Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/738

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688 C. 6 — 8. Anno tiicefnno nono Reginac Elizabeths. A. D. 1597. Maifon de Diert, Abiding-houfe or Houfe of Correction, fhall have and enjoy forever fuch a common • Seal or Seals, as by the faid Founder or Founders, his or their Heirs, Executors or Afligns, fhall be in Writing under his or their Hand and Seal afligned, named or appointed, whereby the fame Corporation fhall or may feal any ma ner of Inftrument touching the fame Incorporation, and the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods or other Things thereto belonging, or in any wife touching or concerning the The ordering, fame: (10) And further fhall be ordered, directed and vifited, placed or upon juft Caufe difplaced, by directing and vi- f uc h Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, their Heirs, SuccefTbrs or Afligns, as, fhall be fo Hf^ti "" nominated or afligned by the Founder or Founders thereof, their Heirs or Afligns, according to fuch Rules, o pi j . Statutes and Ordinances, as fhall be fet forth, made, devifed or eftablifhed by the faid Founder or Foun- and e 'Ordinances ^ers, tneH * Heirs or Afligns, in Writing under his or their Hand and Seal, not being Repugnant or con- of anHofpital. trary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm; any Law, Statute, Cuftom, Ufage or other Thing whatfo- The Founder ever to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding.: (u) And that it fhall be lawful unto the Founder or may place the Founders, his and their Fleirs or Afligns, upon the Death or Removing of any Head or Member of any Head and Mem- f uc h Corporation, to place one other in the Room of him that dieth, or is removed, fucceflively for ever. i erS f a h H - Provided always, That all Leafes, Grants, Conveyances or Eftates to be made by any Corporation Hofbiials! V fo to be founded as aforefaid, exceeding the Number of one and twenty Years, and that in PoiTeflion, and whereupon the accuftomable yearly Rent or more, by the greater Part of twenty Years next, before A Savingof the the making of fuch Leafe, fhall not be referved and yearly payable, fhall be void, (z) Saving to all Per- Right of others fons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs and Succeilbrs, (other than the Founders and Givers, in the Hofpiul their Heirs and Succeflbrs) all fuch Right, Title, Claim, Poffeflion, Rents, Services, Commons, Demands, Lands. Intereft and Profits, which they or any of them fhall have, or of Right ought to have, of, in or to any the Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments hereafter to be given, limited or afligned in Form aforefaid, in as ample Manner as if this Statute had never been had or made. eertain Perfons HI. Provided alfo, That this Act or any Thing therein contained fhall not extend to enable any Perfon not enabled to or Perfons, being within Age, Women covert without their Hufbands, or of not Jana •■memories^ to make crea e o pi a an y fuch Corporation, or to endow the fame; any Thing in this prefent Act to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Ten Pounds IV. Provided always, That no fuch Hofpital, Maifon de Dleu, Abiding-place or Houfe of Correction J ja " ds at the {hall be erected, founded or incorporated by Force of this Act, unlefs upon the Foundation or Erection lured to* an Hot- tnereor J the feme be endowed for ever, with Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments of the clear yearly Va- pitai, ' Jue of ten Pounds by the Year. V. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That no fuch Incorporation to be founded by Force of this Act fhall at any Time here .fter do or fufFer to be done any Act or Thing, whereby or by Means whereof any of the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Stock, Goods or Chattels of fuch Incorporation, or any Eftate Intereft, Pofleffion or Property of or in the fame or any of them, fhall be vefted or transferred in or The Gonftruc- to any other whatfoever, contrary to the true Meaning of this Act : (z) And that fuch Conftruction fhall tion of this Act, be made upon this Act as fhall be mod beneficial and available for the Maintenance of the Poor, and for Farther Previ- reprefling and avoiding of all Acts and Devices to be invented or put in tire contrary to the true Meaning funs relating of this Act. [Made perpetual by 21 Jac. 1. c. 1.] hereto, fee 13 & J4 Car, 2, c, J2, 7 £? S W, 3, c. 37. empowering the King to grant Licence to alien in Mortmain; and 9 Geo. a. c. 36. ivhich rcftrair.s Gifts in Mortmain by Will, CAP. VI. Hofpital:, Commiflions may be awarded to certain Perfons, to enquire of Lands or Goods given to Hofpitals, or other charitable Ufes, mifemployed, and to reform them. REP. 43 El, c. 9. Saving for the Execu- tion of Orders and Decrees before made by Commilhoners according to this Statute. CAP. VII. Debt to the The Queen may fell her Accountant or Debtors Lands in his Life-time, and after his Death. To what Wn%> Accountants "only this Statute doth extend. There fhall be no Sale of Land where the Debtor hath a Quietus eji. If the Queen be fatisfied, the Sureties fhall be difcharged. What Procefs fhall be awarded where the Debt doth grow in the Court of Wards or Duchy. Procefs fhall be awarded againft the Terre-tenant before the Sale of his Land, EXP. 13 El. c. 4. Z7 El. c. 3. 43 El. c. 9. CAP. VIII, 'An Aft concerning the Confirmation and Eftablifhment of the Deprivation of divers Bifhops and Deans, in the Beginning of her Majefty's Reign. £very DeprWa- ' TT 7 H E R E A S divers and fundry Perfons exercifmg the OfEce and Function of Bifhops and Deans sion of any Bi- ' yy f djvers Sees and Bifhopricks, and Deanries within this Realm in the Reign of our late Sovereign ° P T„ ,h^R P ' ^ady Q" een Mary, were before the tenth Day of November in the fourth Year of the moil happy and ginning of the ' bit-fled Government of the Queen's moft excellent Majefty that now is, lawfully and juftly deprived Queen's Re;gn ' from fuch Bifhopricks and Deanries as they feverally enjoyed, and took upon them to hold, and in their dull be go id; ' Steads and Places fundry excellent and worthy Men duly preferred to the fame : (2) And whereas the and Archbiftopsj ' Parties fo deptiv'd dhl notwithftanding, as is pretended, make fecret Appeals, and ufed other fecret Peinfnjrie by ' Means > pretending thereby to fupport the Continuance of their faid Offices and Functions; Be it &c. >;-_j: (hall be .adjudged lawful. 2 Eliz, c. f, > CAP.. IX.