Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/770

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720 C. 14. Anno xliii Reginae Elizabeths. A, D. 1601. ' there cannot fo well by the Ordinary Officers of her Majefty in thofe Parts be fpeedily prevented or fiip- ' preffed, without further Provifion of Law :' Carrjring_aw«y II. For Remedy whereof, be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That whofoever V'cr'fon r"nft 17 ^ ia 'l at anv Time hereafter, without good and lawful Warrant and Authority, take any of her Majefty 's hi" Willi a "- Subjects againft his or their Will or Wills, and carry them out of the fame Counties, or to any other Place within any of the faid Counties, or detain, force or imprifon him or them as Prifoners, or againft: his or their Wills, to ranlbm them, or to make a Prey or Spoil of his or their Perfon or Goods, upon deadly AflSntingoraid-peucl orothei-wife: (2) Or whofoever fhall be privy, contenting, aiding or afufting unto any fuch taking, k;n»°or 'detain- detaining or carrying away, or procure the taking, detaining or carrying av/ay, of any fuch Perfon or Per- Tis of any Per- fons Priloners, asaforefaid: (3 J Or whofoever fhall take, receive or carry, to the Ufe of himfelf, or wit- ion, tingly to the Ufe of any other, any Money, Corn, Cattle or other Confideration, commonly called Blaci- Rcceiving or mail, for the protecting or defending of him or them, or his or their Lands, Tenements, Goods or Chattels, rvad—iafi *" ror " ^ UC ^ Thefts, Spoils and Robberies, as is aforefaid : (4) Or whofoever fhall give any fuch Money! Cifingof lilack- Corn, Cattle or other Confideration, crilzd Black-mail, for fuch Protection as is aforefaid : (5) Or fhall mail for Pro- wilfully and of Malice burn or caufe to be burned, or aid, procure or confent to the burning of any Barn tcftion. or Stack of Corn or Grain, within any the faid Counties or Places aforefaid ; (6) and fhall be of the faid Burning of feveral Offences, or any of them indicted, and lawfully convidte J, or fhall ftand mute, or fhall challenge ofConi' 3taC S peremptorily above the Number of twenty before the Juftices of Affizes, Juftices of Gaol-delivery, Juftices The; aforefaid of Oyer and Terminer, or Juftices of Peace within any of the faid Counties, at fome of their General Seffions Offence (hall be within fome of the faid Counties to be holden ; fhall be reputed, adjudged and taken to be as Felons, (7) Felony without a nd {hall fufTer Pains of Death, without any Benefit of Clergy, Sanctuary or Abjuration, and fhall forfeit C 'inft y, 66 C '6 as in Cafe of Felony. 3 " ' ' 7 ' ' HI. And where divers and fundry Perfons within the faid Counties, being indicted and outlawed for ' Murders, Robberies,. Burglaries or other Felonies, do notwithstanding ordinarily refort and come to Mar- ' kets, Fairs and other publick Affemblies and Meetings, and do there converfe, traffick and trade with ' other her Majefty's Subjects, and are entertained, and have the Privilege as Men obedient to Laws, and ' yet do never yield themfelves to Trial of Law, nor are apprehended ; whereby the ordinary Proceeding of ' Law, and Execution of Juftice in thofe Parts are grown now into very great Contempt :' The Names of IV. Be it therefore likewife further enadted, That every Clerk of the Peace within every of the faid all outlaws Counties fhall within th? Space of two Months next after any Outlawry within any of the faid Counties, tuthc Sheriff deI ' ver or caule to oe delivered by Writing under his Hand, the Names of all and every fuch as are or fhall be hereafter outlawed within their feveral Counties, to all and every the Sheriffs of the faid feveral Counties : I f r ° c ' amatlonof (2) And all and every the faid Sheriffs fhall proclaim and publifh them to be outlawed in their feveral e maws. County-Courts, and in the City of Carlile, the Towns of Penreth and Cockcrmouth in the County of 'Cum- berland^ and in the Towns of Appidby and Kendal in the County of JFeJlmorland, and in the Town of New- caftle upon Tine in the County of the Town of Nnvcajlls upon Tine, and in the Towns of Morpeth, Alne- tvick and Hexam in the County of Northumberland, and in the City of Durejmc, and Towns of Darlington, Bijhop-Awcland and Bemard-Cafth within the Bilhoprick of Durefme, and in the Town of Berwick upon Tiueed; (3) and that the faid Sheriffs having Notice, as aforefaid, fhall from Time to Time, once in the Month at their County-Court, proclaim every of the faid Perfons fo outlawed, or hereafter to be outlawed, until they fhall yield their Bodies to Prifon : (4.) And likewife that the Mayors, Bailiffs, Aldermen, and other Chief Officers, within the faid feveral Cities and Towns, fhall proclaim the like at every Fair or Fairs to be kept within the faid Cities or Towns, and once every fix Weeks at their Markets. ThePumrt-.ment V. And be it alfo cnadted, Tint if any Perfon or Perfons inhabiting within any the faid feveral Counties for relieving or fhall wittingly and widingly have Conference, Talk, or in any Sort mall relieve, entertain or confer wi:h an'o"ti"w7or an ^ ^ uc ^ Perfon or Perfons fo outlawed, or hereafter to be outlawed, for any fuch Murders, Robberies, Felony. Burglaries or other Felonies, having Knowledge of the fame Outlawries, by reafon of the fame Proclama- tion or otherwife, and then fhall not with convenient Speed do his beft Endeavour to take and arreft any fuch Perfon or Perfons fo outlawed, or to be outlawed as is aforefaid, fhall fuffer Imprifonment by the Space of fix Months, without Bail or Mainprife, and be bound with two fufficient Sureties for his good Beha- viour for the Space of one Year after, before he be enlarged of his Imprifonment. The Enquiry VI. And be it further enadted, That the Juftices of Affife within any of the faid Counties, Juftices of and of the Clerks of the Peace within the faid Counties, and proceed againft them by Information or Indidt- The Authority men t, and punifh them by Fine, Imprifonment or otherwife, as they thai 1 think fit. of the Lords VII. Provided always, That this Adt, nor any Tiling therein contained, fhall not extend to abridge or Wardens (hall impeach the Jurifdidtion or Authority of any the Lords Wardens of any the Marches of England, for and not be im- anenft Scotland; any Thine in this prefent Adt to the contrary notwithstanding.! peached. C A P. XIV. An A <?t concerning the Affizes of Fcwcl. The Penalty of ' % 7 H E R E A S in the Parliament holden at Wcflminfter in the feventh i_Year of King Edward the Sixth, the Statute of * yy one Act was made touching the Affized Talwood, Billets and Faggots to be fpent in Lo?idon and lutbtAIGxeat* ^ e J^ min J^ r -> the which Affizes were very meet and convenient fhould be kept in all Places through this