Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/741

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A. D. 1597. Anno triccfimo nono Rcginoc El i ZABBTBJ& 0.13,14. 691 c a i>. xin. An Explanation of an A<51 made in the eleventh Year of King Henry the Seventh for Fuflians. ' ^TTHEREAS by an Aft made in the eleventh Year of King .H ■■■nth, the Mayor and -r^t-ord »»*»*• W Wardens of Shear men ol the City oi Londt i f<>r the Time being, mould have Au Lamtm iSw

  • ler and fcarch the Workmanfbip ol all mann< r ol Perfons occupying the Broad Shear, ... well Fufl v .'«n
  • as Cloth, and th - n or the faid AS for ufing i ny Inftrurrients of Iron, or other untnic fubtil Vifw

' Mean or Slight in d re fling the fame: (:) Since whii h I ime, t'<>r that die Lord Mayor of London can- i 1 }*. 1 *' Br

  • not conveniently go in his own Peribn to make the laid Search, by reafen of his other wei ,Th - c 17.

" (ions, divers have refilled the Wardens of the Shear-men going abroad in offering to make . v " cording to the faid Law ; and for Want of dm; and daily Search in that Bi hi ' put in IJre the Iron Infrruments, and other SI ighl Id :n by the her jYIajelty's People, amongfl whom the Wearing oi Puftians is ' . (3) Which Comrany of Shear-men, together with th Company"* of Fullers, were Gnce the faid Ac"l m idc one Company by the Name of Cloth-workers : And fo no ' Search can he duly made : (4) For Remedy hereof,' II. Be it therefore enact d bj the Queen's moll exci llent Majefty, with the Aflent of the Lords Spin- 1 tual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflemblcd, and by th .'. fame, 'I hat from henceforth it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid Lord Mayoi of th City of 1 London, or his fufficient Deputy, and to and fi r tht Mafl r and Wardens of the fai 1 V Workers of London, or fuch difcrcet Perfons as th faid Mafter . nd V ardens of the fai I Myftery of CI . 'J 1 * Workers for the Time being (hall from Time to Time appoint, to enter and make Search, as th -at. Mayor of London and Wardens of Shear-men might have clone together, by the (aid Act i:i the I venth Year of King }knry the Seventh ; (2) upon Pain that the Perfon or Perfons which fliall make Re- Th« For: fiftance herein, fliall forfeit for every fuch Refiflance, twenty Shillings of lawful Money of . one Half to her Majefty, and the other Half to him or them that will fue for the fame by Action ofD Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of the Queen's Courts of Record where the fame mi v :ied t0 ** fc " after the Courfe of the Common Law : and that the Defendant in fuch Cafe in no wile be admitted to wage his Law, nor that any P/ote£fion or Effoin be in the fame allowable. CAP. XIV. An Act prohibiting the Bringing into this Realm of any foreign Cards for Wool.

  • ""^'"'^ 1 v ^ m3n Y Thoiifands of Woollen Card-makers and Card-wircdrawers of the Cities of No Cardi for

' yV London, Byi/lol, G< s • ler-, Norsuith, Coventry, and of many other her Highnefs Cities and Towns Woo! (lull te

  • within this Realm, h.. he etofore lived and well maintained themfehes, their Wives, Families and 1-rcu e ht into

' Gbijdren, by the Ben. !",, nd ufe of their Trade and Faculty of Card-making and drawing of Cardwire )^ Rcl ' n,loU ' within this Realm : (2) And now of late Time, by rcafon of the common Bringing in of foreign Card- ,. „ <, . ., 1 for Wool ouc of France, and other foreign Parts, the faid Card-makers and Card-wiredrawers I ' been fo much impoveiiihed, that fcanfthe twentieth Perfon that heretofore lived by the faid Trades

  • is now maintained and fet on Wojk thereby :

II. Be it enacted by our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, and by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflemblcd, and by Authority of the fame, That no Perfon or Perfons wbatfoever, from or after the Feaft-dayof the Purification of; the blefled Virgin St. ALiry now next enfuing, fhal! bring, fend or convey, or caufe to be brought, lent or conveyed, into this Realm of England or Wales, from the Parts beyond the Seas, any Cards for Wool to be fold, bartered ov exchang- ed, .within the Realm of England or Wales; (2) upon Pain to forfeit all fuch Cards for Wool, fo to be brought, lent or conveyed contrary to the true Meaning of this Act; in whofe Hands foever they or any of the i : iall he found, or the very Value thereof; the one Half whereof to be to our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety thereof to him or them that will feife the fame, or fuc therefore in any Court of Record of the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, ,;• • by Acrid. ■ Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or othcrwifc, in which Actions, Suits, Plaints or Informa- ^ . tions, no Wager of Law, Effoin or Protection fhall be allowed. (3) This Aft to endure to the End of *"*'• &'• I" the hrft Seflipn of the next Parliament. [3 Car. r, c. 4. continued until the End of the firfl Seffion of?3J the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4. and inforced by 15 c< '4 Car. 2. c. 19.] j: S^ : ^V_ c. 18 (2 19. J W. & M. Stat. t. c. 32. 7 £? S W. 3. c. 28. 9 & 10 TV. 3. c, 40. 10 & 11 W. 3. c. Jo. 3 (7(«. I. f. 11. 4 Cto. I. c. II, 5 Gf. I. r, 11. 1 : Grt. j. c. 34. 13 Geo. 1. c. 23. jj.G.-o, 2. c, 21. is Gee, 2. c. 21. Jj ds. z. c, 27, 25 Gu, 1. 1. 14. 26 '. I & i:. ; C : >■•;-•• «*rf 30 4T2 CAP.