Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/740

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6go C. 11,12. Anno tricefimo nono Reginas Elizabeths. A. D. 1597.

  • yond the Seas, till the Prices be raifed to their liking; (6) And the Merchants of this Realm having
  • been wholly barred in their Trades of providing of Fifh for the Service thereof, the Navigation of this
  • Realm, which was intended to be augmented, hath been rather impaired than increafed thereby, and

' the Prices of Fifh greatly inhanced, to the great and general Prejudice of the Subjects: For Remedy ' whereof, and for that it is lawful as well to Strangers and Aliens as to the Subjects of this Realm, to They who may v carry out into foreign Parts and Dominions fuch falted Fifh and Herrings as are taken and provided by carry Fiffi forth ' the Subjects of this Realm, and therefore very unequal that the native Subjects of this Land Ihoultf not ot this Realm <■ De at Liberty to bring in alfo foreign Provifion of Fifh for the victualling of their own Country as well frT/ifti.' "nS ' as to can T out, but that the Stranger mould be wholly trufted therewith :' II. Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's raoft excellent Majefly, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal^ and 33 Eliz. c. 7. Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the fame Statute made in the faid three and twentieth Year of her Majefty's moft gracious Reign, and every Claufe, Branch, Article and Provifo thereof, and all the Penalties and Forfeitures therein contained, fhall from henceforth be clearly repealed, void, fruftrate and of none Effect, to all intents, Conitructions and Purpofes, as if the fame had never been had ne made; any Thing in the fame contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. The Queen's III. And be it further eaailqd by the Queen's moft excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Tempo- Subjects may ral, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, That it fhall and may be lawful for all and traniport Fifb. every her Majefty's Subjects, being Owners of any Ships, Barks or Veffek failing with crofs Sails, to re- c" 1 Sails ce i ve an d take into their faid Ships, Barks or Veffels, any Herrings or other Fifh, which any Allen or Stranger fhall buy and provide of any of her Majefty's Subjects within this Realm, and the fame Herrings and Fifli or any of them, may tranfport into any Parts beyond the Seas, being in League or Amity with her Majefty, in their faid Ships or Veffels with crofs Sails; fo as the faid Aliens or Strangers pay to her Majefly her Cuftoms and Duties for the fame, in fuch Sort as by the fame former Act: was limited and appointed. What Cuftoms IV. .And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid > That all Aliens and. Strangers mall from heneefcrtn,. Aliens (hall pay anc j f rom Time to Time, pay to her Majefty for all falted Fifh and falted Herrings to be brought into this forVIfltbr ought R- eairn -> au f ucri like Cuftoms and Impofitions as are or fhall be impofed and. fet upon any her Majefty's' into this Realm. Subjects in thofe foreign Regions and Countries, Ports and Towns, -ii'om whence the faid faked" Fifh and falted Herrings mall be fhtpped and brought, for the like Fifties and Herrings, over and befides the ordi- nary Cuftoms which have been paid to her Majefty for the fame, in Manner and Form, as by the fame Act was enacted and appointed. The Penalty for ^- And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That If any Alien or Stranger born, or asy bringing into Denizen or natural-born Subject of this Realm, fhall bring into any Ha"ren T Port, Creek or Town of this Realm and this Realm, any fait Fifh or fait Herrings, which fhall not be good, fwect, feafonable and meet for Mens "nwholfo 01 ' 11 Meat ' and fila11 offer the fame to be fold ' and {lna11 be warned h Y an y 0fficer of fuch Port, Haven or Tri/b. ° ° me Town, where the fame fhall be offered. to be fold, that the fame be not feafonable nor meet for Mens Meat; That then if he or they fhall after that, offer any of the faid unfeafonable Fifh to be fold to any Perfon within this Realm, or being an Alien-b-orn, and no Denizen, fhail not depart with the fame from the faid Haven, Port or Town, fo toon as Conveniency will fe'rye; That then all and every Perfon, Ow- ners, thereof, fhall lofe and forfeit to our faid Sovereign Lady all the faid unfeafonable Fifh unmeet for Mens Meat as before is faid. Ordinances to VI. And be it lfkewife enacted, That all Ordinances of the Fifhmongers of London, or of any other j-eftrain the ta~ Company or Corporation whatfoever, made or to be made for Reitraint of any Perfon to take or fell Fifh, h'"^' ' e ,!/"jri£ r or to bu y or P rm 'l^ e an Y Frfh of any Merchant or other within this Realm, fhall be repealed and void : flial'l"be voia' ( z ~) And tnat evei Y Perfon or Body Corporate that mall make or execute any fuch Ordinance or Re- Hepealed by 43 fh'aint, fhail for every fuch Offence forfeit one hundred Pounds; the one Moiety thereof to the Queen's Eliz. e.g. Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety- to the Party grieved that will fue for the fame For farther p™.- by Action of Debt, in any Court of Record, ■ wherein no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law for the /.mom relating to Defendant fhall be admitted' or allowed'. Fijh and Fijiery, VII. Provided' always, That this Act fhall no- longer endure than to the End "of the next Parliament. /« hereafter enfuing. [3 Car. 1. c. 4. continued until -the End of the hril Selfion of the next Parliament, 3 p ar.2. .St. 1. an( j f artner continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4.] r. 9. 4 (3 5 W. ' & M. c. 23. 4^ot.c.2I. CjAmt. iCeo. 1. Stat. 2. c. 1.8. <j<7«. I. c, iS. 23 Geo. 2, c. 26. feel, 7. 26 Geo. 2. c. 9. 30 Geo. 2. c . 2 1 £? 3a. tnd 33 Geo. 2, t. 27. ■*- CAP. XL REP. 13&14 An Act for the better Execution of the Statute made in the twenty-third Year of the Queen's Reign, for Car. 2. c. 11, die Abolifhing of Logwood, alias Blockwood, in the Dying of Cloth, Wool or Yarn. The Penalty for §.26. mixing or ufing Logwood in dying of Cloth or other, Stuff. Deceits pradtifed to abufe the Meaning of the Statute of 23 Eliz. c. 9. touching dying with Logwood. This Act repealed by 13JX 14 Car. 2_ c. 11. § 26 .. A Juftice of Peace may examine the Servants or Workmen of a fuppofed Offender^. The Penalty. C A P, XII. Labourers. What Workmen or Labourers Wages Juftices of Peace may affefs, &c. EXP. Continued to the End of the firit Seffions of the next Parliament, by i Jac. i, c. 25, and 21 Jac. 1, c. zg r 3 CAP.