144 C. 29—37. Anno decimofextoCAROLi I. A. D. 1640. Tonnage, Poundage. Contribution. Tonnage, Poundage. Ireland. Tonnage, Poundage. C A P. XXIX. A Subfi(Jy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Mer- chandize exported and imported, EXP. CAP. XXX. An A^ for a Contribution and Loan for the diftreffed People oilr eland. EXP. CAP. XXXI. A Subfidy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Mer- chandize exported and imported. EXP. C A P. XXXII. .For the Raifing and Levying of Monies for the neceflary Defence and great Affairs of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland^ and for .the Payment of Debts undertaken by the Pariiament. EXP. C A P. XXXIII. An Adl for the reducing the Rebels in Ireland to their Obedience to his Majefly and the Crown of England. EXP. See an Adt for the Settlement of Ireland, paffed in that Kingdom Anno 14 Car. 2. one thoufand fix hundred and fixty-two, by which this and the following A6ls concerning Ireland are, befides their Expiration, of no Force. •C A P. XXXIV. An Aft for the Explanation of a former A6t for the reducing the Rebels in Ireland, EXP. C A P. XXXV. An A<51 to ^able Corporations to adventure in Ireland. PR, C A P. XXXVI. A Subfidy granted to the King of Tonnage, Poundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Mer- chandize exported and imported. EXP, CAP. XXXVIL An Aft for the further reducing of the Rebels in Ireland to their Obedience to the King and Crown 0' England. EXP. Anno :