Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/255

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A. D. 1660. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. C. 35,-37. 207 II. And it is hereby further enafled. That all Sheriffs, Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Con- All Sheriffs and ftables, and every of them, upon Information. or Complaint made unto them or any of them, by any the ma"ddUoy"ny Officers of the Cuftoms, or by any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever. That there is any Tobacco fet, Tobacco planted ft^yvn., planted, or growing within their Jurifdidtions or PrecintSs, contrary to this Adl, , fliall within ten contrary to thi» Days after fuch Information or Complaint caufe to be burnt, plucked up, confumed, or utterly deftrby- ^ ' ed, all fuch Tobacco fo fet, fown, planted or growing. III. And it is heieby further enaded. That in Cafe any Perfon or Perfons fliall refift or make forcible any Perfon^e"^ Oppofition againft any Perfon or Perfons in the due and through Execution of this Aft, that every fuch fifting'tfe Aft. Perfon or Perfons, for every fuch Offence, fhall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds to be divided and recovered in Manner aforefaid. (2) And in Cafe any Perfon or Perfons fhall not pay the Sums of Money by them to ht paid by Virtue or this A6i, That in every fuch Cafe, Diftrefs fhall be made, and Sale thereof, re- tiiminK the Overplus to the Owners : And in Cafe no Diftrefs be to be found. That then every fuch Party mall be committed to the Common Gaol in the County where fuch Offence fhall be committed, there to remain for the Space of two Months without Bail or Mainprize. . IV. Provided always, and it is hereby enaded, That this AdV, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall vateGardens"* extend to the hindring of the planting of Tobacco in any Phyfick-Garden of either Univerfity, or in any other private Garden for Phyfick or Chirurgery only, fo as the Quantity fo planted exceed not one Half of one Pole in any one Place or Garden. 13 Car. 2. Stat. i. cap. 14. 5 Geo. i. c. 11. §. 19. Farther Prmifi- ais concerning tobacco, i< Car. 2. c. 7. 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 26. I ^ac. 2. c. 4. 7 G? 8 ?^. 3- c. 10. 10 6? 1 1 ^. 3. f. 21. 2 Am. c. 9. 6 Ann. c. 22. ijnn.c.ii. iz Ann. Stat. X, c.i. i Gei>. 1. c, 46. iGeo. i, e, it, dCeo.l, c.7.1. gCeo.i.c.zi. la Gsor 1. c. a§ ©" aS, 2i Cw, z. <•• 2. 2^ Ga.i, nHf. and i.(> Geo. 2. d 13. ■' - '-"'3 C A P. XXXV.. An Ad ereding and eftablifhing a Pofl-Office ; repealed by 9 Ann. c. 10. §. 2. CAP. XXXVI. The Mafler of the Rolls impowered to make Leafes for Years in order to new build the old Houfes te-- longing to the Rolls. P R, 13 Car. .2. Stat. i. c. if. CAP. XXXVII.. An Ad for making the Precind of Ciiw«2'-GtfrJ^a Parochial, PR. Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliae^ Scotiae, Franciae &; Hibernisej decimo tertio. - t AT the Parliament begun and holden at Wejlminpr the eighth Day of M^y, i^ev. 296, Anno Dom. one thoufand fix hundred and fixty-one, in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of our moft gracious Sovereign Lord Charles the Second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. And there continued xxnXxX Tuefday the thirtieth of July one thoufand fix hundred fixty-one : And from that Day the faid Parliament was adjourned unto the twentieth oi November then next following: To the high Pleafure of Almighty God, and to the Weal publick of this Realm, were enafted as followeth. C A P. I. EXP. An. Ad for Safety and Prefervation of his Majefty's Perfon and Government againfl treafonable and fedi- 13 Eiiz, c i. tious Pradic^s and Attempts. What fhall be adjudged Treafon during the Life of the King. Being J^ ^^^ ^' «• 7 declared and proved by two WitnefTes. Convided by due Courfe of Law. Offences (during his Ma- * ar. s. «. n jefly's Life) which difable Perfons to bear any Office. Peerage. The Parliament begun third of November 1640. not in Being. No Legiflative Power in either or both Houfes of Parliament without the King. The Solemn League and Covenant unlawful, and illegally impofed. Certain Orders and Ordinances of both or either Houfes of Parliament declared void. Provifo, the faid Orders, &c. may be made Ufe of according to the Ad of Indemnity. No Perfon to be profecuted for any Offences in this Ad (other than Treafon) unlefs by fpecial Order from his Majefty : And within fix Months after the Offence committed. Treafons and Offences within this A&. to be proved by two Witnefi!es viva voce. Provifo for the Privilege of Debates in Parliament, for Repeal or Alteration of Laws, or re- dreffmg publick Grievances. Provifo for Peerage and Peers. II. e A'j?^.