A. D. 1660. C. 1—3. 145 Anno Regni C a r o l i II. Regis Angliae, Scoriae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, duodecimo. At the Parliament begun and holden at Wejlmnjler the five and twentieth Day of ApriU -dnno Dom. one thoufand fix hundred and fixty, in the twelfth Year of the Reign of our moft gracious Sovereign Lord Charles the Second, by the Grace of God, of Englajid, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, Gfr. And there continued until the nine and twentieth Day of December then next following, and then diflblved by his Majefty : To the high Pleafure of Almighty God, and to the Weal publick of this Realm, were enabled as followeth. C A P. 1. An A61 for removing and preventing all Queftions and DIfputes concerning the Affembling and Sitting of this prefent Parliament. FO R the preventing all Doubts and Scruples concerning the_ Aflembling, Sitting and Proceeding of this prefent Parliament, (2) be it declared and enadted, and it is declared and enafted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and by the Lords and Commons in Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the jg car. », e. ■>. fame. That the Parliament begun and holden at Wejiminjler the third Day of November in the fixteenth The Parliament Year of the Reign of the late King Charles of blefled Memory, is fully diffolved and determined : (3 } And ^|^car^decUr d that the Lords and Commons now fitting at Wejiminjler, in this prefent Parliament, are the two Houfes of Jo be diflbWed! Parliament, and fo (hall be, and are hereby declared, enadled and adjudged to be, to all Intents, Con- The Lords and fl:ru(5tions and Purpofes whatfoever, notwithftanding any Want of theKmg's Majefty's Writ or Writs of fii°™f declared Summons, or any Defed or Alteration of or in any Writ or Writs of Summons, or any other Defedt or to be the two^ Default whatfoever; as if this Parliament had beenfummoned by Writ or Writs in his Majefty's Name, Houfes of Par- according to the ufual Form, and as if his Majefty had been prefent in Perfon at the Aflembling and Com- ^'"«"' mencement of this prefent Parliament. (4) Provided always. That this prefent Parliament may be dif- The King's Af- folved by his Majefty after the ufual Manner, as if the fame had been fummoned by Writ or Writs in his J^aii'no'tdettr^ jMajefty's Name. (5) Provided alfo, and it is hereby ena<Sled, That his Majefty's Royal Aflent to this mine this Sef-' Bill (hall not determine this prefent Seflion of Parliament. fion. c A P. n. An A<5t for putting in, Execution an Ordinance mentioned in the faid Aft. EXP. 13 Car. 2. Stat, i. c. 7. CAP. III. An Aft for the Continuance of Procefs, and Judicial Proceedings continued. rr TXT'HEREAS the four firft Returns of Eq^er Term in the Year one thoufand fix hundred fixty, of writs, &c. fnaii late called from Eafter-day in fifteen Days, from Eafter-day in three Weeks, from Eafter-day in not be diiconti- ' one Month, and from Eajler-day in five Weeks, or any of them, cannot be conveniently kept '^'^ ^^J^J ^^^^-.ji i' holden:' (2) Now for avoiding all manner of Difcontinuances whatfoever, which by Occafion thereof Days oV Return, iihould or might happen or be in any Matter or Caufe whatfoever, in any the Courts at Wejiminjler: (3; jBe it ena<5led by the King's moft excellent Majefty, and the Lords and Commons afifembled in Parliament, jThat no Pleas, Writs, Bills, Adlions, Suits, Plaints, Procefs, Precepts, or other Thing or Things whatfoever, pleaded, returned or depending, or having Day or Days, in any of the ' faid Courts, in or at jthe faid feveral Returns, or any of them, or at any other Day or Days certain after any of the faid Re- jturns, ftiall be in any wife difcontinued, or put without Day, for or by Reafon of the not keeping or hold- ing of the faid Returns or Days, or any of them ; (4) but that all and Angular the faid Pleas, Writs, Biils, Aaions, Suits, Plaints, Procefs, Precepts, and other the Premiffes aforefaid, Ihall ftand, continue, and be good and effedtual in Law, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the faid Returns and Days, and every of them, had been aiStually kept and holden in all and every the faid Courts; any Law, Statute, Cuftom or jUfage to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. j II. And be it further enacfted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Pleas, Writs, Bills, Aitions,. Suits, The raid Wiits, IPiaints, Procefs, Precepts, and other Thing or Things whatfoever aforefaid, pleadable, or to be pleaded, ^™'^^jj ^^^uS ireturnable, or to be returned, or having Day in any Manner whatfoever at any of the faid Returns, or and pie^a^^ab'?* Vol. III. U any 3t ai^eitainDay-,