Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/728

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678 (1 7* Anno tricefimo quinto Reginas Elizabeths. A. D. 1593.. ■ fame, from henceforth be repealed, ceafe, and be utterly void; any thing in the faid Statute or in this pre- fent Ail to the contrary notwithftanding. a Repeal of the XXI. Provided alio, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the faid Statute St.nute of made for the Maintenance of the Navy, as heretofore at any Time was repealed, and all and every fuch 5 hi ' z - c - 5- and Branch and Branches of the faid Statute as concern the fowing of Flax or Hemp, or the reviving of on>j totchine hmng Statute concerning fowing of Flax or Hemp, made and provided in the Parliament holden in the four and of Hemp and twentieth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, and every Matter, Claufe, Article, Provifion, Pe- Flax. nalty and Forfeiture in the faid Statute concerning the fame, {hall fo far forth only as they concern the fame, from henceforth be repealed, ceafe, and be utterly void j any Thing in the faid Statute or in this prefent Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. tFtfh. . XXII.- Provided alfo, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon eating any A Diminution of Fl e fh upon any Fifh-days, contrary to the Form of the faid Statute made for the Maintenance of the Navy, ^cStaTof °E1 fhall forfeit onlytwenty Shillings, or elfe fuffer only one Month's clofe Imprifonment without Bail or c. 1C <. foreatmg' Mainprise : (2) And every Perfon or Perfons within whofe Houfe any fuch Offence {hall be done, and of Flefhupon being Privy or knowing thereof, and not effectually publishing or difclofing the fame to fome publick Of- Fifh-days. ficer having Authority to punifh the fame, for every fuch Oftence to forfeit only thirteen Shillings and EX P. Four-pence; any thing in the faid Statute contained to the contrary notwithftanding. Corn - XXIII. Provided alio, and be it further enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That when 5EI1Z. c. 5. t j lc p r i ce of Corn or Grain exceedeth not the Rates hereafter following, at the Times, and Havens and -Corn/ 01 "" 8 Places, where and when the fame Corn or Grain lhall be {hipped or loaden, viz. the Quarter of Wheat See 1 Ja. t. at twenty Shillings, the Quarter of Rye, Peafe and Beans at thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, the Quar- x. 25. §. 26. ter of Barley or Malt at twelve Shillings of current Englifi Money; That then it fhall be lawful for all 21 Jac. 1. c 28. anc j every Perfon and Pewfons being Subjefts of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, to load, carry or c 3 f XT U *" tranfport an Y or " the faid Corn or Grain in fuch Manner and Form, as in the faid Aft made for the Main- i'w. & m! tehance of the Navy is limited and appointed : (z) And that the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succef- Seir.r.c. 12,24. fors, fhall have and receive by the Cuftomers and Officers of her Ports, for the Cuftom or Poundage of The Queen's every Quarter of Wheat to be tranfported by Force of this Statute, two Shillings, and of every Quarter of Cuftom for every an y other Grain, Sixteen-pence. (3 ) Which faid feveral Sums fo to be had or taken as Cuftom or Pound- trWponed. "'" a S e > l 9 b? ' n f u ^ Satisfaction of all Manner of Cuftom or Poundage for the faid Corn or Grain, by any Conftitution, Order, Statute, Law or Cuftom heretofore made, uled or taken, for tranfporting of any fuch manner of Corn or Grain. ^°° r ' kci XXIV. Provided alfo, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, that fo much of the faid Statute sLtTof 14 Eliz. made in the fouf^nth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, ' An Aft for the Punifhment of Vagabonds, c 5. and iS El.' ' an ^ f° r *"* Relief of the Poor impotent; and of the faid Statute made in the eighteenth Year of her Ma- c. 3. as doth jefty's Reign, intituled, ' An Aft for fetting the poor on Work, and for avoiding of Idlenefs,' as con- concern the cerneth the Punifhment of Vagabonds, by Gaoling, Boring through the Ear, and Death in the fecond IrndDea' h f " 8 ^ e £ ree » and e very Matter, Claufe, Article and Provifion in the faid Statute contained concerning the fame. Vagabonds" fhall fo far forth only as they concern the fame, from henceforth be repealed, ceafe and be utterly void; repealed. ' an y thing in this Statute contained to the contrary notwithftanding. Poor. XXV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid j That fo much of one Aft made in the two A Reviver of and twentieth Year of King Henry the Eighth, intituled, ' An Aft concerning how aged, poor and impo- the J?«tute " f ' tent Perfons compelled co live by Alms, fhall be ordered, and how Vagabonds and mighty ftrong Beg- tovichiifttli **' ' £ ars ^ a ^ be punifhed,' as concerneth the Punifhment of any fuch Beggar, Impotent or Vagabond Pcr- Orderof aged, f° n 5. by Whipping, and all Branches, Articles and Claufes depending upon the fame (other than the corn- poor and impo- fworn) lhall from henceforth ftand and be revived, and remain in his full tent Perfons. Force and Strength. Rep. 12 Ann. ^ XXVI. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Aft made in the tat. 2. c 2.3. eighteenth Year of her Majefty's Reign for the repairing and amending of the Bridges and Highways near ^l*' unto the City of Oxon, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not charge with any 1 hing towards the

  • c " 20, amending of the faid Bridges and Highways, any Perfon or Houfholder inhabiting within five Miles of the

He that hath a Univerfity and City of Oxon, not having in PoiTeffion one Yard-land : (2) And that every Perfon having Yard-land with- one Yard-land, or more in his Poffeffion, lying within the faid five Miles, {hail pay yearly the Sum of O f^d'flfn ° f F° ur -P ence only, for every Yard-land, before the Feaft of Pentecoji, unto the Vice-Chancellor and Mayor

  • ly f p our . for the Time being, or their Deputy or Deputies, towards the amending of the faid Bridges and High-

pence towards wa y s? and no other Penalty; (5) with like Remedy by Diftrefs, for every Sum of Four-pence which the Repair of fhall be due and not paid as aforefaid, as is contained in the faid Statute for any Penalty therein •Bridges. limited. Popr. XXVII. And be it alfo enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fh-.U be lawful for every Perfon for Jt is lawful to and during the Space of twenty Years next enfuing, to make Feoffments, Grants, or any other AiTu-. vIIa/SI m • ranees, or by laft Will in Writing to t-ive and bequeath in Fee-Gmple, as we'll to the Ufe of the Poor, as wards the iVIain- r t_ t> • r on ■ ' t n • ^ T r - - r- ~ o • • i • t i r r tenanceof the ror trie rroyihon, buitentation or Maintenance of any houie of ^orreiuon or Abianig-noufes, or of any Houfe of Cor- Stocks or Stores, all or any Part of fuch of his Lands,. Tenements and Herediraments, and in fuch Man- lection, or of ner and Form, as he might have done to and for the Provifion, Suiientation or Maintenance of any Houfes the Poor. of Correftion or Abiding-Houfes, or of any Stocks or Stores by Force of the faid Statute. m h' C ' 5 * XXVIII. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all MEtac'" 6 Ships, Barks, Veffels or Crayers, whereof any of her Majefty's Subjefts fhall be Owners or Part-owners, Repair of Do.ver °f trie Burthen of twenty Tun or upwards, loading or difcharging within this Realm, and paffing to and ■ Haveo. fro any Foreign Country, that are of any Port, Haven or Creek in Severn, from the Lands-ead in Corn- wall