The TITLES of the S T A T U T ES. 25. An AS: for Reftoring of Sir Thomas Crimes, Baronet, to his Eftate. z6. An A(S Enabling George Faunt o( Fojion in the County of Leicefler, Efquire, to fell and convey Part of his Lands for Payment of fcveral Debts and Let^acies charged upon his Estate by Sir WilUam Faunt^ Knight, deceafed, and for the Raifingof Portions for his younger Children, and tnaking his Wife a Jointure. 27. An Aft for Naturalizing of i^rafff« i^i/i?, and others. 28. An Aft to tn-&h(t yofeph Micklcthzvaite an infant, and his Truftees, to fell Land for Payment of his Father's Debts. 2g. An Aft for Railing Portions and making Provifion for Maintenance for the younger Children of Sir Edivard Gcjiwhhc^ Baronet. 30. An Aft for Confirming the Sale of the Manor of Hltcham-, fold to Charles Doc by Sir yohn Clarke, Knight and Baronet, and for fettling and difpofing other the Lands of the faid Sir jFohn Clarke and Dame Philadelphia his Wife. 31. An Aft for the Settling of (bme of the Manors and Lands of the Earl of Clieveland in TiuRees, to be fold for the Satisfying of the Debts of the faid Earl, and of Thomas Lord fFentworth his Son. 32. An Aft for the Difappropriating of the Reftory Ap- propriate of Prejlon, and Uniting and Confolidating of the faid Reftory, and of the Vicaridge of the Church of Pre/Ion, and for the Affuring of the Advowfon and Right of Patronage of the fame unto the Mafter, Fellozvs and Seholars of Emanuell College in Cambridge, and their Succefibrs. PUB LICK ACTS. jinno decimo tertio Caroli IL Regis. 1. A N Aft for Safety and Prefervation of his Majefty's VV Perfon and Government, againft treafonable and feditious Praftices and Attempts. 2. An Aft for Repeal of an Aft of Parliament, intituled, j^n Act for difahling all Perfons in Holy Orders, to cxer- cife any Temporal JuriJdiSlion or Authority. 3. An Aft for the Declaring, Vefting and Settling of all fuch Monies, Goods, and other Things in his Majefty, ■which were received, levied or collefted in thefe late Times, and are remaining in the Hands or Poffeffion of | any Treafurers, Receivers, Colleftors, or others, not pardoned by the Aft of Oblivion. 4. An Aft for a Free and Voluntary Prefent to his Ma- 5. An Aft againft Tumults and Diforders, upon Pretence of preparing or prefenting Publick Petitions, or other Addrefles to his Majefty, or the Parliament. 6. An Aft declaring the fole Right of the Militia to be in the King and for the prefent Ordering and Difpofing the fame. 7. An Aft for Confirming Publick Afts. 8. An Aft for providing necefTary Carnages for his Ma- jefty in his Royal Progrefs and Removals. 9.^A-.n Aft for the Eftabliftiing Articles and Orders for the Regulating and better Government of his Majefty's Na- vies, Ships of War, and Forces by Sea. 10. An Aft to prevent the unlawful Courfing, Hurting or Killing of Deer. 11. AnAft for Confirming of three Afts therein men- tioned. 12. An Aft for Explanation of a Claufe contained in an Aft of Parliament, made in the Seventeenth Year of the late King Charles, intituled, An ASi for Repeal of a Branch 3 of a Statute Primo Elizabethse, concerning CommiJJiiners for Caifes Ecclcfiqjiical. 13. An Aft for veiling the Arrears of the Excife and New Impoft in his Majefty. 14. An Aft for Confirming an Aft, intituled, An An for encouraging and incrcaftng of Shippii'g and Navigation, and fevcral other Afts, both Publick and Private men- tioned therein. 15. An Aft declaring the Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures impofed upon theEftates and Perfons of certain notorious Oftcnders, excepted out of the Aft' of Free and General Pardon, Indcmpniiy and Oblivion. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno decimo tertio Caroli II. Regis, N Aft for Afcertaining and Efi:abli(liing the Fees of the Mafters of the Chancery in Ordinary. z. An Aft for Confirming a Sale made by Sir Thomas Prefl- tvich and others, of the Manor of Holm, and certain Lands in the Parifn oi Manchefter in the County of Lan- cafier, inlo ?>r Edivard Mofey, Baronet. 3. An Aft for Reftoring oi Thomas Radcliffe, Efquire, to all his Lands and PoiFeffions in England and Ireland. 4. An Aft Enabling 'John Harbin, Efquire, to fettle, fell and difpofe of feveral Manors, Pvlefluages, Lands, Tene- ments and Hereditaments with the Appurtenances in the County of Somerfet and Dorfct therein mentioned, for Payment of his Debts, and to make Provifion for his younger Children. 5. An Aft to enable the Sale of fome of the Lands of Thojnas Hunt, Efquire, and fohn Hunt, Gentleman, for Payment of their Debts. 6. An Aft for Settling the Manors of Knoll, Seale, and Kempfmg in the County of Kent, u])on the Ear! of Dorfet and his Heirs, and charging the Manor of Bexhill, and the Manor or Farm of Cow ding, and other Lands in the County of Suffix, with a Rent-Charge of one hundred and thirty bounds per Annum in lieu thereof. 7. An Aft for Confirmation of the Charter and Privileges of the Mafter, Wardens and Cotninonalty of Weavers, Ful- lers and Clothiers in the City of V/orcefter. 8. An Aft for Settling feveral Lands late of Sir Edivard Baejh, Knight, upon Sir Ralph Baefo, Knight of the Bath, Heir of the faid Sir Edivard, and his Heirs. 9. An Aft for Confirmation and Explanation of An ASf for the Settling of fome of the Manors and Lands of the £«?■/ ff/'CIeaveland in Triftccs, to be fold for the Satisfying of the Debts of the faid Earl, and of 'Thomzs Z«r^ Went- worth his Son. to. An Aft for the Uniting the Parfonages of Saint^n- dreius and Saint Mary Wiiton in Droitivich in the County of Worcefler. 11. An Aft to enable fohn Lord Abergavenny, Son and Heir of Henry late Lord Abergavenny, to fell certain Lands, for Payment of his Debts, and Preferment of bis Brother and Sifters. . 12. An Aft for the Naturalizing of Francis Brudenell, Efquire, Son and Heir apparent of the Right Honour- able Robert Lord Brudenell, and of the Right Honour- able An-na Maria Countefs of Shrewfury, Daughter of the faid Lord Brudenell, and now Wife of the Right Honourable Francis Earl of Shrew foury. 13. An Aft for the Reviving a Settlement of certain Lands on fohn Orlibeare for Life, the Remainder to the Sons of the faid fohn fuccelTively and the Heirs Males of their Bodies, '<3c. 14. An Aft for Coniirming and Continuing an Aft for necefTary