Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/723

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A. D. 1593. Anno tricefimo quift to Reginae Elizabeth*. C. 2. 673 only of fuch Offender, and no longer j (i) And thai the Wife of any Offender, by I Iball not lofe her Dower : Nor dun any Corruption oi Blood (hall grow or be by R mentioned in this Adl ; bul that the Heir oi every fuch Offender, by 1 a/ter the Death pi every Offender, have and enjoy the Land , I fender, as if this A& had not been made: (4) And this . the next Seffion of Parliament. [Continued . i.e. 1. a to fo much of 11 pealed by any other Statute, and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4. J 3 Jar. i . ;. 4 'J 5. 7 'Ji;. i.<.C. • r. . , C A P. II. An Aft for Retraining Popifii Recufanti to fomc certain Places cf Abo . ' Dominions, and hiding their moft deteflable and devilifh Purpoi text of P. :nd WhtrtiRn ' Confcience, do fecretly wander and fhifc from Place to Place within this Realm, 10 com ' her Majefty's Subjects, and to ftir them to Sedition and Rebellion:' II. Be it ordained and enacted by our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, and the Lords Spiritual "?: and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflcmbled, and by the Authority oi" tl lame. That every Perfon above the age of lixteen Years, born within any of the Queen's M Kns and Dominions, or made Denizen, being a Ropifh Recufant, and before the End oi thi ment convicted for not repairing to fome Church, Chapel or or ufual Place of Common Prayer, to hear Divine Service there, hut forbearing the fame, contrary to the Tenor of the Laws and Statu - . fore made ami provided in that Behalf, and having any a rtain Place of Dwelling and Abode within this Realm, (hall within forty Days next after the Lnd of this Scflion of Parliament (if they be within this Realm, and not re-drained or flayed either by Imprifonment, or by her Majefty's Comm by Order and Direction of fome Six or more of the Privy Council, or by fuch Sicknefs and Infi as they {hall not be able to travel without imminent Danger of Life, and in fuch Cafes of Abfence out of the Realm, Reftraint or Stay, then within twenty Days next after they fhall return into the Realm, and be .enlarged of fuch Imprifonment or Reftraint, and fhall be able to travel) repair to their Place of Dwel- ling where they ufually heretofore made their common Abode, and fhall not at any Time after pals or re- move above five Miles from thence. III. And alfo that every Perfon being above the Age of fixteen Years, born within any Her Majefty's Re«6ntnhat Realms or Dominions, or made Denizen, and having, or which hereafter fhall have, any certain Place**" ** con ; of Dwelling and Abode within this Realm, which being then a Popifh Recufant, fhall at any Time here- »^f a he ^" fiw after be lawfully convicted for not repairing to fome Church, Chapel or ufual Place of Common Prayer,;',.. to hear Divine Service there, but forbearing the fame contrary to the faid Laws and Statutes, and being Dwe within this Realm at the Time that they fhall be convicted, ihall within forty Days next after the fame Conviction (if they be not reftrained or flayed by Imprifonment or otherwife, as is aforefaid, and in fuch Cafes of Reftraint and Stay, then within twenty Days next after they fhall be enlarged of fuch Imprifon- ment or Reftraint, and fhall be able to travel) repair to their Place of ufual Dwelling and Abode, and ihall not at any Time after pafs or remove above five Miles from thence ; (2) upon Pain that every Perfon and The P Pcrfons that fhall offend againft the Tenor and Intent of this Act in any Thing before-mentioned, fhall "> OrtcoJcr. lofc and forfeit all his and their Goods and Chattels, and fhall alfo lofe and forfeit to the Queen's Majefty al! the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and all the Rents and Annuities ot every fuch Perfon io doing or offending, during the Life of the fame Offender. IV. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon ahpve the Age of fixteen Whit 1 Boa. Years, born within any her Majefty's Realms or Dominions, not having any certain Place of Dwelling Tut dull da and Abode within this Realm, and being a Popiih Recufant, not ufually repairing to fome Church, jJj M ha ' l '>° Chapel or ufual Place of Common Prayer, but forbearing the fame contrary to the fame Laws and Sta- iceo Abod, «  lutes in that Behalf made, fhall within forty Days next after the End of this Seffion of Parliament (if they be then within this Realm, and not imprifoned, reftrained or flayed as aforefaid, and in fuch Cafe of Abfence out of the Realm, Imprifonment, Reftraint or Stay, then within twenty Days next after they fhall return into the Realm, and be enlarged of fuch Imprifonment or Reftraint, and fhall be able to tra- vel) repair to the Place where fuch Perfon was born, or where the Father cr Mother of fuch Perfon fhall then be dwelling, and fhail not at any Time after remove or pafs above five Miles from thence; (2) upon Thj Forftin-c Pain that every Perfon and Perfons which fhail offend againft the Tenor and Intent ot this Acl in any cf a Recn/int Thing before mentioned, fhall lofe and forfeit all his and their Goods and Chattels, and (hall alfo forfeit ?**™» *"" to the Queen's Majefty all the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and all the Rents and Annuities "J p^^^ 1 q{ every fuch Perfon io doing or offending, during the Life of the fame Perfon, yoL,II. 4R V. And