Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/756

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706 C. 3. Anno xliii Reginas Elizabeths. A. D. 1601. diers and Mari- ' ance and Explanation of 'the fald former. Be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That both -ncis, repciied. the faid Acts {hall be and continue in Force until the Feaft of Eajler next, and fhall be from and after the faid Feaft difcontinued. Who ffial] be * II.? d forafmuch as it is now found more needful than it was at the Making of the faid Acts, to pro- l.eieMtercharged ' v;j e Kdief and Maintenance to Soldiers and Mariners tint have loft their Limbs, and difabled their Bodies v-irhConmbu- <. - n ^ e Defence and Service of her Majefty and the State, in Refpcct the Number of the faid Soldiers is fo Relief- «'ho ' much the greater, by how much her Majefty's juft and honourable defenfiveWars are increafed;' (2) To ftall receive it the End therefore that they the faid Soldiers and Mariners may reap the Fruits of their good Defervings, and and pay it ro others may be encouraged to perform the like Endeavours; them, and how jjj_ j$ e j t en adted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That from and after the faid Feaft of Eajter d'ersbe^'n ° ~ ncxi i every Parifh within this Realm of England and IVales fhall be charged to pay weekly fuch a Sum ot fliall be^unifli- Money towards the' Relief of fick, hurt and maimed Soldiers and Mariners, that fo have been as afore is ed, &c. faid, or fhall lofe their Limbs, or difable their Bodies, having been preft and in Pay for her Majefty 's Ser- "Evuy Parifh vice, as by the Juftices of Peace, or the more Part of them, in their General Quarrer-Seifions to be holden ch '^ ' ™' th ^ in their feveral Counties next after the Feaft of Eajler next, and fo from i ime to Time at the like Quarter- wards ths Relief? e ^ ons to he holden next after the Feaft of Eajler yearly, fhall be appointed, fo as no Parifh be rated above of Soldiers and the Sum of ten Pence, nor under the Sum of two Pence weekly to be paid, and fo as. the total Sum of fuch Mariners. Taxation of the Pariflies in any County where there fhall be above fifty Parifhes, do not exceed the Rate of fix Pence for every Parifh in the fame County; (2) which Sums fo taxed fliall be yearly afTefTed by the The Taxation of Agreements of thePariihioners within themfelves, or in Default thereof, by the Churhwardens and the c-very Pari(h. Petty Conftabls of the fame Parifh, or the more Part of them, or in Default of their Agreement, by the Order of fuch Juftices or Juftice of Peace, as fhall dwell in the fame Parifh, or if none be there dwelling, in the Parts next adjoining. The Penalty for IV. And if any Perfon fhall refufe or neglect to pay any fuch Portion of Money fo taxed, it fhall be law- rtfufingtopay f u j f cr t he faid Church-wardens and Petty Conftablcs and every of them, or in their Defaults, for the faid theMoney taxe . j u fl.j ces f p eaC e or Juftice, to levy fuch Sum by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods or Chattels of the Party . fo refilling or neglecting, rendring to the Party the Overplus railed upon fuch Sale. Church-war- V. And for the Collecting and Cuftody of the Sums taxed in Form aforefaid, Be it enacted, That the dms > *?• * '." . Church-wardens and Petty Conftables of every Parifh fhall truly collect every fuch Sum, and the fame fliall Constable's Vc P a y over unt0 the High-Conftables in whofe Divifion fuch Parifh fliall be fituate, ten Days before the Money taxed. Quarter-Seffions to be holden next before or about the Feaft of the Nativity of St. John Baptijl next, in the County where the faid Parifh fliall be fituate, and fo from Time to Time quarterly, within ten Days before every Quarter-Seffions; (2) and that every fuch High Conftable, at every fuch Quarter-Seffions in fuch County, fhall pay over the fame to two fuch Juftices of Peace, or to two fuch other Perfons, or one of them, as fhall be by the more Part of the Juftices of Peace of the fame County ekcted to be Treafurers of Treafurers. the faid Collection; (3) the fame other Perfons to be elected Treafurers, to be fuch as at the laft Taxation of the Subfidy next before the fame Election fliall be valued and feffed at ten Pounds in Lands yearly, or at Treafurers Ac- fifteen Pounds in Goods; (4) which Treafurers in every County fo cnofen fhall continue but for the Space count. f one whole Year, and then give up their Charge, with a due Account of their Receipts and Difburfe- ments, at their Meeting in Eajler Quarter-Seffions, or within ten Days after, to fuch others as fhall from Year to Year, in the Form aforefaid, fucceffively be elected. Church-wardens VI.' And if any Church-warden, Petty Conftable or High Conftable, or his Executors or Adminiftrators, "'., Co " lta p e i s fhall fail to make Payment in Form above fpecified, Then every Church-warden and Petty Conftable, his merit?" * J Executors or Adminiftrators fo offending, fhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings. (2) And every High Conftable, his Executors or Adminiftrators, the Sum of forty Shillings : (31 To be levied by the Trea- furers aforefaid by Diftrefs and Sale in Manner before exprefled, and to be taken by the laid Treafurers in Augmentation of their Stock, to the lifts aforefaid. A Treafurer V II. And if any Treafurer, his Executors or Adminiftrators, fhall fail to give up his Account within % col x or t ^ le Time af. refaid, or fhall be otherwife negligent in the Execution of his Charge, then it fliall be lawful ntsle&ine the £°r the more Part of the Juftices of Peace of the fame County in their Seffions, to affefs fuch Fine upon Charge. fuch Treafurer, his Executors or Adminiftrators, as in their Difcretiqn fhall feeni convenient, fo it be not under the Sum of five Pounds. To whatTrea- VIII. And for the true and juft Diftribution and Employment of the Sums fo received according to the "true Meaning of this Act; (z) Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Soldier or Mariner, having had his or their Limbs loft, or difabled in their Bodies by Service, being in her Majefty's Pay as above is mentioned, or fuch as fhall hereafter return into this Realm hurt or maimed, Or grievoufly fick, fhall repair, if he be able to travel, and make his Complaint to the Treafurers of the County out of which he was prefled; (3) or if he were no preft Man, to the Treafurers of the County where he was born, or laft inhabited by the Space of three Years, at his Election; and if he be not able to travel, to the Trea- Y h ° tr' make f urers °f £ he County where he fhall land or arrive; (4) and fhall bring a Certificate unto any of the Trea- Mariners-Certi- f urers aforefaid, tinder the Hand and Seal of the General of the Camp, or Governor of the Town wherein £cate. he ferved, and of the Captain of the Band under whom he ferved, or his Lieutenant, or in the Abfence of the faid General or Governor, from the Marfhal or Deputy of the Governor, or from any Admiral of her Majefty's Fleet, or in his Abfence from any other General of herMajefty's Ships at the Seas, or in Abfence of fuch General, from the Captain of the Ship wherein the faid Mariners or Soldiers did ferve the Queen's Majefty, containing the Particulars of his Hurts and Services; (5) which Certificate fhall'be alfo allowed by the General Mufter-M after for the Time being, reiident here within this Realm, or Receiver General 2 ©f furer the Sold; or Mariner (hall - repair for Re- lief Allowance of 4ht Cejtificate*