Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/254

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o6 C.

33^ 34- Anno duodecimo Caroli II. A. a 166.0. ■Farther PrcviJ- din chncern'tilg Waal, ijSf 14 tar. -i. c: 18 ©" 19. iW.&M. Stat. I, £"• 32. ^(3"%TV.%.c.^%.

9 & 10 /^.

c. 4 ^. q. c. lO. c. 40. 10 fef isr II of for 3 Geo. 1, c, 21, 4 Geo. 1. f, II. ,f. S & II, 29 in any one Year, accounting the Year from the firft Day of January aforefaid, any greater Quantity Wool than one llioufand Tods for Guernfey, two hundred Tods for Alderney^ and one hundred Tods i„. Sarke, in any one Year 5(3) and that the Cuftomer of the Port of Southampton aforefaid fhall keep a true Account of all the faid Qiiantity of Wools fo by him permitted to be loaden by Virtue of this Adl and iha'I not permit any greater Quantity of Wools to be loaden than by this Adi is prefcribed in any one Year, to either of the faid Iflands refpedively, under any Pretence whatfoever, upon the Penalty of the Forfeiture of his Place, and of the Sum of one hundred Pounds in Money ; one Moiety whereof to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame in any Court of Record, wherein no Effoin, Protedion, or Wager of Law Ihall be allowed. (4) ^d if any of the Governors aforefaid, or any of their or either of their Deputy or Deputies of the faid Ifles or either of them, fhall give, grant, or make any Licence or Licences for exporting from Southampton aforefaid, into the laid liles refpeftively-, of any greater Quantity of fuch Wool than is before by the true Meaning of this K€i limited and appointed in that Behalf; that then the refpeftive Governor or Go- vernors of fuch of the faid Ifles (hall forfeit and pay to the King's Majefty, his Heirs or SuccefTors, the Sum of tv/enty Pounds of lawful Money of England, for every Tod of Wool which ihall be fo licenced to be exported, over and above the Rate or Proportion of Wool, in and by this Act, or the true Mean- ing thereof, limited or appointed. XIV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That the refpeftive Governors aforefaid or their refpefcive Deputies,^ or any their Clerks, QfEcers or Servants, for the granting, making or fealing of every fuch Writing of Licence as is aforefaid, and for the entring a Remembrance of tire fame into fome Book, which they (hall have and keep for that Purpofe, may have and take the Sum of twelve Pence, and no more ; [z) upon Pain of forfeiting to the Party grieved the Sum of five Shillings for every Penny which (l>all be taken over and above the faid Sum of twelve Pence, in and by this AdT allowed to be taken, and To after that Proportion ; the faid Penalty or Forfeiture for the taking above twelve Pence as aforefaid, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record at JVeJiminJfer, or elfewhere, wherein no Injunction, Proteelionj Privilege, ElToin or Wager of . Law lliall be admitted or aljowed. [Confirmed by 13 Car. 2. Stat., i. c. 14. J

Geo, I. c. II,

jes, a, f, 23- la Geo. 1. c. 34, and 30 Geo, 2. c. li. 13 Geo, ,1. c. 23, 5 G«. 2, c, 21. izGeo.z, czi, i^Geo,z, f. 27, 2^.Cei).z, c, 14, z6Ceo,i, -52 H. 8. c. 38. Marriages iince the firft of May 16^2. confirmed, IfTues uponLaw- fulnefs of Mar- riages already joined fliall be tried by Jury. i3Car.2.Stat,i, e. II, Importance of the Plantations cf ^.nnerica. I'lo Perron a fter the fird of Ja- nuary 1660. fiiall fecor plant any Tobacco, The Penalty made lol. by 15 tJar. 2. c, 7. 4, 18. CAP. XXXIII. An Adt for Confirmation of Marriages. HEREAS by Virtue or Colour of certain Ordinances, or certain pretended A6ls, or Ordi- nances, divers Marriages iince the Beginning of the late Troubles have been had and folemnized in fome other Manner than hath been fprnierly ufed and accuftoraed :' (z) Now for the preventing and avoiding of all Doubts and Queftions touching the fame. It is enafted, ^i: EXP. CAP. XXXIV. An A6t for prohibiting the Planting, Setting or Sowing of Tobacco in England or Ireland, - OUR Majefty's loyal and obedient Subjects, the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament ailembled, coniidering of how great Concern and Importance it is. That the Colonies and Plan* ' tations of this Kingdom in America, be defended, protedted, maintained, and kept up, and that all dUe ' and pofTible Encouragement be given unto them ; and that not only in regard great and confiderablfe ' Dominions and Countries have been thereby gained, and added to the Imperial Crown of this Realn ' ' but for that the Strength and Welfare of this Kingdom do very much depend upon them, in regard 1. ' the Employment of a very confiderable Part of its Shipping and Seamen, and of the Vent of very grea, ' Quantities of its Native Commodities and Manufadlures, and alfo of its Supply with feveral coniiderabjl ' Commodities which itwas wontformerly to have only from Foreigners, and at far dearer Rates : {^) Ani ' forafmuchas Tobacco is one of the main Produds of feveral of thofe Plantations, and upon which theL- ' Welfare and Subfifience, and the Navigation of this Kingdom, and Vent of its Commodities thither^" ' do much depend ; and in regard it is found by Experience, That the Tobaccoes planted in thefe Parts ' are not fo good and wholfome for tlie Takers thereof; and that by the Planting thereof, your Majeftyi ' is deprived of a confiderable Part of your Revenue arifing by Cuiloms upon Imported Tobacco ■' Ddl moft humbly pray, that it may be enafted by your Majefty ; (3) and it is hereby enadted by the Kin^'j ( moft Excellent Majefty, and the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament ailembled, and by tlie J Authority of the fame, That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever ihall or do from and after the firft Day off fanuary in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred and fixty, fet, plant, improve to <yrow make? or cure any Tobacco, either in Seed, Plant or otherwife, in or upon any Ground, Earth, Field or Place ' within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, Iftands of Guernfey or Jcrfey, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or in the Kingdom of Ireland, under the Penalty of the Forfeiture of all fiich Tobacco or the Value thereof, or of the Sum of forty Shillings for every Rod or Pole of Ground fo planted, fet or fown as aforefaid, and fo proportionably tor a greater or lefler Quantity of Ground ; one Moiety thereof to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety to him or them that ihall fue for the fame, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint or Information in any Court of Record, wherein no ElToin, Protetftion, of Wager in Law fhall be allowed. 8 II. And ,