Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/518

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47Q>'" C". 2. Anno tertio Gulielmi &c Mart^. A. D. 1691. fitting with their Speaker in his Chair ; and that the fame be done in either Houfe in fwch like Order or ... ; Method as whereby each Houfe is called over refpeitively ; and duriEg the making and fubfcribirig thereof Houfe °nuT!^ ajid taking the faid Oaths, all Biifmefs and Debates in either Houfe refpeaivtly ihali ceafe ; and the Clerk cord che'oaths'. ^^ '^^^ Houfe refpeftivcly, is hereby required to record the fame in Rolls prepared for that Purpofe, and every-'Mcmber of either Houfe fliall pay to fuch refpecftive Clerk for recording thereof, one Shilling, and' no more. PuniThmept VII. And be It farther enafted by the Authority afoFefaid, That if any Perfon that now is, or hereafter upbh Members fliall bc, a Peer' of Ire'land, or Member of the Houfe of Peers, or Meir.ber of the Hcufe of Commons Birri'ftrs"'&c' '^^'^^■f; or thatfhall become a Barrifter at Law, Atrcrney, Clerk, or Officer in Chancery, or any other Court, for ricgleaing. ^"'-^ ^'^ ^"'i every Deputy and Deputies in any Office whatfocver, fliall prefame to offend, cojurary to this ■Ail; that then every fuch Peer and Member, and fuch other Perfon and Perfons fo o Ten ding, '{ball .be landing; and fhall be di fabled from thenceforth to fit or vote in either Houfe of Parlinwent of the faid RVaim of Irdand, or make a Proxy in the Houfe of Pecs there, or to fue or ufc any Aftion, Bill, Plaint or-Lifol-maUon in Courfe of Law, or to profecute any Suit in any Court of Equity, or to bc Guardian of any Child, or. Executor or Adminiftrator of any Perfon, or capable of any Legacy or Deed of Gift, aiid fhall forfeit,, for every wilful Offence againfl this A6t, the Sum of five hundred Poundi, to be reco-> vered and received by him, her, or them that will fue for the fame, by any Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, cSlJiformarioh, in anybf their'Majellies Courts of Reco/d at Dutlhi, wherein no EfToin, PxocecliGn, jjn • W-ygii-' of "Law flia'll lie or be allowed, nor any more than one Imparlance. ;• ^ j Vlir, And be it farther enafted. That the Oaihs that are intended and required to be taken by Ais Acl, arre the Oaths in thefe exprefs Words hereafter following : The new Oaths. ' ^ A. B. do fmcerely promife and fwear. That I will be faithfuJ arid bear true All.:giance, to their Ma- " ■ ' '■ A jeflrres King Willia7n and Queen May-y : So help 7;ii God,' &c. Perrons ex- I-^-' Provided always, and be it enafted. That this A& fhall not extend to any Perfon now Chaplain^ e.Tifted. Secretary, or Attjndant to any of their MajeiHes Ambaffadors, Envoys, Miniifers, or Refident in any Foreign Courts, or Preacher to an^r Englijh Fatfory, or to any Chaplains in their Majefties Service by Sea or Land, out of the Kingdom of Ireland^ io as they take the Oaths, and make and fubfcribe the faid De- claration hereby required, within three Months after thsir Return ; nor to any other Perfon of the Pror teflant Religion, now in Office or Place of Truft or Profit out of the Kingdoms of Ireland or England, who fhall return into the faid Realm of Ireland^ and take the fame at any Time before the five and twc-nti- e.H Cay of Dcs-mber one thoufand fix hundred ninety-two, in the Court of K'r:g's Bench thsre, the next Term after their refpeciiveArri al in that Kingdom. Provided always. That n.othing in this Aif contain- ed &all extend to the taking away Office o^ Place of Vice-Treafurer of Ireland from IViUh'in Harbord Efquire, who is now employed by their Iaje{ties as their Embafiador Extraordinary to mediate a Peace between the Qhr'ijlians and the Turks, but that he the faid (VilUam Harbord fliall have Liberty to take the faid Oaths, and fubfcribe the faid Deck ation, as are dircdled by this prefent Ait, any Time within two Months flfter his Return into the faid Kingdom of Ireland; any Thing in this Ad: to the contrary notwithflanding. Irirti Archbifliop X. ^And be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Archbifliop and Bifhop in the faid &c. being in En- Realm of Ireland, and every other Perfon and 1 erfons now having any Ecclefiaftical Office, Dignity, or gland in Hilary p^^^^^^,^j^^.^^ ^^ being a Ledlurer or Curate in the faid Kingdom, that fhall happen to be in this Realm o{ Eru- fhall tako'li'e gland the firfl: Day of Hilai-y Term, which 'fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred nina- Oa'.hs here, and ty and ©ne, -fhall take the laid Oaths, and m:kc, fubfcribe, and audibly repeat the faid Declaration, bcr likewife in fore the End of the faid Term, in their Majefties Court of Chancery., or in the Comt of King's Bench, in Ireland. ^j^j^ Realm, and ihall again take the fiid Oaths, and make, lubfcribe, rnd audibly repeat the faid Declaration before the five and twentieth Day of "Jtdy, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thouf-Uid fix hundred ninety and two, in the Court of Chancery, or Court of King's Bench, in the faitt Kingdom of Ireland, in the Morning, and between the Hours of nine and twelve, where the fame ihajl p 1,, , f . (be put upon Record in the faid refpe£live Courts, in Manner as aforefaid. And if any fuch Archbifhop, Mkm".ii°' "° or Biiliop, or other Perfon in any i cciefiaftical Office, Dignity or Promotion, or being a Le<5furer or Cu- ' Oarhshcie. ra;e inthe faid Kingdom of Ireland, happening to be within this Realm at the Time aforefi'.id, {liall ne- glect or refufe to take the faid Oaths, and to make, fubfcribe, and repeat the faid Declaration, within ci- All other 0(Ti- 'ther of the Times before mentioned ; then he or they fliall be ipfofairo deprived, and is and are hereby ad- cersin Ireland judged to be dcpri/cd, of his or their ArchbiihopricJcJ, Bifhopricks, and Ecclefiaftical Offices, Dignities, being, ft H ^jjj Promotions, and incapable to be Lefturer or Curate in any Place or Cure whatfo.ver. And all and jj'Jre'"'^" -every other Perfon or Perfons having any Office, or receiving any Pay, Salary, Fee, or "Wages, by reafon o{ 3