Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/773

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A. D. 1601. Anno xliii Reginas Eli C. i ^ — in. feet in th( Law, to all Intent t, Cn I )p i Majefty'i Paid High J , ar "i on ;ht to I" ■■■.

  • IV. And whereas alfo the Mayor of the (hid City for tl

' during all th Hra v ' man K.I v or Recoveri ' or Tenants, vou< lr c 01 Vou ; . ' Conn a W rit, Proccfs or Precept of D '. I >• (ty thai i ow is, and ol hei H ' under the Trjle of the faid Mayor for th< I 1 thoriftng th <(c to whom the fa nc w directed or Koine of I ' fuch Lenant or Tenants, Vouchee or Vo ' Tenants, Vouchee or Vouchees, would in his 01 th ii PI ' pear in the faid Court, and to gain or lofe the faid Land , Tenem nl or H its, in oi by I "■ Recovery or Recoveries demanded oi to be reco V, Be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That upon all ai inal Writ oi ' hen after to be purchafed out of hei I laid i oui ol I . Fine or Fines within the faid City of Cbefter % the Ma , hen iter have full Power and Authority to award ana fend forth fuch like Writ or Writs, Pro fs ■ i P cepts of Dedimui PoteJiaUm as is aforefaid, to any two or more fufficient Perfons, authorizing them i fome of them, to receive and take the Acknowledgment of fuch Perfon or Perfons as (hall levy fuch Fine or Fines, and by reafon of Sicknefs, or other reafonable Imped im in, i annoi con tin Pi before the faid Mayor for the Time being, to make fin h Acknowledgment : (?.) And that all an i • P'ine and Fines, as upon any fuch Acknowledgment made and ccrtiiied into the faid Court of Porta ■: (hi !l be hereafter engroiled, recorded and proclaimed in Inch Manner and Form as is formerly limited and pointed, before the Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, in the faid Court of Portauot, (hall be of like Force and Effect to all Intents, Conlrrudtions and Purpofes, as if the fame Fine or Fines '. perfonally acknowledged before the faid Mayor, and engroficd, recorded and proclaimed in fuch Manner and Form as in and by this prefent Act is formerly limited, appointed, exprefled and declared. VI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That Fines to be levied by Virtue of this Act fhall be fubiect : be reverfed and may be reverfed upon Writs of Error to be fued and profecuted before the faid High Jufti tr;C faid County Palatine of Chefter, as other Judgments given by the faid Mayor in the faid Port I may be, and have ufed to be, if there fliall be found Error in the fame Fine or Fine.. Jem i- ■•.• Cbefl r, fn 11 On. z. c. 40. aai t6(7o. - C A P XVI. The County of Cumberland {hall frand chargeable for the Erecting, Maintaining, Repairing and new Ma-" i ^ cu king of Edon Bridge and Preftbeck Bridge, Handing over the River of Edon, when and as often as Need ihall require : And for the Afleflment, Rating, Collection and Employing of fuch Works and Sums of Money as from Time to Time fliall be needful for the Building and repairing of thole Bridges, fuch Form and Order fliall be obferved in all Things, by and through the faid County, as is appointed by the Sta- tute of 22 H. 8. c. 5. for the Repair of Bridges : But the Inhabitants of the Lordlhip of .William fliall not be chargeable with any Contribution thereunto. P R. C A P. XVII. A Confirmation of four Subfidies of four Shillings in the Pound, granted to the Queen by the Clergy. EXP, - CAP. XVIII. A Grant by the Temporalty to the Queen of four entire Subfidies, and eight Fifteens and Tenths. EXP. Sol : CAP. XIX. A Confirmation by the Parliament of the Queen's General and Free Pardon : Except, if:. EXP. Pinion. The End of the SECOND VOLUM E.