Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/739

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A. D. 1597. Anno trice/iino C A P. IX. An Acl for taking away of Clergy from Offenders againrt a c ■ Year of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh, concerning the i • ten againft their Wills unlawfully. 1 "IT 7 II K R E A S ol ; divers Wi ' W Subflancc, J ! ' apparent to their An. 4 trary to il ndafti rward married to (uch Mifdoers, or to other- by theii ' the great Difpleaf 11 i ' men, ;md great Hea» ini ! Commons, in this prefenf Parliament aflembled, and by I , fuch Per/on ■ l Pi rtbn , as at anyTime after the End oj this pr< I of Parliament fh. Viewed or attainted of or for any Offence tp be ; .committed after the End of this prefcnt Seflioo of Parlia- „ ment, made Felony by the Act of the third Veai oJ the Reign of i. seventh, ' 7 ' C- Ihall be indicted and arraigned of or for any fu h < (ft'ence, and ftand mute, ■ fwer, or lhail challenge peremptorily above the I twenty, tliall in every fuch Cafe lot hi Benefit of Clergy, and ihall fuller Pains of Death without any Benefit of Clergy ; anv foi ri .contrary nptwithftandmg. PHn , II. Provided always, 1 hat this Act, nor any Fhine therein contained, fhall not extend to t the Benefit of Clergy, but onlv from fuch Perion and Perfons as hereafter Ihall be Principals, or Procu- I rers or Acceffaries before fuch Offence committed. C A 1 X. ■An Aft for the Increafe of Mariners, and for Maintenance of the Navigation, repeal- ing a former Act made in the twenty-third Year of her Majefty's Reign, bearing fame Title. • " J H ? RE ;lt the Parliament holdcn by Prorogation the (ixtpenth Day otjtmuaty in the twenty- T ' W tlrird Year of the Reign of our moil gracious Sovereisn Lady Queen Mlizabetb, an Act was J^h»!ning 1 Eog- ' made, [intituled, An Ail for the Increafe of Mariners, and for Maintenance of the Navigation) whereby i;ft, mC n c amongft other Things it was enacted, That it fhould not be lawful to any native Englijb Mai , =ny " or Denizen, at any Time after a Time limited in the fame Act, directly or indirectly, by themfclyes, foreign

  • their Servants, Factors. Agents, Deputies, or Friends, or any of them whatfoevcr, to go or fend into to . JJ ; l .'

any other foreign Country, Realm or Dominion whatfoevcr, for the buying, providing, or bring- iilti Hcning, c ing into this Realm, out or from any the faid foreign Realms or Dominions out of the Qn .en's r lilted Fjfli,

  • Obeyfance, of any faked Fifh or faked Herrings, . nor Should n-.ake any Agreement wjSri any /epeakd,

' Alien or Stranger., or any other, for. fuel, bri iging into this Realm by any Alien or Stranger, of any ■) . < faked Fifh or failed Herrings; { z ) and that - fal . ;,h nor faked Herrings fhould I .'.* out of the faid foreign Realms and Domini;;-!?, but by the meer Owners thereof or Deputies of them, .."' being Aliens and Strangers, without the Procurement of anv Subject oi , her . ' Heirs. or Succeffors, or of any Denizen, and by none o.ther Perfon or Perfons ; that

  • fuch Englijh Perfon or Denizen offending Jgainfl that jct ftqu]a forfeit rrjngsand

' ' faked FTfli or the Value thereof, with divers other Claufes and Branch- s in ■ £ ..uutc contained, 1 touching the bringing of Fifh into, tins Re.alm, and.the J3uj^ingancl Selling o£.r iil '* at far§e"appe&retn: (4.) Upon the making of v.-hici. ' ' of this Realm would in fuch Sort have employed themfelves to fifh ing, and to ' ring of fuch Store of Boats and Shipping for that Purpcfe, as that they fhould long ere this Time have r^ cd « been able fufficiently to hive .victualled this Realm with falted Fjih-and Herrings of their own Taking, <"«*"■-■ ' without tiny Supply of Aliens and Strangers, to the great Incrcd'e of Manners and Maintenance of the ' Navigation within this Realm : (5) Notwithstanding, it is Knee found by Experience, that the Naviga- ' tionof this Land is no whit bettered by the Means of that Act, nor any Mariners utcreafed nor lil •' -be -increafed" by it ; but contrariwrfe, the natural Sabjedts of this Realm, r.ot b •' ^Theloc - • c tenth Part of the lame with falted -Fffh of-their own 'Faking, the chief Provifion and ( 'with Fifh and Herrings, hath ever fince the Making of the fame Statute been in the Power-ana Dtfpo- the making of •' fiticn of Aliens and Strangers, who thereby have much enriched themfelves, greatly increafed their Na- the raid Statute, ' vigation, and (taking Advantage of the Time) have extremely inhanced the Price to ' the great Hurt and Impoverifhiiig of the native Subjects of this Realm, and yet do ferve the Markets ' here in very evil Sort, by little and little, houfing and keeping there Fifh as well on this Side, as be- vol. 11. 4 t v° nd