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwife, in any of the Courts commonly called the King's Bench, Common Pleas or Exchequer, in fuch Sort, and in all Refpefts, as by the ordinary Courfe of the Common Laws of this Realm any other debt due by any fuch Perfon in any other Cafe fhould or may be recovered or levied, wherein no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fhalj be admitted or allowed. In what Manner XI. Provided always, That the third Part of the Penalties to be had or received by Virtue of this Aft, one I'art of the fhall be employed and beftowed to fuch good and charitable Ufes, and in fuch Manner and Form, as is limited and appointed in the Statute made in the twenty-eighth Year of her Majefty's Reign touching Re- cufants. 11 Co. 57. XII. Provided alio, That no Popifh Recufant, or Feme Covert, fhall be compelled or bound to abjure by Virtue of this Aft. XIII. Provided alfo, That every Perfon that fhall abjure by Force of this Aft, or refufe to abjure, be- ing thereunto required as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and lofe to her Majefty all his Goods and Chattels for juret). orr^fuieth ever ; (2) and fhall further lofe all his Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, for and during the Life fp ab J ur ? 3 ' only The Minifter (hall enter the Submiffion in a Book. The Offender fubmittingj fal- leih info a Re- lapfe. TheTorfeiture for the keeping a Recufant in one's Houfe af- ter Notice. Repealed by 3 Jac. 1. c.4. Provifions rela, ting hereto, S-3 2 - -What Sort of Recufants may be kept, &c. repealed ,by 3 Jac. 1.. c.4. §• 31- The Queen's Remedy to re- penalfies mall be imployed. 89 EHz, c. 6. Popifh Recu- fants. Feme Covert. 7"he Forfeiture of him who nb-