Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/751

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A. D. 1 597. Anno xxxix. Reginae E l xzabbtj ( . . ' — ' and no one of the I a ill - ' ' far from the feme : N< ithei nave the

  • ther Arabic or other,
  • aa are moft apt foi 1

' within the View of the 1 annot well li or Ii 1 ed, unlcfs

  • Manner of trie Lyj

' watch the fame

  • ticcoffu-h Robberies as have been of! te Years done 1 • ■

' Party robbed, al the Town 1 the aforefaid thievifh Places in the Thick :t where the Robberies ar ' Notice of Robbi rii gn n at Maidenheaa 4 within one Year, the Sum < :' twelve Score and fifteen row 1 rtco ' againft the Tmall Hund •■_//■, m'i ■ Benhur/I, which had no Notice of the ferae Robberi

  • by many ol the pool [1 habii 1 th< ro - 1 ave been and are utterly ia
  • Overthrow of them, their Wives and Children ; (3) and many other their,

' aforefaid Statutes, fstll upon thei t, though il lieth not in their Power (as well for waj

  • wife) to perform the fame Statu ten ; fo as the Inhabitants thereof are like 10 be generally impoverifhe ..
  • enforced to remove their Dwellings into fome other Hundred, without fomc Relief (hall be for them in I
  • Behalf provided:' (4) That it maybe enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, ;
  • Inhabitants of the faid Hundred of Beyner/h t alias Bcnbwjl, fhall and may to their own proper Ufe,

the Name of the Clerk of the Peace of the faid County of ' Bcrkjhire, recover, have an I lei V of Money, Colts and Damages, as hereafter (hall be recovered or levied of or againft them by tl: Statutes, or any of them, againft the Inhabitants or Refiants of every or any fuch Hundred, with thei chifes within the Precincts thereof, wherein Negligence, Fault or Defect of fuch Purfuit and frefh Suit. by the faid Statute of the feven and twentieth Year of your Majefty's Reign is appointed to be made, fhall happen to be, after Notice given or Hue and Cry brought to the fame Inhabitants or Refiants, or any of them, of or upon any Robbery which fhall be at any Time hereafter done within the faid Hundred of B,j- nerjkf alias Benhurjl : (5) And that this prefent Act fhall give as full Power and Authority in all Reuxv'. , to the Inhabitants of the faid Hundred of Beynerjh, alias Bcnhwjl, in the Name of the Clerk of the Peace of the faid County, for Recovery, Having and Levying, of all the faid Money, Cofts and Damages as afore- faid, as the aforefaid Statute of the feven and twentieth Year of your Majefty's Reign, gave or intended to give for the Recovery of a Moiety or one Half thereof. II. Provided always, and it is enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no fuch Remedy or Recovery fhall be had by this Statute, for all or the whole Sum or Sums of Money and Damages as aforefaid, but only in thefe two Cafes, vi-z. (2) The one where no fuch Notice or Intelligence (as by the faid Statute of the feven and twentieth Year of your Majefty's Reign, was appointed to be given or every or any Robbery) fhall be given to the Inhabitants of the faid Hundred of Bemer/h, alias Benhurjl : ( 3 ) The other, where the Inhabitants of the fame Hundred (after fuch Notice of any Robbery to them or fome of them given, or after Hue and Cry to them for the fame brought) fhall make or caufe to be made frefh Suit and Purfuit after the Offenders, with Horfemen and Footmen, according to the faid Statute of the feven and twentieth Year of 17 Ei; r , e . i-. your Majefty's Reign, and where nevertheless the Offenders, or any or one of them, fhall not be apprc- j„ g c n . i. hended within forty Days after the Robbery committed. c. 16 ,-. • fill <f Hue and Cry ; and 22 Geo, 2. c . 24. stlb'icB amends the former. See likctmje 4 (if 5 H'. £" M. e. S. eenceming the Rcjiardfr c/frcier^ ■ CAP. XXVI. A Confirmation of three Subfidies of four Shillings in the Pound granted to the Queen by the Clergy, to Subfdfcii be paid at fix feveral Days. EX P. CAP. XXVII. A Confirmation of three entire Subfidies and fix Fifteens and Tenths granted to the Queen by the Tern- i. poralty. EXP. CAP. XXVIII. A Confirmation of the Queen's General and Free Pardon. Except, &c- EXP. Anno quadragefimo tertio Reginx Elizabeths..

  • A. T the Parliament begun and holden at Wejlminjlcr the feven and twentieth Day of OBi '
  • j. three and fortieth Year cf the Reign of our moft gracious Sovereign Lady Elizabeth., by the G

' of God, of England, France, and Ireland, Queen Defender of the Faith, c?V. and there continued until ' the Diflohition thereof, being the nineteenth (if December next following, one thoufand fix hundred one :

  • To the High Pleafurc of Almighty God, and the Weal publick of this Realm, were en; Steii folio weth. '