Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/764

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7 ?4 C. io. Anno xliii Reginse Elizabeths. A. D. i6or, i'oor, ^1

  • '°j!';. XXIX. And that two

! Hull cchtii 39Eiiz. fnili jio to Land until the End of the firft Seflion of the next Parliament; except fome new Aft fhall be made in this prefent Seflion of Parliament concerning the fame. Afts made, the one in the five and thirtieth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Rei'm intituled, 'An Aft for the neccilary Relief of Soldiers and Mariners,' and the other made in the nine and ,9 Eii*. c 2i. thirtieth Year of her Majefty's faid Reign, for the further Explanation and Continuance of the fame for- Poor mer Aft, (2) fhall alfo continue and remain in Force until the End of the firft Seflion of the next Parlia- 43 F.liz. c. 3. m nt ; except fome new Aft fhall be made concerning the fame in this prefent Seflion of Parliament. Voo l ' XXX. And be it alfo further enafted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That one Aft made in 39 Ehij. c.;6. t ] le n | ne an( j thirtieth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, intituled, 'An Aft to re- ' form Decei s and Breaches of Trufts, touching Lands given to charitable Ufes,' be from henceforth ut- terly repealed. Decree's made by XXXI. And yet ncverthelefs, be it enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That fo much bT°F«rce ofche of . £ns ^ lid A£t as concerneth the Execution of Orders, Judgments and Decrees heretofore made by Com- sLturs n f miflioners afligned by Virtue of the faid Aft, and Examination, Hearing and Determining of the faid Or- ders, Judgments and Decrees by fuch Commifliocers heretofore made, fhall ftand and remain in Force only as for and concerning fuch Judgments and Decrees, as heretofore have been made by Virtue of the fame Aft, and of Commifiions thereupon awarded. Til^Statu'e f XXXII. Provided always, and be ft enafted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That (he faid Aft 3 for Maintenance of Hufbandry and Tillage, fhall not extend to any Lands lying within the County of Northumba land. XXXIII. And provided alfo, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of" the Aft No lhumber- above-mentioned, intituled, ' An Aft for the Increafe of Mariners and Maintenance of the Navigation,' - "eUz c 10 repealing a former Aft made in the three and twentieth Year of her Majefty's Reign, bearing the fame Ti- F?ih. '"■■'■ tie, as concerneth the Repealing and Making void of all Ordinances of the Fifhmonsjers of London, or of any other Company or Corporation whatfoever, made or to be made for Reftraint of any Perfon to take or . fell Fifh, or to buy or provide any Fifh of any Merchant or other within this Realm, or the Making or Executing of any fuch Ordinance or Reftraint, fhall from henceforth remain difcontinued and repealed ; the former Continuance of the faid Aft in this prefent Aft mentioned notwithftandin° XXXIV. And yet nevcrthelefs, Be it enacted. That no fuch Ordinance or Reftraint made'or to be made fhall in any wife extend, or be put in Execution, during the Continuance of the faid former Aft made 3jEl,z. in the thirty-ninth Year of her Majefty's Reign, to reftrain any Coaftmen, Fifhermen, or any others Sub- jects or Foreigners, for or concerning the Taking, Bringing in, Putting to Sale, or Buying cf any faked Fifh or Herrings^ being wholfom and fwee't, upon and under the Pains and Penalties in the laid former Act of the nine and thirtieth Year of her Majefty's Reign contained. Merchants. XXXV. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Ship, ijae 7 c' -z Veffel or'Crayer, whereof any of her Majefty's Subjefts fhall be Owners or Part-Owners, of the Burden Dover Haven.. ' of twenty Guns loading and upwards, loading or difcharging within this Realm, and pafling to and from any foreign Countries, (other than Ships, Veflels and Crayers, which fhall be laden with Seacoal orGrind- ftones) fhall after the End of this Seflion of Parliament, in refpeft of any fuch Voyage, pay to the Repara- tion of Dover Haven, but only after the Rate of three Pence the Tun, for the Merchandize wherewith fuch Ship, Veffel or C.ayer fhall b; in fuch Voyage laden, and not after the Rate of three Pence the Tun of the Burthen of every fuch Ship, Veilel or Crayer : (2) And that every Ship, VelTel or Grayer which fhall be imployed in a Voyage of Hilling, fhall not upon Return of fuch Voyage, pay but after the Rate of three Pence the Tun for fuch Oil, Train and Merchandize, as fuch Ship fhall bring home in fuch Voyage, and not any Thing for Fifh, or in refpeft of the Burthen of the fame Ship, Veffel or Crayer; the faid Sta- tute made for the Repairing of Dover Haven, or any other Sta.ute touching the fame, or any Thing in this Aft contained to the contrary thereof iri any wife notwithftanding. CAP. X. An Aft for the true Making and Working of Woollen Clothes. 4.EJ. 4. c, 1. ' / *T**HE Queen's mod excellent Majefty, with the Advice of her Highnefs Lords Spiritual and Tempo- No deceivaUe ' JL ral, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, weighing and confidering the good "Thing ftaii be c anr j godly Purpofes of divers and fundry Statutes heretofore made and ordained for the true Making and clothes, nor 'any ' Working of Woollen Cloth, to be fruftrated and deluded by Straining, Stretching, Want of Weight, Deyjce to ftretch Flocks, Sollace, Chalk, Flour, deceitful Things, fubtil Sleights and Untruths, fo as the fame Clothes thern in Length ' being put in Water, are found tofhrink, be rewey, purfey, fqually, cockling, bandy, light, and notably or Breadth, and ' faulty, to the great Diflike of foreign Princes, and to the Hindrance and Lofs of the Buyer and Wearer:' 1 e madeF^c" ' 2 ) ^ or Redrefs thereof, Is pleafed and willeth it to be enafted, and by the Authority of this prefent Parlia- 5 &6Ed. 6. c.6. me nt k ' s enafted, That from and after the Feaft of the Purification of the buffed Virgin Mary next en- ., Tac. 1. c. 2. fuing, noPerfonorPerfonsfhallputanyHair,Flocks, Thrums or Yarn made of Lambs Wool, or other decei v- able Thing or Things, into o apon any Broad Woollen Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kerfie, Frize, Dozen, Peniftone ©r Cottonj Taunton Cloth, Bridgwater, Dunjier Cotton; (3) (which Dunjier Cotton hereafter fhall be by this