Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/765

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A. D. i6or. Anno xliii Regfofe E lv.. iftfi n , this prefent t& intendi d and taken to be of like W< '■, or other Cloth of what Nature, Kind 01 Nami he fold ) (4) upon Pain to forfi it every ( lotton, and other Woollen Cloth, 111 , Mock., Thrumi , Y. rn ol I . mb W -. I, (hall be fo put; any Law, Statute-, Difpenl itwlthftanding: ( ^J And upon Pain that every P any I [air, Flo les, Thru that Intent and Purpofe, to forfi ii the fame Hair, ceivable Thing and X Jiin vcr. II. And that no Perfon 1 (ii.ill from and after 1 C upy withir jefty's faid Realm 01 Dominion , an renter, Inftrument, Engine, orol 1, with any lower Bar, Pin, I rewith any rough and unwrought W01 llei niftone, Prize, Rugg, or any other rough and 1 n Cloth, ofi foever they be or (hall be of, made or to fold, (ball or may be I Breadth; (2 or fliall have, keep or ufe any Manner of Wrinch, 1 gine tqftretch or (train any rough and unwrought Woollen Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kci «  Peniftone, Frize, Rugg, or any other rough and unwrought Woollen Cloth, ol •■• Name foever they boor fliall be of in Length, made or to be made to be fo fold; (3) upon I Offender that (hall have, keep, ufe or exercife any fuch Tenter, Inftrument, ! lower liar, Pin, Ring, Engine or Device, Wrinch, Ring-head; Crown or Ron ever, fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence twenty Poun thereof to < n Queen's Majefly, and the other Half to him that will fuc for the fame, by Bill, Plaint or , in any of her Higbnefs Courts of" Record, wherein no Effoin, Protection or vVageroi I ..J. III. And that no Perfon or Perfons within her Majefty's Realm of England or the Dominion from and after the faid Feaft of Eafler now next enfuing, fhall fet or caufe to be fet direftl any wrought Woollen Broad-Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kerne, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Fnze, Rug any other wrought Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or fliall be o , made Sale or offered to be fold, in or upon any Tenter, Indium art, Engine or Device, with a lower I Ring, Engine or Device, Wrinch, Ring-head, Crown or Rope of what Sort or Kin (train the fame wrought V00llen Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kerfic, Cotton, Do/en, P.- ' or any other wrought Woollen Cloth, ofwhat Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or (nail be of; (>) otherwil'e than tiie whole wrought Woollen one Yard in Length and one 11..!,-,: ... •<,- in Breadth: (3) And the Half-Cloth one Half-yard in Length, and one Half-quarter in HreaJlh : (4* Anil the Kerfic, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize and Rugg, one Half-yard in Length, and on Streadth': (5) Or fhall utter or fell any wrought Woollen Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kerfic, Cotton, ! Peniftone, Fri/c, Rugg or any other wrought Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind or Name foever t 1 be or lliall be of, tcntered, (trained or ftretched otherwife than as afarefaid, in or upon any Ten'. merit, Engine or Device, with a lower Bat, Pin, Ring, Engine or Device, Wrinch, Ring-heal, Crown or Rope, of what Sort or Kind foever; (6) upon Pain to forfeit every fuch wrought Woollen Cloth, !' Cloth, Keriie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, Rugg and every other wrought Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or fliall be of. IV. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That no Woollen Broad-Cloth, Half-1 loth, Kerfic, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, Rugg, nor any other Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind / or Name foever they be or fliall be of, fliall from and af:er the laid Feaft of E .uing, (being 1 ; well fcoured', thicked, milled, and fully dried and made to be fold, or which fhall be offered to' be (old exceed the feveral Length or Lengths which heretofore is limited and appointed refps&ivcly for every fuch broad Woollen Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kerfie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, Rugg and other Cloth, ofwhat Nature, Kind or Name foever they be of, and ought at this Time to be o!", by the feveral Statutes therefore limited and appointed; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of every fuch broad Woollen Cloth, Hall-Cloth, Kerfie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, Rugg and every other Woollen Cloth, ofwhat Nature, Kind or Name foever. V. And that every Woollen Broad Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kerfie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone. Rugg and every other Woollen Cloth, ofwhat Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or fhall be of, (hall ]' from henceforth (being well fcoured, thicked, milled and fully dried) weigh reflectively the tru which is heretofore limited and appointed for every fuch Broad Wool'en Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kcrfi . ( ton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, Rugg and every other Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind 1 r N foever they be or fhall 'be of, to weigh, and ought at this prefent Time to weigh, by the feveral Statutes • * therefore limited and appointed : (2) faving that Taunton Clothes, Bridgwaters, an.l fuch CJ be made in Taunton, Bridgwater and other Places of like Sort and Making, and limited to v thirty Pounds at theleaft, (3) fliall and may from henceforth (being well fcoured, thicked, milled, wroi and fully dried) w igh only thirty Pounds at the leaft ; any former Statute or Statutes to the- coir: thereof in any wife notwithstanding ; ( 4.V and faying that Suffolk, Norfolk, Effix and Northern Cloth, !i ■' miied by the feveral Statutes of the fifth Year of King Edward the Sixth, and the fourth and fifth Years of ^ ; 4 Y 2 King