Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/617

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A.D. i694' Anno quinto GuLiELMi & Mari^. C. 21. * s^9 CAP. xxr. An Aft Tor granting to their Majeftlcs feveral Duties upon Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, for four Years, towards cairying on the War againfl: France, Mojl Gracious Sovereigns^ WE your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefls, the Commons in Parliament afT^mblcd, having .^•n- tred into a due and ferious Confideration f)f the extraoidiiiary Occafions which oblige your Maje;lies to a great and prefent Expence in the neceflfary Defence of your Reahns, and being defiious to raifc fuch Aids and Supplies as may be proportionable to thefe Occaiions, do humbly prefent your Majefties with the free Gift of the Rates and Duties herein after mentioned j and do befeech your MajeiHes that it may be enabled, i II. And be it enabled by the King's and Qiieen's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Duty upon i Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament aflembled, and by Authority ^'s* «.!if«i of the fame. That from and after the eight and twentieth Day of June which Ihall be in the Year of our J"** 'T^'lJ* Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, there fhall be throughout their Majefties Kingdom of Eng/md, FortlieYncieafe ■: Dominion of ^i^/w, zni Town of Berivid upon TwecfJ^ raifed, collected, and paid unto their Majefties, .mi Continu- ' their Heirs and Succeflbrs, during the Term of four Years, and no longer, for the feveral and refpechivejnceof tlicis Things herein after mentioned, which fliall be writttcn or ingrofled, during the Term aforefaid, over and ?J."^'" '^° ^ * 3 above the Rates, Duties, and Sums of Money, now due and payable to their Majefties, or to any Perfon. scoW°' ' ' or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate whatfoever, for the fame, the feveral and refpeftive Rates, Im-l 25. pofitions. Duties, Charges, and Sums of Money herein after expreil'ed, in Manner and Form following i Ann. ftjt. t. (that is to fay) c. 13. III. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, on which any Grants or Letters Patents under the ' ^'"^^ ^' '; Great Seal of England, or the Seal of the Duchy or County Palatine o{ Lamajtcr^ or of any Honour, Digni-?.".. & c. 21! I ty, Promotion, Franchife, Liberty, or Privilege, to any Perfon or Perlbns, Bodies Politick or Corporate, or 10 Ann. c. ig. ' Exemplifications of the fame, fhall be ingrofled or written, the Sum of forty Shillings. For every Skin or§- I'^o. & c. ' Piece of Vellum, Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, on which any Pardon of or for any Crime or Of+ence, or'^'^ 3- ■of any Sum of Money or Forfeiture whatfoever, or on which any Warrant of Reprieve or Relaxation from^' '"'"' * *' any Fines, corporal Puniflaments, or other Forfeiture, fliall be ingrofled or written, the Sum of forty Shil- i Geo. i. frat. lings. For every Skin of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Grant from theirs- c. 12. §.8. Majefties of any Sum of Money exceeding one hundred Pounds, which fliall pafs the Great Seal, or Privy 3 f'™- '• "^^ 7«  Seal (not diredtcd to the Great Seal) fhall be ingrofled or written, the Sum of forty Shillings. For every p^'^^^^j'j. '^"*' Skin of Vellum or Parchment, or for every Sheet of Paper upon which any Grant of any Office or Em-i^at^s. ployment, which fliall be above the Value of fifty Pounds />^r y^«;z««z, fhall be wj'itten, or ingrofled, the ' Sum of forty Shillings. For every Skin of Vellum or Parchment, on which any Gran: of Lands in Fee, Leafe for Years, or other Grant of Profit, not herein particularly charged, that fhall pafs the Great Seal '^'"'■^' ^"^•5+° •of England, the Seal of the Exchequer, the Seal of the Duchy or County Palatine of Lar.cafter, or the Privy Seal (not dire<3:ed to the Great Seal) ihall be ingrofled or written, the Sum of forty Shillings. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Prefentation or Donation which (hall pafs the Great Seal of England, or upon which any Collation to be made by any Archbifliop, . or other Bifhop, or any Prefentation or Donation to be made by any Patron whatfoever, of or to any Be- £ce. Dignity,' or Spiritual or Ecclefi.aftical PrcHnotion whatfoever, fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of forty Shillings; provided fuch Benefice, Dignity, or Promotion, be of the yearly Value of ten Pounds or above in the King's Books. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, ©r Sheet or Piece of Pa- per, upon which any Regifter, Entry, Teftimonial, or Certificate of any Degree taken in either of the two Univerfities, or four Inns of Court, fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sumof forty Shillings. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper on which any Diiponfation to hold two Eccle- fiaftical Dignities or Benefices, or both a Dignity and a Benefice, or any other Difpenfation or Faculty, from the Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury, or the Mafter of the Faculties, for the Time being, ihall be in- grofred or written, the Sum of forty Shillings. For every Skin or Piece of Veil-um or Parchment, Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which any Admittance of any Fellow of the College of Phyficians or of any At- torney, Clerk, Advocate, Prodlor, Notary, or other OfKcer or Officers, in any Court whatfoever, fhali beingrofl'ed or written, the Sum of forty Shillings. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Appeal from the Court of Admiralty, Arches of the Prerogative Courts of Canterbury or York, fhall be ingrofled or written, the Sum of forty Shillings. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Conveyance, Surrender of Grants, or Or- ifices, Releafe, or other Deed whatfoever, which fhall be enrolled of Record, in any of the Courts at Wejlmbi/fer, or in any other Court of Record whatfoever, or by any Ctijios Rotulortan, or Clerk of tiie Peace, fhall be ingrofled or written, the Sum of five Shillings. For every Piece of Vellum or Parch- ment upon which any Writ of Covenant for levying of Fines fhall be ingroflTed or written, the Sum of five Shillings. For every Piece of Vellum or Parchment, upon which any Writ of Entry for futiering a Vo-L.IIL *4D <:onmion