Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/758

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C. 4.
Anno xliii reginae Elizabethae.
A.D. 1601.

7o8 C. 4, Anno xliii Reginze Elizabeths. A. D. 1601. HowthcForfeU XVI. And be it enacted, That all Forfeitures to be forfeited by any Treafurer, Collector, Conftable, tares (hall be Church-warden, or other Perfon, for any Caufe mentioned in this Act, fhall be employed to the Relief employed. of fuch Soldiers and Mariners, as are by this Act appointed to take and have Relief: (2) And after that Relief fatisfied, then the Overplus thereof, with the Overplus of the Stock remaining in any the (aid Trea- surers Hands, fhall be employed, as is before-mentioned, to the charitable Ufes expreffed in the faid Sta- tutes concerning the Relief of the Poor, and for Punifhment of Rogues and Beggars, (except the faid Juf- tices, or the more Part of them, fhall think meet to referve and keep the fame in Stock for the Main- tenance and Relief of fuch Soldiers and Mariner3, as out of the fame County may afterwards be appointed to receive Relief and Pennons :) (3) And that the Relief appointed to be given by this A£t fhall be given to County Relief Soldiers and Mariners out of the County or Place where they were preffid, fo far forth as the Taxation li- ftaU be given to mited by this Act will extend : (4) And if the whole Taxation there fhall be before employed according t* Soidie.s and the Meaning of this Act, or that they fhall not be preftMen, then out of the Place where they were born, Manners. or ] a fl; inhabited by the Space of three Years, at his or their Election. pen/ion sfligned XVII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That every Penfion affigned heretofore to any Soldier or r ° !la " d in F °' ce Mariner, or that fhall be affigned before the faid Feaft of Eqfter next, notwithftanding the Difcontinuance tuuiibc repealed °^ tn€ ^ a ^ tw0 former Acts, fhall Hand in Force, and fhall yearly from and after the faid Feaft of Eafter -" "eIi'z. c. 4. next be fatisfied and paid out of fuch Taxations and Forfeitures as fhall be made, collected and levied by 39 El. c. 2,:. Force of this Act, fo long as the faid Penfion fhall remain in Force, without fuch Revocation or diminifh- rng, as is before in this Act mentioned ; (2) which Claufe of Revocation or Diminifhing before-mentioned fhall extend as well to Penfions heretofore affigned, as to fuch as at any Time hereafter, before or after the faid Feaft of Ea/hr, fhall be affigned to any Perfon or Perfons. Taxations made XVIII. And be it alfo enacted, That all Arrearages of Taxations heretofore made by Virtue of the faid and not levied. f ormer Statutes or any of them,, which fhall be or remain at the faid Feaft of E after next uncollected and not received or levied, fhall and may by Authority of this Act be had, received and levied by fuch Perfons, and in fuch Manner and Form, as in every Refpect Taxations made by Virtue of this Act are appointed to be collected, received and levied, and fhall be employed to the Ufes expreffed in this Ait and no otherwife. A^Provifioivif XIX. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the faid Rate fhall be ftffi tnt for tb» ttnou S nt not t0 be fufficient for the Relief of fuch Soldiers and Mariners as fhall be to be relieved within the Soldiers in Lon- City of London ; That then it fhall be lawful for the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of London, don. or the more Part of them, to rate and tax fuch reafonable Tax, Sum and Sums of Money, for the faid Re- lief, as fhall be to them thought fit and convenient : So as fuch Sum and Sums of Money fo to be rated do not exceed three Shillings weekly out of any Parifh, and fo as in the Total the Sum fhall not exceed or be under twelve Pence weekly out of every Parifh one with another, within the faid City and the Liberties thereof. Farther Phx>;- XX. This Act to endure to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament and m longer, f Continued until fan, concerning the E j • f the firft s e fl-, n f th e next Parliament by 7 Car. 1. c. 4. and farther continued by 16 Car, Soldiers, 31 Car. -, J J t j z.c.i. mAnn. *■ c - 4- J Slat. 1. c. 13. I Geo. I. Stat. 1. c. 47. 3 Gte. i. c. 2. xz Geo. z. c. 44. 33 G>i». 2. c. 6, S£? 18. And Jec the annual Mutiny Ails.

An Act to redress the Mis-employment of Lands, Goods and Stocks of Money heretofore given to certain charitable Uses.

Commiffioners ' TT 7HEREAS Lands, Tenements, Rents, Annuities, Profits, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, Mo- authorued to ' VV ney and. Stocks of Money, have been heretofore given, limited, appointed and affigned, as well by enquire of Mif- * the Queen's moft excellent Majefty, and her moft noble Progenitors, as by fundry other welf-difpofed Per- employment of < f ons . f ome f or Relief of aged, impotent and poor People, fome for Maintenance of ftck and maimed Sol- civen to'Hoiti- ' ^' ers anc ' Mariners, Schools of Learning, Free Schools, and Scholars in Univerfitics, fome for Repair of cats, Sec. ' Bridges, Ports, Havens, Caufways, Churches, Sea-Banks and Highways, fome for Education aud-Prefer- Their Orders ' ment of Orphans, fome for or towards Relief, Stock or Maintenance forHoufes of Correction, fome for (ball be per- <■ Marriages of poor Maids, fome for Supportation, Aid and Help of young Tradefmen, Handicraft/men 2°inft '707 ' anc ^ P er fo ns decayed, and others for Relief or Redemption of Prifoners or Captives, and for Aid or Eafe fm. ^.4—476. ' of any poor Inhabitants concerning Payments of Fifteens, fetting out of Soldiers and other Taxes ; which

  • Lands, Tenements, Rents, Annuities, Profits, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, Money and Stocks of

' Money, neverthelefs have not been employed according to the charitable Intent of the Givers and Founders ' thereof, by reafbn of Frauds, Breaches of Truft, and Negligence in thofe that fhould pay, deliver and ' employ the fame :' (2) For Redrefs and Remedy whereof, Be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal Cro.Car. 526. of England for the Time being, and for the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancqfler for the Time being for Commrffioncrs Lands within the County Palatine of Lancafter, from Time to Time to award Commiffions under the Great to enquire of Seal of England, or the Seal of the County Palatine, as the Cafe fhall require, into all or any Part or UndsandOoods ^ art3 °^ tn * s ^ ea * m refpefiively, according to their feveral Jurifdidtions as aforefaid, to the Bifhop To charitable of every feveral Diocefe and his Chancellor, (in cafe there fhall be any Bifhop of that Diocefe, at theTime vies, of awarding of the. fame Commiffions) and to other Perfons of good and found Behaviour, (3) authorizing Four Commiffio- them thereby, or any four or more of them, to enquire, as well by the Oaths of twelve lawful Men or ners at the lealt. " mni-p