Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/101

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A. D. 1700; Anno undeclmo 6c duodecimo Gulielmi III. ' C. 20. 55 Number of them, to commit him or them to Prifon, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, until he or they {hall have made a true Account, fatisfied, or paid fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as fhall appear to remain in his or their Hands ; and the Receipt of fuch Receiver fliali be a fufficient Difcharge to all High Receiver's Re- Conftablcs, Petty Conftables, or other Officer or Officers paying their Proportion of fuch AlTeflinents ; ceipt a Difcharge and the Difcharge under the Hands and Seals of the Juftices of the Peace, or the greater Number of them, t°'-"°""'^<'"' at the Affize, Great Seffions, and General Gaol Delivery, to fuch their Receivers, fhall be deemed and allowed as a good and fufficient Releafe, Acquittance, or Difcharge in any Court of Law or Equity, to all Intents and Purpofes whatever ; and the faid Juftices of the Peace are hereby authorized and im- powered to covenant, contraft, and agree with any Perfon or Perfons, for the well and fufficient build- ing, finifliing, or repairing of the faid Gaol or Gaols. III. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Murderers and Felons fliall be im- f '"J„f "'J]^^ ^ prifoned in the faid Common Gaol, and not elfewhere, and that the Sheriff fliall have the keeping of thejn °he Commwi laid Gaols. " Gaols. IV. Provided always, That this Aft be not in any wife hurtful or prejudicial to any Perfon or Perfons, A<a not to pre- ■ having any Common Gaol by Inheritance for Term of Life, or for Years, but that they fliall have and judice Gads held enjoy the faid Gaols, and the Profits, Fees, and Commodities of the fame, as they had or might lawfully y ^""'"'"^^» have had before making this Aft, and as if this Aft never had been made. V. Provided, That this Aft Ihall not extend to charge any Perfon inhabiting in any Liberty, City, ^^^^'.'^"" '" Town, or Borough Corporate, which have Common Gaols for Felons taken in the fame, and (^ommii'-^"^^^^'^^^l^^^^^[ fions of Affize, or Gaol-delivery of fuch Felons, for any AffelTment to the making the Common Gaol mon Gaol, not or Gaols of the refpe£Hve Shire or County. chargeable, VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Aftion, Plaint, Suit, or Infor- mation fliall be commenced of profecuted againft any Perfon or Perfons, for what he or they fhall do in Purfuance or in Execution of this Aft, fuch Perfon or Perfons lb fued in any Court whatever, fhall and may plead the General Iffue, Not guilty, and upon any IfTue joined may give this Aft and the fpecial Gsn="l I1iie> Matter in Evidence ; and if the Plaintiff or Profecutor fliall become nonfuit, or forbear further Profecu- tion, or fuffer a Difcontinuance, or if a Verdift pafs againft him, the Defendants fl all recover their Treble Cofts, for which they fhall have the like Remedy, as in any cafe when Colls by the Law are Treble Cods, given to Defendants. VII. And be it further enafted, That where any Prifons or Gaols belonging to any County of this If Gaols be fjtu- Realm, or the Dominion of /^i7/«, are lituate upon any- Lands or Hereditaments of or belonging to the ="=°" theCrown King's Majefty in Right of the Crown, that the faid Lands and Hereditaments, with their and every of f^"^/"^!' their Appurtenances, fliall not at any Time be alienated from the Crown, but remain and be for the pub- be'alLnabie""' lick Service and Benefit of the County. VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted. That it fhall not be lawful for any Colleftor or other No Officer to^ Officer to enter into the Manfion-houfe of anv Peer or Peerefs of this Realm, to diilrain for the Duties '?'^V"'° '"'^"'^ of^v, /".,;,] Houfetodi- aioreiaiu. n ■ „ IX. Provided, That this Aft fliall continue and be in Force for the Space of ten Years, and from y^^tj ^^ (.^^ji^yg thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer. [Made perpetual by 6 Geo. i. cap. jo Years. 19. feft. 1.] I Geo. i". C.26J Farther Proviji- tns concerning Prifons, &c, I Ann. Stat. z. c, 6. 5 Ann. c. 9, 9 Geo, I. c. 28. JlCeo. I. c, as. n Geo. s. c 20. 16 Geo. 2. c. 31. 27 Geo, 2. c, jfif 17. end 32 Geo. 2. c. 2S. CAP. XX. An Ad for taking away the Duties upon the Woollen Manufaiftures, Corn, Grain, Bread, Bifcuit, and Meal exported. WHEREAS certain Subfidies or Duties, which were payable upon the Exportation of the Woollen _ Manufafturcs, as well of the old as the new Draperies, by the Aft of Tunnage and Poundage, I made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the fecond, and by the I3ook of Rates there- 12 Car. 2.0.4;

  • unto annexed (except fuch Part thereof as hath been taken away by an Aft made in the five and twen-

' tieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Charles the fecond, intituled, Jn Aafor taking off AH em zjCar. 2. c. 6. ^ Duties upon Co?n:>.odihes of the Grozuth, ProduSi, and MamifaSture of the Nation) are, by an Aft of Par-

  • liament, made and paffed in the eighth Year of his now Majefty's Reign, intituled, Jn ASl for making Z^.^.z.zq^

^ soad the Defiianca offveral Funds therein mentioned, and for enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank of Eng- ^ land ; and for raifing the publick Credit, granted to continue until the firft Day oi Juguji, which Ihall be ^ m the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fix : And whereas by an Aft of Parliament, ^ which was made in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Charles the fecond, inti- ^ tuled, An Aa for preventing Frauds, and regulating Ahufes, in his Majefty's Ciijioins, all Woollen Manu- 14 Car. a. «. 3», ^ fafturcs, exported from any Port of this Kingdom, capable of a SHip or Veilel of two hundred Tuns upon an ordinary full Sea, to any Part or Place of the Mediterranean Sea, beyond the Port of Malaga, many Ship or Veflel that hath not two Decks, and doth carry lefs than fixteen Pieces of Ordnance rr.ounfe,!. tncpthp,- w,fh two M^,, fr.. »"^K ri..^ „.„! „.u,..- A :.;_ oportionable, are (amongft veral A£ts, Relation being , . ivA -r - , , ' ■• r-r'ty of this Kin a;dom doth, in a great Mealure, depend upon the Improvement of its Woollen Mar.u.faftures, and the profitable 1 rade earned on by the Exportation of the fame, which/Frade oii^i t, by all proper Means, to be en- 3 £__ ' couraged >'