Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/771

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A. D. i6or. Anno xliii Regina; Elizabeth i. c. ~ 2r Realm, where fuch Talwood, Billets and Faggots :irc ufed to be fpcnl : (2) Nevcrthi contained in the laid Statute fee evcy Snide of Talwood. Billet and I aggot, I . put to Sale, is three Shillings and four Pence; which Penalty is ovcr-h at . lame depended) upon the Fault oi poor I d> turing Men, whit i. Times without the Knowledge or Confent of the Seller :' (3) For Remedy w .uthoiity of this prefent Parliament, That fo much of the lata Statul Shillings four Pence for every Shide of Talwood, liillet or Faggot, lacking 1 fhall from henceforth be void and of none Effect ; (4) and yet the Aflizc tor the fl Faggots, fhall Ihll continue in Force, not only for Londvi and //' . Boroughs and Towns Corporate of this Realm, where fuch Talwood, Billet and P. ggou to be lold. II. And be it further cnaded, That if any Perfon or Pcrfons fhall after the firfl I cnfuing bring any Talwood, Billet or Faggot, to any City, Borough or Town Corporate within • Realm, there to be fold, or being brought, lhall put the fame to Sale, neither being of the .'. in the faid Statute made in the feventh Year of King Bdiuard the Sixth, or agreeing with th hereafter in this Ad limited ; That then upon Information thereof given to the Mayor, Head Officer of the faid City, Borough or Town Corporate, they fhall have Power and Authi before them fix good and lawful Men of the faid City, Borough or Town Corporate, and fhall I upon their Corporal Oaths, truly to enquire and prefent, whether all or any Part of the faid I Billets or Faggots be of good and fufficient Affize, according to the faid Statute, and the Limi Aflizc, herein contained or not : (2) And if they fhall prefent upon their Oaths, that any of the firnc Tj!- wood, Billets or Faggots be not of fuch good and fufficient Aflizc, as abovefaid, That then the I .. Bailiffs and other Head Officers of the laid Cities, Boroughs and Towns Corporate, by Force of t!. A£t. upon their Prcfentment, fhall and may take fuch of the fame Talwood, Billets and Faggots as be : as forfeited, (3) and fhall deliver the fame unto fonic Ovcrfecrs for the Poor in the laid Cities, Boroughs Ti.-ro.- and Towns Corporate, to be by them given and diftributed to the Poor there, according to their Discretions, from Time to 1 ime, as often as fuch Offences fhall be prefented in Manner and Form abovefaid. ■ ' III. And whereas in the faid former Statute it was enacted and limited, That every Talfhide fhall co: ' tain in Length four Foot befides the CarfF; (2) and every Talfhidc named one, fhould contain inGreatn ' within one Foot of the Midft, fixtcen Inches about ; (3) and every Talfhidc named of two, to contain 1:. lirrtyeight Inches about ; (7) and every Billet to contain in Length three foot four Inches ; and every Billi •: a Single, to contain feven Inches and an Half about ; (8) and every Billet named to be a Caft, to contain ten Inches about; (9) and every Billet named of two Call, to contain fourteen Inches about; (10) at. . Faggot, Bend or Stick, to contain in Length three Foot; (11) and the Bond of every fuch Faggot to be of four and twenty Inches about, befides the Knot : (12) In which A<5t it was further cnactec, all Billets of two Call: fhould be marked within fix Inches of the Midft thereof; (13) and every B one Caft to be marked only within four Inches of the End thereof; as in the laid Act of Parliament, amongft divers other Claufes, Articles and Provifions doth and may appear : (14) And whereas de. Realm, as many Times they fell the one Half or little more for the whole, and yet (b cunningly carried,

  • that by the ftrict Letter of the faid Statute they cannot be controlled, by reafon the faid Statute ufeth only
  • the Word (About) and wantcth the Word (Round) : ( 15) And whereas by the true Intent of the faid

1 Statute, every Bend of Faggot fhould be three Foot, and the Bond befides the Knot four and twenty

  • Inches, the faid cvil-difpofed People do not only make the faid Bends or Faggot-flicks much fhortcr, b;;t
  • if any chance to be of fufficient Length, then only one or two of thofe fhall be put in a Faggot, and the
  • Bond filled up with fhort Sticks or Bends fcarce one Foot long, to the great Damage and i-'cceit of her
  • Majefty's Subjects buying the fame :
  • IV. For avoiding of all which Deceits for ever hereafter, and to avoid all Scruple, Ambiguity or D
  • hereafter to be made of the faid Statute, or the true Meaning thereof, and for that it mufl needs he ;
  • mitted to cleave great Trees into Talwood or Billet, for Convcniency of Ufe :' (2) Be it therefore (for

Explanation of the true Intent of the faid Statute) enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, ThatTr-r - from and after the firfl Day of May now next coming, every Talfhide marked of one, h ir.g round-bodii fhall contain fixtcen Inches of Aflizc in Compafs ; being of half-round, nineteen Inches of Affize about ; *" being quarter-cleft, eighteen Inches and a Half of Affize about: (3) And that every Talfhide marked two, being round-bodied, fhall contain in Compafs three and twenty Inches of Affize about ; being K feven and twenty-Inches of Affize about ; being of quarter-cleft, fix and twenty Inches ot Affizs about And that every Talfhidc marked three, fhall contain in Compafs about (being round) eight end twenty Inches of Affize ; being half-round, to contain in Compafs three and tnirry Inches or Affize; Ki: quarter-cleft, two and thirty Inches of Affize about : (5) And every Talfhide marked f ur. to contain Compafs, being round, three and thirty Inches of Affize; being half-round, nine and thirty Inchc Affize about; being of quarter-cleft, eight and thirty Inches of Affize abo t ; (6) And every 1 ahhiuc marked five, flull contain in Compafs, being round, eight and thirty Inches of Aflizc about, and being Vol.. II. 4,, £ hall -round,