Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/729

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A. D. 1593. Anno triccfimo quinto Reg < 679 wall to Brijlol, and from thence no Glntttjltr, and from .1/ i Ports and Creeks t<> thc!ii or cither ol tack again, (hall after the eighth Day o ' . five hundred ninety and fix, be did hai Haven ; the faid Si ituti mi d tiring of Dm I [at «.. QOntained to the contrary notwithftanding : Except inj gofor/Wr or to t 1 1 1 iftward rl the faid Shi go for Fhwr or to the Eaftward, as alfo all the Ships, U.nks, I, and Cray* ra which (hall 1 narrow Seas, ilia]] pay in Manner and Form ashen il sfled and no 1 to 6y, H they go outward with any Manner ol Loading, not: Qi irtei loaden, then t<. pay after the Race Quarter Loading, and i" rateably u| I But homeward 1 1 ling to the full Rate ol the Entry of theii Loading of ei . .-.hip, Bark, XXiX. And be it alio enacted l the Auth .1 id, That one- Act made in the- feven ar.J twrn- Srv,. n . tilth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled. ' An Act for the Maintenance of the Pier an.: 1 • tta* ■ Lyme-Regis in the County of DorlTet,' Oiaf] be renewed, and Hand in his full Force and Strength, for ?'. and during the Space of ten Years next enfuing, and fo from thenceforth to the End of the next Parlia- , mint then next enfuing. f'tan. XXX. And be it further enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That one Act made in Di the Parliament holden at JVeflminJler the three and twentieth Day of November in the feven and twentieth . ■ ■ I . 1 Year of her High nefs Reign, intituled, ' An Act toui I ing the Breadth of white woolle ( . made '^cbrrxKhrf in the Counties of JVtlts, Gloucefter, Samerfel and Oxen, &c. and all and every the Branchc , Claufes and whSS^" Provifions in trie fame contained, fliall from henceforth be, remain and continue in Force and Effect cio«dier, 1>o- for ever. -rxi'ox- XXXI. Provided always, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fh all not be prejodii i or hurtful to any former Letters Patents or Licence granted by her Majefty, to any Perfon or red Bodies Politick, or Corporate, for the Tranfportation of any Corn or Grain, either at any lefler Cuftoms ,' or Subfidies than is contained in this prefent Act, or without any Cuftom or Sublidy ; (2) but that they t i>nfpotnngoi and every of them, their Deputies and Affigns, mall and may tranfport Grain hereafter, for the Time in Coraatlc iCu» their fcveral Letters Patents fpecihed, either at fuch Prices and Rates, or without Cuftom or Subfidy, in "o m *»" " l>e~ fuch Manner and Form as in the faid Letters Patents is contained, according to the Form and Effect of ,ore expreffedi the fame Letters Patents, and in fuch Manner and Form, and not otherwife, to all intents aiid Purpofes, as if this prefent Act had never been had or made. XXXIi. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the The (Ven iriy Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs may, at all Times by her and their Writ of Proclamation to rertram a be published generally in the whole Realm, or in any the Counties of the Realm where any Port-Towns porting pf Com are, -command, That no Perfon fhall by Virtue of this Act tranfport or carry any Manner of Grain out by-Procljinauoa. of her Highnefs Dominions generally, or out of any fpecial Ports to be in the fame Proclamation particu- larly named, for fuch Time as fhall be therein limited and appointed. XXXIII. And that it fliall not be lawful for any Perfon to carry out any fuch Grain, contrary to the 1&3. Ph.&T.r, Tenor of the fame Proclamation, upon fuch Pains and Forfeitures as by the Laws and Statutes ot this ■"■ 5- . Realm are and have been provided and ordained in that Behalf ; this Act, or any Thing therein contained ' 3 E1,r ' to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. VIII. An Act for the avoiding of Deceit ufed in making and felling of twice kid Cordage, and for .the better preftrving of the Navy of this Realm. ' TrpOrafmuch as it is found by common Experience, That ftindry Perfons ufuig the Trade of mal ' JL Cables, Hahbrs, and other kind of Cordage, within this Realm, have of late tor their private Lucre for miking f ' and Gain ufed to make the fame of old, calf and over-worn Gables, Halfors and Cordage, and yet have ^(J-"^ ' craftily and deceitfully uttered and fold the fame, being tarred, as new, good and ftrong, and as made litl/t g ot nn | el

  • of new and perfect Stuff, covering and hiding the falfe and corrupt making thereof, by tailing ot them feven loche* in

4 before the fame be put to Sale; by Reafon whereof, not only diver-; Ships, Vellels and Goods, Draft, ' of her Majefty's, as of fundry her Highnefs Subjects, but alfo the Lives or' divers of her faid Subjects, : » B.t. r. 1:. ' have been loft, perifhed and caft away :' IL For Remedy thereof, and for the Avoiding of fuch great Loflcs, Inconveniences and Dan might otherwife hereafter enfue by fuch corrupt, falfe and deceitful making of Cables, Halfors, and other Cordage as is aforefaid ; Ill/Be it enacted by the Queen's molt excellent Maieftv, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, an 1 the Old S Commons, in this prefent Parliament aiTcmbled, and by the Authority of the fame, . Th t if any 1 or Perfons, fhal) after forty Days next after the End of' this Seflion of Parliament, mate or caufe ; made any Cables of any old and over-worn Stuff, which fhall contain . - Compafe, then every Perfon fo offending fhall forfeit and lofe four Times the Val fo bj nun or her made, or caufed to be made, as is aforefaid : (2) And if any Perfon or Perfons, after the (aid ! Days next after the End of this Seftion of Parliament, fhall tar or caufe to be tarred, any! other Cordage made within this Realm of fuch. eld and overworn Stuff as aforefaid, being ot led 1