Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/749

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A. D. 1597. Anno triceflnio nono Reginas E i 1 i ■ •. ui.tii 1 . C. 20. _ VI. And to the End that the (aid Cloth* i, Ki rl Cottons, 1 other Clothes, by what Name 01 Nan » foever they n called, I maybe 1"- the better known; fa) it is thercfi led, That I Kind of the Clothes afbrefaid, a Seal of Lead containin ' th and the V (together with this Word i bed) j) whi h Cloth fo feali lb] th< (aid Ovi tried or viewed by any other Searcher oi Overfeei of any othi . . I or. Hamlet, by Virtue of his or their faid Office ( any Thing in this A to the i ontrary n itw ithfl - Foever they be called, made yithi I Counti forefaid, any of the Seals fo recited; that then every Perfon fo offending mail for the firft Offence forfeit and lofe ten 1;*) and for the fecond Offence, being thereof lawfully convicted by the Virdicl of twelvt fufficient Witueffcs, ftand upon the Pillory, and lofe and forfeit to your mod excellent . your Heir's and Suceeffors, twenty Pounds. VIII. And t<> the End that the laid Statute and Laws afbrefaid maybe more effectually cxe and all Stretching and Falfifying of any the Clothes aforefaid taken away, it may he all.. . ■ every Juftice of the Peace, Head Conflable or othi i the Overfeers aforefaid, and "' lawful Authority to enter in or upon any the Meffuages, Tenements, Houfcs, Buildings, Grounds of any Perfpn or Perfons whatfoe'ver, to fcarch for any fuch Tenters of what Sort or Ki. ever, or any Manner of Ropes, Rings, Heads, Wrinches or other Engines whatsoever, whereby any Falf- ^^ fcfteeibta. hood or Deceit may be tiled in or about the Stretching and Straining of any the laid* Dozens, Frizes, Cottons, Peniftones and Kighley Whites, or any other Cloth, I • •■■ •• foever they be called or any of them : (2) And that if they mould fin.' 1 of what Si- Kind foever, or any Manner of Ropes, Rings, Heads, Wrir . they {hall and 1 de- face the fame, in fuch Sort as they cannot he employed again to any fuch Ufc : (3) And Perfons with whom any fuch (hall once have been found, fhall after that be known to have or ufc qV 1 "" any i'udi Tenter of what Sort or Kind foever, or any Manner of Rope, Ring, Head, :ing or Engine; that then they the faid Jufticcs, Head Conftables or Overfeers, or any 1 iun the feveral Precincts, fhall take and fell the fame to the bed Value thereof, and by the Con I". Jufticcs of Peace within the fame County, difpofc the Money thereof coming to the Poor of that Parifh where the fame fhall be fo taken : (4) And that upon Complaint made or Information given of any fuch Tenter of what Srrt or Kind foever, or any Manner of Rope, Head, Ring, Wrinch or Wring or any other Engine, to any Juftice of Peace, every one of them to whom fuch Complaint fhall be made or In- formation given, fhall within feven Days next enfuing fuch Complaint or Information given, repair to the Place where the fame fhall be fo had and ufed, and then and there execute this Law as • the Pain hereafter in this prefent Act exprefled : ( 5) And that if any Perfon or Perfons fliall withftand The Forfeiture or refill: any fuch Juftice of Peace or other Head Officers, in or about, touching or concerning the Exc- Cor refitting of cution of the Premiffes, every fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall forfeit and fuffer, as is before limited for re- Search. lifting the Overfeers in the Search. IX. And if any the Jufticcs or Juftice of Peace, within the Limits or Bounds of his or their Commif- A /aftke'i For- fion, fhall be Negligent or make Default in doing of any Thing touching or concerning the due or true fc ' Execution of this Statute or any Thing therein contained, every fuch Juftice of Peace for every fuch £^ Default fhall forfeit and lofe five Pounds, (a) And that all fuch Forfi iturcs as fhall h | row by fj ut , Reafon of this Act, fhall be one third thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fliall be then I . one other third Part to the Ufe of our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, and one other third Part to the v. Ufe of the Poor, to be imployed to the Ufe of the Poor in fuch Sort as the Juftii ■- in their the Fotfeitoicf. Quarter-Seffiorts to be holden next after Judgment had or given for the fame, fhall limit and appoint. X. And that the faid Juftices of Peace in their Quarter-Seflions fliall and may enquire, hear and De- Ju(Vce:cf Prate termine every Fault of Offence made or done contrary to this prefent Act or any Thing therein contained, to-' 11 *>•" >• except the Offences committed and Forfeitures made by the Juftices of Peace, by Pi . Hill J? ££j^}f_ or Information, and upon Proof thereof made by the Teftimony of two fufficicnt Witneffes openly renee|> given to the Jury, and then upon Piefentment made by the Jury, to give Order for the Execution of this Statute, and every Claul'c therein contained, and for the Recovery of the Penalties aforefaid, to the Ufes aforefaid. XL And that the Juftices of Aflize fhall and may enquire, hear and determine every Fault cr Offence The of made or done by any Juftice of Peace contrary to this prefent Act, in Neglect of their D*-M . ... lt) AiTiie flwJihrir touching or concerning the Execution of this prefent Act, and upon Proof thereof made by two fuffieient ^^™'itf Witnefles, and by the Prefentmcnt of the Jury, fliall and may give Order for Recovery and Employment the ■ of the Penalties and Forfeitures by them committed and made, to the Ufes aforefaid : (-} And for De- i' c . lC , fault of Juftice to be done in Manner and Form aforefaid, by the Juftices of Peace or Juftices of Affize; th:ii the one Moiety of all fuch Forfeitures to be the one Half thereof to her Majefty, and the other to him that will fue for the fame by Action of Debr, Bill, Plaint, Information, &c. in any d;tirt o'- Courts of Record at IVeJlmlnjler? in which^no Wager of Law, Protection or Elfoin fliall be admitted cr allowed. 4 U 2 XII. Previa. d