24. An Act for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and by Knights Service, and Purveyance, and for settling a Revenue upon his Majesty in Lieu thereof.
25. An Act for the better ordering the selling of Wines by Retail, and for preventing Abuses in the Mingling, Corrupting and Vitiating of Wines, and for settling and limiting the Prices of the same.
26. An Act for the levying of the Arrears of the twelve Months Assessment, commencing the 24th of June 1659. and the six Months Assessment, commencing the 25th of December 1659.
27. An Act for granting unto the King's Majesty four hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, by an Assessment of threescore and ten thousand Pounds by the Month, for six Months, for Disbanding the Remainder of the Army, and paying off the Navy.
28. An Act for further supplying and explaining certain defects in an Act, intituled An Act for the speedy Provision of Money for Disbanding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea.
29. An Act for the speedy raising of seventy thousand Pounds for the present Supply of his Majesty.
30. An Act for the Attainder of several Persons guilty of the horrid Murder of his late Sacred Majesty King Charles the First.
31. Leases and Grants from Colleges and Hospitals confirmed.
32. An Act for prohibiting the Exportation of Wool, Woolsels, Fullers Earth, or any kind of Scouring Earth.
33. An Act for Confirmation of Marriages.
34. An Act for prohibiting the Planting, Setting or Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ireland.
35. An Act erecting and establishing a Post-Office.
36. The Master of the Rolls for the Time being, impowered to make Leases for Years, in order to new build the old Houses belonging to the Rolls.
37. An Act for making the Precinct of Covent-Garden Parochial.
Anno duodecimo Caroli II Regis.
1. An act for naturalizing Peter de la Pierre alias Peters, and John de la Pierre alias Peters.
2. An Act for the necessary Maintenance of the Work of Draining the Great Level of the Fenns.
3. An act for restoring unto Morough alias Morgan Earl of Inchiquin all his Honours, Manors, Lands and Tenements in Ireland, whereof he was in Possession on the three and twentieth of October one thousand six hundred forty-one, or at any Time since.
4. An Act for restoring unto William Marquess of Newcastle all his Honours, Manors, lands and Tenements in England, whereof he was in possession on the twentieth Day of May one thousand six hundred forty-two, or at any Time lmce.
5. An Act for the Settling of the Priory of Walton and other Lands belonging to the Earl of Winchelsey in the County of York, in the Hands of Trustees for the Payment of Debts.
6. An Act for Restoring of Sir George Lane, Knight, to the Possession of the Manors of Rathclive and Lisduff, and other Lands in Ireland.
7. An Act for Restoring to Charles Lord Gerrard Baron of Brandon, all his Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, whereof he was in Possession on the twentieth Day of May one thousand six hundred forty-two, or at any Time sithence.
8. An Act for Restoring of John Lord Culpeper, Son and Heir and sole Executor to Thomas Lord Culpeper Baron of Thorsway, and Master of the Rolls deceased, all the Honours, Manors, Lands and Tenements, Leases not determined and Hereditaments whatsoever, whereof the said John Lord Culpeper was in Possession on the twentieth day of May one thousand six hundred forty-two, or at any Time after, which have not been since sold or aliened by the said John late Lord Culpeper by Acts or Assurances to which himself was Party and Consenting.
9. An Act for Restoring of the Marquess of Hertford to the Dukedom of Somerset.
10. An Act for Enabling Augustine Skinner and William Skinner to make Sale of some Lands for Payment of Debts.
11. An Act for the Incorporating of the Master and wardens of the Company of Haberdashers, London, to be Governors of the Free School and Alms houses in Newport in the County of Salop, of the Foundation of William Adams, and for settling of Lands and possessions on them for Maintenance thereof, and other charitable Uses.
12. An Act for the Naturalising of Dorothea Helena countess of Derby, Wife of the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Derby, and Emilia called Countess of Ossory, Wife of the Right Honourable Thomas Butler called Earl of Ossory, Son and Heir apparent of the Right Honourable James Marquess of Ormond and Earl of Brecknocke, and Margaret Lady Culpeper, Wife of the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Culpeper Baron of Thorsway, and the Right Honourable Charles Kirkhoven Lord Wotton, and Dame Emilia his Sister, Children of Katherine Stanhop Countess of Chesterfield by John Kirkhoven Lord of Hentflett.
13. An Act for Enabling Sir George Booth, Baronet, to make Leases and Sales of Part of his Estate.
14. An Act for Restoring of Henry Lord Arundell of Warder to the Possession of his Estate.
15. An Act for Restitution of Thomas Earl of Arundell, Surrey and Norfolk, to the Dignity and Title of Duke of Norfolk.
16. An Act to Restore to Wentworth Earl of Roscomon of the Kingdom of Ireland all the Honours, Castles, Lordships, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in Ireland, whereof James Earl of Roscomon his Great Grandfather, Robert Earl of Roscomon his Grandfather, or James late Earl of Roscomon his Father, were in Possession on the three and twentieth of October one thousand six hundred forty-one.
17. An Act for Enabling of John Newton the Younger, and william Oakely, to make Sale of Lands for Payment of Debts and Raising Portions.
18. An Act for Restoring Sir George Hamilton unto his Lands and Estate in Ireland.
19. An Act for Maintenance of the Vicar for the Time being of the Vicaridge of Royston in the County of Hertford and Cambridge, and of his Successors, Vicars of the said Vicaridge.
20. An Act for Enabling Sir William Wray to sell Lands for Payment of his Debts and Raising of Portions for his younger Children.
21. An Act for Naturalising of Gerrard Vantethusen, Daniel Demetrius, Theodore Cocke, John Cravenburgh, and others.
22. an Act for the Levying of certain Moneys due upon the Collection for the protestants of Piedmont.
23. An Act for the Naturalising of John Boreel, Esquire, Eldest Son of Sir William Boreel Knight and Baronet.
24. An Act for the Naturalising of Abraham Watchter born beyond the Seas.
25. An