Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/727

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A. D. i 593. Anno triccfimo quinto Rcginrc F, i. i z a b f. t h t.. C. 7. f - ; J IX. And where nlfo in the Itfl Scffion of t 1 • .--„. Day of Septtmbtr in the- eighth Year of hei Majefty'a Reign, one Act was dun . 10. An At! fior B -ayers and the Prices of Bows.' 4 X. And where alio in the Parliament begun and holden at J!', bninftn in • thirteenth Year oi her Majefty's Reign, there was one A. t nd 1 in certain Cafes to be n lefiaiHcal Promotions with Ci if Benefices^ and other Ecclcfiaftic I Curt.* 1 XI. And where alfo there was one other Art and Statute made in the laid Parliament betrun and holdcn . ";/') "j ucnijiLi >, iiii't '.unr j, it I'jiiijmtii 1.1; jriri linn i.ure. 1 XI. And where alfo there was one other Aet and Statute made in the (.■'<■[ Pailiamcnt begun and h at Weftminfler the faid fecond Daj oi /. - ■. I'm thi I id thirteenth Year, intitul ■m n may take Grain. Corn or Victuals within five Miles »/"Cambridee 011 ; I ' XII Provifions touching and concerning the Explanation, Perfecting and I.nlarging of divers of the Statutes before mentioned. ' XIV. And where alfo in the firfl Scffion of the Parliament begun and holden at IFeJlminfter the eighth Poor. Day oi May in the fourte< nth Year of the Queen's Highnefs Reign that now is, and from thence continued 1- EJb. c. 5 by Prorogation till the DiiTolution thereof, there was one other Act made, intituled, An Jet fir the Punijh- ment of Vagabonds, and for the Relief of the Poor and Impotent? ' XV. And where in the Parliament holden at Weftminfler aforefaid in the eighteenth Year of her Ma- Poor. jelly's Reign, there was one other Act made, intituled,"///! Ac! for fittin* the Poor m Work, and fir the 18 ' 1 avoiding of Idlenefs : (2) And alio one other Act was then and there made, intituled, An A.) for the Repah g and Amending the Bridges and Highways near unto the City ef Oxen ford : (3) And where in th • Parlia- ' ent holden at // 'eftminflt r the fixteenth Day of January in the three and twentieth Year of her Majefty's ic .Vi, : ' 6 Reign, one Ait was made intituled, An Art for the Repairing of Dover Haven.' ' XVI. And whcie in the Parliament holden at IVe/tminfier the three and twentieth Day of November Con!..- in the feven and twentieth Year of her Majefty's Reign, one other Aft was made for the Reviving, Con- *7 u *• «■ "• tinuance, Explanation and Perfecting of divers Statutes, in which are contained divers Branches, Pro- vifions and Claufes touching and concerning certain Additions and Alterations unto and of divers of the faid former recited Statutes, and other new Provifions.' ' XVII. And where in the faid Parliament holden at Weftminfler the three and twentieth Day of No- Enqueft. vember in the liven and twentieth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, there was an Aft % 1 "i.e. 7, made for the Levying of IiTites loft by Jurors. 1? El .*• Uut ' XVIII. And alio there was then and there one other Aft made, intituled, An AS! fir the good Govern- Jr"^'^ ment of the City or Borough «/"VVeftminfter.' ' XlX. And whereas in the Parliament holdcn at Weftminfler upon Prorogation the fourth Day of No- Com. vember in the fecond Year of the Reign of the late Ring of molt famous Memory, King Edward the 14 1 Ed ' <• Sixth, one Aft was made, intituled. An A" fir the true Making of Ma it, which faid Statute was difcon- _*~ tinned, and by another Aft made in the faid Parliament holden at Weftminfler in the faid twenty-feventh c ' ' 4 ' Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, intituled, An Ail fir the Reviling of a firmer ; t for the true Making of Malt, was revived and continued : (2) And alfo one other Act was then and there Sewn. made, intituled, An A el fir the Keeping of the Sea-banks and Sea-ivorks in the County ^Norfolk. ( % ) And *7 H». <:■-■;. where in the faid Parliament holden at IFe/hninfler the fourth Day of February in the rhirty-firft Year of Mc • | <"e». the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, "there was an Aft made, intituled, An At! for the true Gaging 3 ' '■ i ' ofiVefjels brought from beyond the Seas, converted by Brewers for the Utterance and Sale cf Ale and Beer ; (4; Srwen. And alio one other Aft was then and there made, intituled. An Ac! fir Reviving and Enlarging cf a Sta- 3' El 1. c. 13. tute made in the twenty-third Tear of her Majefty's Reign, fir Repairing of Dover Haven : (5) And alfo enc Fiancfcifr. other Aft was then and there made, intituled, An Ail for the Relief cf the City j/Lincoln : [6) Foraf- Conwiumce u*. much as the Branches, Claufes and Provifions, contained and fpeeffied in the laid two ASs of Continu- til the EnJ of ance, made in the fourteenth and feven and twentieth Year of her Majefty's Reign, in Addition, Altc- '»e nc« Pir- ration, Explan?tion, Perfefting and Enlarging of divers the faid Statute's, and other Statutes, and all j«*>«n««fi the Refiduc of the faid recited Afts, do feem good and beneficial to the Weal and Profit of this Realm :' jjsciwS! °" (7) Be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Branches, Claufes and Pro- vifions of the laid* two Acts of Continuance, and all the Rciidue of the faid recited Statutes and Afts, and every of them, and all and every Article, Claufe and Senccnce in them and every of them contained, and by this prefent Aft not repealed, except the faid Aft concerning the Repairing of Dover Haven, (hail be continued and endure in Force and Effcft until the End of the Parliament next enfuing. (S; And as CorcrHartr.. concerning the faid Aft touching the Repairing of Dover Haven, the faid Aft fliall bi ity ot this Parliament continued, and er.duie in Force and Effect from and after the End of the Term limited by that Aft, and yet continuing, until the End of the next Parliament then next enfuing. XX. Provided always, and be it alio enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every ionity, Branch and Branches of the faid Statute made for the Maintenance and [ncreafc of Tillage, as concern J"*" 1 «  the Earing, Ploughing, Ufing and Keeping in Tillage for ever, of fuch Lands or Grounds, or fo much in ""•"; . Quantity, as before the making of that Statute had been cared or ploughed, and put in Tillage in any one „ Year, and fo kept in Tillage by the Space of four Years, at any Time fithence the Fcaft <-.t St. George tfingindKrcp- the Martyr in the twentieth Year of King Henry the Eighth, and every Matter, Claufe, Article, Provifi* n. Penalty, and Forfeiture in the faid Statute concerning the fame, fliall fo far forth only aj they concern the S9 t; -' i - '■■ '• fame.