Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/766

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7i6 C. 10. Anno xliii Reginse Elizabeths. A. D. 1601. t Pi f'M ^~ m ° Philip an ^ Queen Alary or one of them, to weigh the feveral Weights therein mentioned, (hall and I J may be abated for the Workmanfhip of the whole Cloth, four Pounds, and for the Half-Cloth, two Pounds in the Weight thereof, as the fame Norfolk, Suffolk and EJJ'ex Clothes are allowed by her Highnefs Tolera- tion by Proclamation. wj«v ftTwe'-ght. ^ - Aml K if ^ a '* happen that any of the faid broad Woollen Clothes, H.ilf-Clothes, Kerfies, Cottons, Dozens, Peniftones, Frizes, Ruggs, or any other Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or (nail be o c , made or to be maJe to be fold or offered to be fold, (hall lack (being well fcoured, trucked, milled, wrought and fully dried) of the Weight therefore refpeftivcly limited, and which ought to be of that We : ght by this prefent Aft, above three Pounds in any whole broad Woollen C oth; (2) or above one Pound and the Half of one Pound in one half Broad-Cloth, Taunton Cloth, Bridgwater or other Cloth of like Sort; (3) or above one Pound in one Kerfie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, Rugg, (4.) or any other Woollen Cloth refpeft'.vely of what Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or fhall be of; (5) then the Offender fhall forfeit for one Pound wanting more than is afotefaid, ten Shillings ; and for tvvo Poinds, twenty Shillings ; and for three Pounds, forty Shillings, and fo double the Forfeiture for every Pound fo Wanting, unlefs the Party offending by fuch Wanting will yield the fame Cloth, Half-Cloth, Ker- fie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize and Rugg fo wanting, forfeited; which if he will yield, then the fame fo wanting (hall be forfeited ; any former Law, Statute, or other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. VII. And that one 'Statute made in the nine and thirtieth Year of her Highnefs Reign, intituled, ' An "Vc for U2 " ' Aft againft the deceitful Stretching and Tentering of Northern Cloth,' as to, for, touching and concern- Northern Cloth ing',Vi:ws, Seals, Searches, Appointment of Overfeers, Penalties, and Authority given to Juftices of Af- ftall extend to fize,, ] unices of Peace, He .id Officers of Cities, Boroughs and Towns Corporate, and other Perfon and Cloth made in perfpns, of and for Northern Clothes in the County of Tori, Lancafter, and other the Counties on the North ether Counties. f Trent, fhall from the faid Feaft of Eajler next enfuing refpeftively extend unto all and lingular Woollen Broad Clothes, Half Clothes, Kerfies, Cottons, Dozen's, Peniftones, Frizes, Ruggs, and all other Wool- len Cloth, of what Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or fhall te of, made or to be made with- in her H:ghnefs Realm of England, to be viewed, fealed, fearched, overfeen, fubjefted to Penalties, and Authority given to Juftices of Affize, Juftices of Peace, and other Perfon and Perfons, in fuch and the like Manner ana Form, and to fuch and the like Purpofes and Intents refpeftively, as is limited and ap- pointed for fuch faid Northern Clothes, aothfcaledby VIII. And that every broad Woollen Cloth, Half Cloth, Kerfie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, fiill Jo" oe™ ^ u ££' anc * eery other Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind, or Name foever they be or fhall be of, fe.u'ched 'or tried Sealed by the Overfeers authorized by this prefent Act, fhall not be brought to he viewed, fearched and feen, again. rior fhall be fearched, tried or watered by any other Searcher and Overfeer of any other City, Borough, Town, Village, Parifh or Hamlet, by Virtue of his or their Office or Offices; any Statute, Matter" or Thing to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. ARepealofPart IX. And be it further enacted, That the feveral Branches of the feveral Afts of Parliament, the firft in- heKaftcf^n- t] * ulcd > ' An AS for the true Making of Woollen Cloth,' in the fifth Year of theReign of King Edward the tioned. IBen " Sixth; (2.) and the Aft, intituled, '"An Aft touching the Making of Woollen Clothes,' in the fourth and 5 & 6 Ed. 6. fi/th Years of the Reign of King Philip and Queen Mary ; (3) And in the Act made in the feven and twen- tieth Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty that now is, intituled, ' An Act touching the Breadth of white Woollen Clothes' made in the Counties of Somerfet, Wilts, Gloucefter and Oxon ; (/Q and in the Aft made in the five and thirtieth Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty that now is, intituled, ' An Aft touching the Breadth orPlunkets, A 7 - ure s and Blues, and 3« E, ' z - f ■ S-. * other coloured Clothes made in the County of Somerfet, or elfcwhere of like Making,' (5) for and concern- Clot he!? S ' ° *" g tbe exceec !i n g of Length of Clothes mentioned in the faid Statute of the fifth Year of King Edward the Sixth, fhall from henceforth be utterly repealed, as concerning only the faid Over-lengths ; (6) And that one other Branch made in the faid fourth and fifth Year of the Reign of King Philip and Queen Mary, touch- Certificate of i n g a nd concerning Certificates of faulty Clothes, fhall from the faid Feaft of Eafter next enfuing be likewife raulty uoth, repealed, for Clothes to be fold after the faid Feaft of Eafter next enfuing. No Merchant X. And be it enafted, That no Merchant or Buyer which fhall tranfport or caufe to be tranfported be- v,ni : "- of a " y0nd the Seas ' an y broad Woolle n Cloth, Half Cloth, Kerfie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, Rugg, Ciotiner tor any or . an y other Woollen Cloth, of v/h at Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or fhall be of, by reafonofany Befeft in Cloth. Clothiers or Sellers of any broad Woollen Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kerfie, Cotton, Dozen, Peniftone, Frize, Rugg or any other Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind or Name foever they be or fhall be of, fo tranf- ported, his Hand to fuch Merchant or Buyer's Book, Bill or Ticket, for or touching any Defefts, fhall take any Benefit or Advantage, ua" '^fthisre. XI " And be lt further enafted, That all and every Article, Claufe and Sentence in any Aft of Parlia- pealed. ' ' ment heretofore made, touching or concerning the find Abufes in this Aft mentioned, and being repugnant and contrariant to any Article or Sentence in this Aft, fhall from the faid Feaft of Eajler now next enfu- ing be utterly void and of none Effeft. 39 Eliz. c. 20. X [I. And be it further enafted, That fuch as fhall offend after the faid Feaft of Eafter againft the faid Aft in the nine and thirtieth Year of her Highnefs Reign, obferving and performing this prefent Aft, fhall not The Forfeiture, incur any Penalty mentioned in the faid Aft of the faid nine and thirtieth Year : (2) The Moiety of all which in^v-d F onre i tur ' ;s ( n °t otherwife by this prefent Aft appointed) fhall be to the Searchers and Overfeers that fhall

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4 & 5 Ph. i