Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/769

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A. D. i6or. Anno xliii Regions Eli z auk in a. G, i . ' en I I and ordered by certain gave I I • appointed by || ' London, as Men by i ( ' until of late Years thai difa rs Perfi ' fought to draw the Pa ' her Majeily'a Couri , to theii Pi ujhoi ity pi iln i.prefent Parliament, 1 ol thi Greai t"i the Time being, toawai I / one genera] or (landing C mill Lord Chancellor .>i I . . dl I m licies of AlTurances, fuxh as nov arc or hereafter (bail I City of Land «, an I w ■ of her Majeftj 's Cam Time being, the Recorder I ime being, two I Lawyers, and eight gravi the greater Part of them, which (hall lit and meet, (hall have by Authority to hear, examine, ordei : Aflurances in a brief and fumi lary Courfe, as to then Pleadings or Pro eedings. II. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That it {hall bi as well to warn any of the Parties to come before them, as all • I fhall be produced, and to commit to Prifon without Bail or Main prize, any Perl temn or difobey their final Orders or Decrees : (2) And th it the laid Com 1 iffioners i at the lead, meet and lit u^>n the Execution of the fai i Commiffion in the Office of tin (bme other convenient publick Place by them to be aligned : (3) And that no . may claim or exact any Fee, for any Matter or Caufe concerning the Execution of the i. I I million. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Thatifi ny Perfon (hall be ■ or Decree of the laid Commiffioncrs, that fuch Perfons fo grieved may at any I the faid Decree fo made, exhibit his Bill into the High Court of Chancery for Decree; (2) fo as every Perf. n Complainant, before he ihall exhibit any fuch Bill, do either execute and :.. fatisfy the laid Sentence fo awarded, or at the leafi lay down indepojhi Con Sums of Money as he (hall be awarded to pay, and that upon fo doing the faid Complainant (hall b^ enlarged of his Imprifonment : (3) And that the Lord Chancellor, or Lord Keeper, for the Time being, (hall have full Power and Authority by Virtue ol this Act, upon every Complaint made (in ord vcrfe or affirm every fuch Sentence or Decree, according to Equity and Conference : (4) Ar.d that the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, in every Inch Suit brought before him, as aforefaid, by fuch All decreed again ft the faid AlTurers, (hall award double Colls to the Party affured. IV. Provided neverthelefs, That no Commiffioner ihall intermeddle in the Execution of any fuch Con miffion in any Caufe or Matter of Ailurancc where himfelf ihall be either a Party Affurer or Affui fame Aflurance which is brought in Queftion : (2) Nor that any Commiffioner of the Admiralty and the Recorder of London) ihall deal or proceed in the Execution of any fuch L fion before he have taken his corporal Oath before the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of I London, to proceed uprightly and indifferently between Party and Party. Lord Mayor. — Farther pica-'ided fir /,y 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 23. ^. 2. vAr.n. c, 6, §. 57. 6Ccc.-i.cit. 7 ff». I. c 27. t'C.i.. :;. 1 1 •_ 2. C. 37. 21&1.1, I.4. 25 Ceo, 2. C. 2.6. CAP. XIII. An Act for the more peaceable Government of the Parts of CuinlerLind, Ni . ndj JVeJhnorland, and the Bifhoprick. of Durefme.

  • foncrs, and kept barbaroufly and cruelly until they have been redeemed by great Ranfoms : (2) A nd where s f Ter *J <*""-
  • now of late Time there have been many Incurfions, Roads, Robberies, and burning and fpoiling of To.

' Villages and Houfes within the faid Counties, that divers and fundry of her Majelly's loving Subjects mit '. ' within the faid Cpuntics, and the Inhabitants of divers Towns there, have been forced to pav a certain berliod, *&

  • Rate of Money, Corn, Cattle or other Confederation, commonly there called by the Name o:' Black-m
  • unto divers and fundry inhabiting upon or near the Borders, being Men of Name, and friended and allied

' with divers in thofe Parts, who are commonly known to be great Robbers and Spoil-takers witl

  • Counties, to the End thereby to be by them freed, protected and kept in Safety from tl e Danger of
  • fuch as do ufually rob and fteal in thole Parts : (3) By rcafon whereof, many of the Inhabitants there-

' abouts being her Majefty's Tenants, or other good Subjects, are much impoverished, and Theft and Rob- ' bery much increafed, and the Maintainers thereof greatly encouraged, and the Service of thofc Borders and.

  • ■ Frontiers much weakned and decayed, and divers Towns there abouts much difpeopled and laid wafte,

"■and her Majefty's own Revenue greatly diminilhed : (4) Which heinous and outragiou.- nora ' there