Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/517

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A.D. 1691. Anno tertio Gulielmi & Mari^. C. 2. 469 on the fifft Day of Hilary Term next, or at any Time during the faid Term, in their Majeftics HighP""^' ibrve Court of Chancery in that Kingdom, or in the Court of King's Bench there, in publiclc and open Court, '° ^'^^^ !f' between the Hours of nine of the Clock and twelve in the Forenoon ; and all the faid Perfons which inha- '" bit at greater Diftance from the faid City, at the General Quarter-Seflions to be holdcn for that County, Barony, or Place in Ireland aforefaid, where he or they fhall be or refide, in open Court between the faid Hours of nine and twelve in the Forenoon, at any Time before the five and twentieth Day of "July next ; ■ and {hall likewife make and fubfcribe, and audibly repeat, the Declaration herein and hereafter mentioned, xhcymuft re- and exprefied ; all which fhall be put on record in the faid refpeflive Courts ; and every Pcrfon taking thepc.u the DccU- fame fliall pay to the Clerk for recording thereof, one Shilling, and no n ore. Any if any Archbi{hop or"°"; Bi(hop> or any other Perfon having any ecclefiailical Dignity or Promotion, or being a Lcdlurer or Cu-p'"^*. ^"" rate, fhall negle£t or refufe to take the faid Oaths, and make and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, as afore- c"rV'm"r" fail!, then he or they fhall be ipfo faSio de}pxvtd, and is and are hereby adjudged to be deprived of his not taking the and their Offices, Dignities, and Promotions Ecclefiaftjcal, and incapable to be Ledturer or Curate in anyOaths, &c. Place or Cure whatfoever; and all and every other Peffon having any Office, or receiving any pay. Sala- ry, Fee, or Wages, by reafon as aforefaid, or being Mafter, Governor, Head, or Fellow of the faid Uni- verfity or College, or Mafter of any Hofpital, or School, Barrifter at Law, Clerk in Chancery, Attor- ney, or Profedbr of Law, Phyfick, or other Science, as aforefaid, that fhall negledl or refufe to take the. ^ faid Oaths, and make and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, within the Tiire, and in the Manner aforefaid ^V'^'^ ^^"^ refpeflively, fhall be ipfo fa£io thenceforth adjudged uncapable and difabled in Law, to all Intents and Pur-ofli."din'^g/°' poles whatfoever, to have, occupy or^ enjoy fuch Office, Pay, Salary, Fee, Wages, Mafterfhip, Gover- nor's Place, Headihip, Fellowfhip, Employment or Employments, or any Part of them, or any Matter. or Thing aforefaid, or anjr profit or Advantage appertaining to them, or any of them j and every fuch Of- fice and Place fhall be void, and is hereby adjudged to be void. IV. And be it further enaiSted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon that ftall become a Barrif-rBjrriflers, &c.. teratLaw, Attorney, Clerk, or Officer in Chancery, or any other Court, their Deputy or Deputies, or'°'^'"^ ^'^ fhall fucceed or pradlife as fuch in Ireland, at any Time after the lafl Day of Hilary Term next, fhall °'J'^j^,^j'°^' and is hereby required to take the faid Oaths, and make and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, in the Court l^ ,ioj ment. tAKings Bench at Dublin, in open Court in Term Time, between the Hours aforefaid, to be recorded as aforefaid, before he (hall be admitted to enjoy or exercife any Place or Office, or to praitife or plead in any Court of Law or Equity, or any other Court of Record, or not of Record ; and that all Perfons that fhall after ah Perfons, th.e flrfl Day of March next, be admitted into any Office or Employment, Ecclefiaftical or Civil, or come who were to into any Capacity, in refpecS: or by reafon whereof they fhould have been obliged to take the faid abro-»=^'= t^'*^'^'*'- gated Oath in the faid recited A6t mentioned, fhall take the faid Oaths, ar.d make and fubfcribe the faid'"^'"|;^" ^.^^^' '" Declaration hereby appointed, hereafter exprefied, in fuch Manner, at fuch Times, and before fuch Per-tj!,^ uj^'^al fotis, as they fhould or ought to have taken the faid former Oath, by virtue of the faid recited AQ, iution. cafe the fame had not been hereby abrogated as aforefaid. ' V. And forafmuch as great Difquiet and many dangerous Attempts have been made, to deprive their Ma- No Kcmber ' jeflies and their Royal PredecefTors of the faid Realm of Ireland, by the Liberty which the Popifh Recu-pf eith?r Houfe ' f^nts there have had and taken to fit and vote in Parliament ;' Be it enafled by the Authority aforefiid,!' ,' "1"^" ' That ffom and. after the laft: Day of y(7««i7?7 next, no Perfon that now is, or fhall be hereafter a Peer ofy,j. j,.,'.^ t,,.^^ thaf Realm, or Member of the Houfe of Peers there, fhall vote or make his Proxy in the faid Houfe of the n^w Ojth Peers, or fit there during any Debate in the faid Houfe ; nor any Perfon that after the faid laft Day of Ja-^^.i Dciijiatkn.. nuary fhall be a Mernber of the Houfe of Commons, fhall be capable to vote in the faid Houfe, or fit thers during any Debate in the fame, after their Speaker is chofen, until he firfl: take the Oaths herein and here- after mentioned, arid exprefTed, and make, fubfcribe, and audibly repeat this Declaration foliowliig. :

  • T J. B. do folemnly and fincerely in the Prefence of God profefs, teflify, and declare. That I do be-ThcnecUr.w;iH.
  • X lieve, that in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper there is not any Tranfubftantiation of the Ele-

' ments of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Chrifl, at or after the Confecration thereof by ' any Perfon whatfoever : Arjd that the Invocation or Adoration of the Virgin Mary, or any other Saint, ' and the Sacrifice of the Mafs, as they are now ufed in the Church of Rome, are fuperflitious and ' idolatrous.. And I do folemnly in the Prefence of God profefs, teilify, and declare. That I do make ' this Declaration, and every Part thereof, in the plain and ordinary Senfe of the Words read unto roe, as ; ' they are commonly underftood^ by Proteflants, without any Evafion, Equivocation, or mental Referra-. ' tipn whatfoever, and without any Difpenfation already granted me for this Purpofe by the Pope, or any ' other Authority, or Perfon whatfoever, or without any Hope of any fuch Difpenfation from any Perfon ' or Authority whatfoever, or without believing that I am or can be acquitted, before God or Man, or- ' abfolved of this Declaration, or any Part thereof, although the Pope, or any other Perfon or Perfons, 'or Power whatfoever, fhould difpenfe with or annul the fame, or declare that it was null an.d voidfronv ' the Beginning.' VI. Which faid Oaths and'Declaration fhall be in the next and every fucceeding Parliament to ^e Jield^"™^'^^®^^*^^- j in /n7fl«^, folemnly and publickly made and fubfcribed, betwixt the Hours of nine in the Morning, and "^^ ^'j^",. ]^j.^^^' ! four in the Afternoon, by every fuch Peer, and Member of the Houfe of Peers there, at the Table in' the^ers. I Middle of the faid Houfe, ' before he take his Place in the faid Houfe of Peers, and whilfl: a full Houfe of Peers is there prefent, and their Speaker in his Place ; and by every fuch Member of the Houfe of Com- mons, at the Table in the Middle of the faid Houfe, and whilft a full Houfe of Commons is there duly* feting.