Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/100

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54 C ly — 19- Anno undeclmo & duodecimo GuL I ELMi IIL A. D. 1700. ving or holding any Impropriation, for fuch Ground as hath at ar>y Time fince the fecond Day of Fe" Iruary one thoufand fix hundred eighty-four, and before the fecond Day oi Fehruan one thoufand fix hun- dred nincty-onc, been fown with Flax or Hemp, and paid Tithe in Kind to fuch Incumbent, Impro- priator, or Body Corporate refpe£tively, but that the fame fhali continue and be payable and paid, as fully and in fuch Manner as formerly ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithdanding. Afl to continue IV. Provided, That this Law fhall continue in Force for fevcn Years, to be accounted from the faid tbven Years. jfive and twentieth Day oi March, and from thence to the End of the next Seffions of Parliament, and no longer. [Made perpetual by i Geo. i. ftat. 2. cap. 36, feet. 2. J CAP. XVII. EXP. •^ ^^ *^° prevent Difputes that may arife by Officers and Members of Corporations, having negle6ted to yW. 3.C.27. fign the Affociation, and taking the Oaths in due Time. Members of Corporations, who fubfcribcd 35031.2. c. a. the Affociation, though not according to the Aft 7 W. 3. flrall be indemnified, ^c. Officers, is'c. who iW. &M. fl.z. have or fhall take the Oaths, &c. heiore i Jugi/Ji lyoo. indemnified againft all Incapacities, isfc. Oih-

  • ' ' cer, is'c. removed for fuch Neglect, not to be reftored, if another be eleiSied,

CAP. XVIII. i X P. An A6t for the more effectual Puniflimicnt of Vagrants, and fending them whither by Law they ought to « Continued for be fent. Vagabond, isc. brought to Conftable with a Pafs, (Jc. fliall be taken before a Juftice, and 3 ears longer examined, and be either puniihed, or conveyed away, &c. Juftice to give Conftable a Certificate flat! 2 c."n.' thereof. And tax on the Back of Certificate an Allowance for his Trouble, iSc. to be paid out of th& 'Enforced by Gaol Moncy, ^c. Inhabitants not to be charged for conveying Vagabonds, &V. A£l to continue 5 Anns, c. 32. three Years. Divifions, Lfc. in Counties to be deemed Counties as to this Aft, &c. Juftices to §•5"' a£t in fuch Divifions as in Counties. A Claufe in 9 & 10 W. 3. c. 47. (a private Adi) for ereft- jng Workhoufes, &c. in King/Ioti upon Hu/l repealed. CAP. XIX. An Ai5t to enable JuHices of Peace to build and repair Gaols in their refpedlive Counties. Coiitinuetl by 10 ' "^T T H E RE A S for want of due Repair, feveral Gaols and Prifons within tliis Realm are become /im.c.i/^.. <■ '|/y prejudicial to the Health of Prifoners, and infufficient for the fafeCuftody of them i' Be it there- '^er'Mual 6 Gfo ^°^^ enacted by the King's moll excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice an Confent of the Lords Spi- %^c. 19.' ' ritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the Juftices of Peace fame. That it fhall and may be lawful for the Juftices of the Peace, or the greater Number of them, on Prefentment within the Limits of their Commiffions, upon Prefentment of the Grand Jury or Grand Juries, at the Af- T^ ^ s,*^'T'*ii ^^^' Cf reat Seffions, and general Gaol Delivery held for the faid County, of the Infuffidiency or Inconveni- jnfufiS'ncv &c "^0^7 of their Gaol or Prifon, to conclude and agree upon fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as upon Exami- of any Gaol,' &c! iiatjon of able and fufficient Workmen fhall bethought neceffary for the building, finifhing, or repairing may agree on a a publjck Gaol or Gaois belonging to the Shire or County whereof they are Juftices of the Peace ; and §iim for building ijy Warrajit under their Hands and Seals, or under the Hands and Seals of the greater Number of them, ^'^brTc'^r by equal Proportion to diftribute and charge the Sum or Sums of Money to be levied for the Ufes aforefaid,' and may charge upon the feveral Hundreds, Lathes, Wapentakes, Rapes, Wards, or other Divifions of the faid County j j;heSums to be and the Juftices of the Peace are hereby authorized and impowered at the General Quarter-Seffions held levied on the fe- for the refpeftive Divifion of the faid County, to direct their Warrants or Precepts to High Conftables, ■veral Hundreds, Petty Conftables, Bailiff"s, or other Officer or Officers, as they in their Difcretion fhall think moft con- Co'nt yenient, for levying and colle£ling the fame.' "° II. And be it further enaded and declared, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall refufe or negleft to Jf Perfons refufe pay his or their Affeffment, by the Space of four Days after Demand thereof by the proper Officer ap- to pay the Af- pointed to colleft the fame, or fliall convey away his or their Goods or Eftate, whereby the Sum or Sums fefl'oent, ^f Money fo afTefled cannot be levied, then it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid Colleflors, by Warrants froift any one of the Juftices of the Peace prefent at the faid General Quarter-Seffions, as afore- eolJeSor may faid, to levy the Sum fo affefled by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of fuch Perfons fo re- leyy the fanie by fnfing q^ iiegleiSing to pay, and the Goods and Chattels then and there found, and the Diftrefs fo piftnefc, taken, to keep by the Space of four Days at the Cofts and Charges of the Owner thereo'f ; and if the faid Owner do not pay the Sum or Sums of Money fo rated or aflelTed, within the Space of the faid four Days, then the faid Diftrefs to be appiaifed by two or more of the Inhabitants, where the fame fliall be taken, or other fufficient Perfons, and to' be fold by the CoIIedtor for Payment of the faid Money, and the Overplus of fuch Sale (if any be) over and above the Sum fo affeffed, and Charges of Juftices to ap- taking and keeping of the Diftrefs, to be immediately returned to the Owner thereof; and the faid Juftices fiiict a Receiver, of the Peace are hereby authorized and iinpowered, under their Hands and Seals, or under the Hands and Se'c"rit V ^"^ Seals of the greater Number of them, to conftitute and appoint one or more fufficient Perfon or Perfons ■' "'^ ^' to be Receiver of the Money fo afFelTed ; the faid Receiver firft giving Security to be accountable, when thereunto required, for all Sums of Money received or difburfed by him in purfuance of fuch Order as he ihall have received, under the Hands and Seals of the Juftices of the Peace, or the greater Number of PemV.yon Re- them ; and jf the faid Receiver or jR-eceivers, High Conftable, Petty Conftable, or other Officers, fhall, .ceiver.CoUeflor, j^y jj^^ Space of four Days after Demand, refufe to account for all Sums of Money received by them, in Sepnc""^^ " purfuajice of this Ad, then it ihal} and may be lawful for the Juftices of the Peace, or the greater ■'■? Number