Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/750

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fOO C. 2 1- — 2 5 . Anno tricefimo nono Reginae Elizabeth m. A. D. i 597. Searching of _ XII. Provided neverthelefs, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every c?"t-"h h kind of Clothes aforefaid, by what Name foever they be called, which {hall be made after the Day afore - to°j!ondon°to E be f^d, within the Counties aforefaid, and brought up to the City of London, to be fold there, fhill be brought ifelrf. into the common Cloth-market Place, within the faid City, commonly called Bhickivell-Hall, to be there . fearched dry, without wetting, and out of Market-times, by the Searches of the faid City; upon Pain fiwi concern^ tnat eve r/P wner of any fuch Cloth, mall forfeit for every fuch Cloth not fo brought into the Market, C/otba,fec 1 jac f° r(: y Shillings; (2) and upon Pain that every Searcher that (hall fearch at any Time in the Market-times, i.e. 25. 7 jac. to the Difturbance of the Sale of fuch Clothes in the Market there, fhall forfeit for every fuch Search fo 1. c. i6. iz made, five Pounds. (3) All which faid Forfeitures fhall be one Moiety to the Ufe of our Sovereign Lady zz'&' * c*' t ^ ie Qi ieen ' s Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibrs; the other to fuch Perfon or Perfo.ns as fhall fue for the t.^S. 2 ji fcMra ^ am<; ^y Aftion of Debt or Information, in which Suit no Wager of Law, Protection or Effoin fhall be W. 3. c <xo. admitted or allowed. 6 Aim. c. 84? 9. y Arm. c. 13. 1 Geo. I. c. 15 & 41. n Geo. 1. c. 24. 7 Geo. 2. c. 25. 11 Geo. 2. c. z%. ar.d 14 Geo. 2. c. 35, Capts Bilhoprick of Norwich, Bridges. SridgMj. CAP. XXI. There fhall be a further Taxation for the Relief of Soldiers and Mariners where Sufficient was not pro- vided by the Statute of 35 Eliz. c. 4. The greateft Rate of every Parifh to be taxed fhall be Eight- pence, and the leaf! Two-pence weekly. Another Provifion if the Rate be not fufficient for the Sol- . dicrs and Mariners in London. Treafurers fhall be appointed by the Juffices. The Juftices may alter the Relief of Soldiers and Mariners. EXP. 43 Eliz. c. 3. 43 Eliz. c. 9. CAP. XXII. An Acl for the Eftablifhment of the Bifhoprick of Norwich and the PofTefnons of the fame, again!! a cer- tain pretended concealed Title made thereunto. P R. CAP. XXIII. The Inhabitants of the County of Monmouth fhall ftand chargeable for the Making and Repairing of Newport and Car-lion Bridges over the River of UJk, as Need fhall require : And fuch Order fhall be ob- ferved "for the AffefTment, Gathering and Imployment of the Money thereupon to be fpent, as is ap- pointed by the Statute of 22 H. 8. c. 5. But no Town Corporate fhall be ch:ugeable to be contributory thereunto, which is bound by any Law to make or repair any Bridge over any main River. PR. CAP. XXIV. A convenient Bridge of Stone or Timber or both, fhall be made and finiflied at Wilton upon Wye in the County of Hereford, near unto the Town of Rofs, by the Inhabitants of the faid County, in fuch Place there as by the Juftices of Peace of the County fhall be appointed, within feven Years next after the Diflblution of this Parliament, being the Ninth Day of February in the Year of our Lord God one th'oufand five hundred ninety-feven. Pontage fhall be taken of the fame Bridge in Form following and not otherwife, viz. Every Perfon fhall pay for every Cart, Car or Wain laden, driven over the faid Bridge, Two-pence; and for every Horfe laden with a Pack One peny; and for every ten Sheep or up- ward to twenty, Two-pence; and for every twenty Sheep, Three-pence; and for five Beafts to the Number of twenty, Two-pence; and for every twenty Beafts, Six-pence; and fo proportionably, ac- cording to that Rate. Two Burgeffes of the Town of Rofs and two Freeholders of the County of He- reford, mall be yearly chofen Collectors of the faid Pontage; to whom or to their Deputies it fhall be lawful to diftrain and impound any Perfons Beafts, Sheep, £sV. refufing to pay the faid Pontage. And the faid Collectors fhall yearly pay to Charles Bridges, his Heirs or Affigns (upon whofe Land the Bridge fhall be builded) ten Pounds at the Feaft of St. Michael. And the faid Collectors fhall yearly make Account of the Profits of the faid Pontage. A Provifo to difcharge them and their Heirs that do yearly. pay Com to the Keepers of the Paffing there, for their Pontage, &c. P R. CAP. XXV. An Aft For the Enlarging of the Statute made For Following Hue and Cry, in the twenty- feventh Year oF your Majefty's Reign, in Fome Sort to relieve the Inhabitants oF the fmall Hundred of Benburjl, in Cafes where they are in no voluntary DeFault, and yet are or fhall be charged by the fame Statute, and by the two ancient Statutes; the one made the thir- teenth Year of King Edward the Firft; the other in the twenty-eighth Year oF King Edward. the Third, For repreffing oF Robberies. IN moil humble wife befeecheth your moft excellent Majefty the poor Inhabitants of the Hundred of Beynerjh alias Benhurjl, within the County of Berks, That whereas the faid Hundred doth confift only, of five fmall Villages, and three fmall Quillets or Hamlets, and hath lying through it two great Road- Highways; the one leading from London to Henley upon Thames, the other from London to Reading; and either of them at the leaft three Miles in Length, within the great woody Ground called the Thicket, Ramedy for the Inhabitants of the Hundred of Bsnhurft in the County of Berks, for Recovery of fuch Sums of Money as fliall be obtained of them by Force of the Statute of 17 El, c, j 3 . and