Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/109

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A. D. 1700. Anno duodecimo & decimo tertio Gulielmi III. C. 3. ^3 ♦ That after the faid Limitation fhall take EfFedt as aforefaid, no Perfon born out of the Kingdoms of ' ThlsClasfeti-

  • England, Scotland, or Ireland, or the Dominions thereunto belonging (although he be naturalized or made fgns'n^t'uTarzc'd

' a Ijenizen, except fuch as are born of EngUJh Parents) fhall be capable to be of the Privy Council, or a a, or before the ' Member of either Houfe of Parliament, or to enjoy any Office or Place qf Truft, either Civil or Military, Acccmon of ' or to have any Grant of Lands, Tenements or HTeredi laments from the Crown, to himklf or to any King Geo. i. to ' other or others in Truft for him. *" '^= ^"'^^ "• That no Perfon who has an Office or Place of Profit under the King, or receives a Penfion from the ^f'f^'^y, ' Crown, fhall be capable of ferving as a Member of the Houfe of Commons. _ eAmi.'^c'? ^' ' That after the iaid Limitation Ihall take EfFeit as aforefaid, Judges Commiffions be-made ^andiu fe j q^^ j, c.'sS, ' bene gejfer'int, and their Salaries afcertained and eftabliflied ; but upon the Addrefs of both Houfes of ' Parliament it may be lawful to remove them. ' That no Pardon under the Great Seal of England be pleadable to an Impeachment by the Commons ' in Parliament. ' IV. And whereas the Laws of England are the Birth-right of the People thereof, and all the Kings ' and Queens, who fhall afcend the Throne of this Realm, ought to adminifter the Government of the- ' fame according to the faid Laws, and all their Officers and Minifters ought to ferve them refpeftively ' according to the fame :' The faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, do therefore further humbly pray. That all the Laws and Statutes of this Realm for fecuring the eftabliflied Religion, and All Laws for the Rights and Liberties of the People thereof, and all other Laws and Statutes of the fame now in """"Stl'/.'^^* Force, may be ratified and confirmed, and the fame are by his Majefty, by and vith the Advice and Con- ^|r^t^onfirmed"' fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, and by Authority of the fame, ratified and- con- $fl farther i-^W, firmed accordingly. ^ 3. c. 6. CAP. III. An Afl for preventing any Inconveniencies that may happen by Privilege of Parliament. FOR the preventing all Delays the King or his Subjefts may receive in any of his Courts of Law Amended hy or Equity-, and for their Eafe in the Recovery of their Rights and Titles to any Lands, Tenements iiGeo. z. c,24, or Hereditaments, and their Debts or other Dues, for which they have Caufe of Suit or Action ; Be it cr.adled by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiri- tual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the four and twentieth Day of 'June one thoufand feven hundred and one, Aftion may be any Perfon and Peribns fhall and may commence and profecute any Adtion or Suit in any of his Majefty's comrwnced Courts of Record at JVeJhninJler, or High Court oi Chancery, or Court of Exchequer, or the Duchy Court Member oT P»r- of Lancajler, or in the Court of Admiralty, and in all Caufes Matrimonial and Teftamentary in the liament, &c. in Court of the Arches, the Prerogative Courts of Canterbury and York, and the Delegates, and all Courts the interval of of Appeal, againft any Peer of this Realm, or Lord of Parliament, or againft any of the Knights, •l^^'^'^'ncnt, &e. Citizens and h'urgefiis of the Houfe of Commons for the time being, or againft their or any of their Menial or other Servants, or any other Perfon intitled to the Privilege of Parliament, at any Time from and immediately after the Diftblution or Prorogation of any Parliament, until a new Parliament fhall meet, or the fame be re-aflembled and from and immediately after any Adjournment of both Houfes of Parliament for above the Space of fourteen Days, until both Houfes ftiall meet or re-affemble ; and that ^"fjon ac'cou"" the faid relpe£live Courts fhall and may, after fuch Diflblution, Prorogation, or Adjournment as afore- ^ay give iudg" laid, proceed to give Judgment, and to make final Orders, Decrees and Sentences, and award Execution, ment. thereupon ; any Privilege of Parliament to the contrary notwithftanding. II. Provided neverthelefs. That this Aft fhall not extend to fubject the Perfon of any of the Knights, Citizens and Burgefles of the Houfe of Commons, or any other Perfon intitled to the Privilege of Par- liament, to be arrefted during the Time of Privilege : Nevenhelels, if any Perfon or Perfons, having Petfon may have Caufe of Action or Complaint againft any Peer of this Realn, or Lord of Parliament, fuch Perfon or ^ '"'?. ^^^'?'* Perfons, after any Diilblution, Prorogation or Adjournment as aforefaid, cr before any Seffions of Par- D^n-oiutionV/"^ liament, or Meeting of both Houfes as aforefaid, fliall and may have fuch Procefs out of his Majefty's Parliament, Courts of King's Bench, Canunon Pleas, and Exchequer, aj;ainft fuch Peer or Lord of Parliament, as he or they might have had againft him out of the Time of Privilege ; and if any Perfon or Perfons, having Caufe of Aftion againft any of the faid Knights, Citizens or Burgefies, or any other Perfon intituled to Privilege of Parliamenr, after any Diflolution, Prorogation, or fuch Adjournment as aforefaid^ or be- fore any 5eliions of Parliament, or Meeting of both Houfes as aforefaid, fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall and may profecute fuch Knight, Citizen or Burgefs, or 'other Perfon intituled to the Privilege of Par- liament, in his Majefty's Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer, by Summons and Diftrefs infinite, or by Original Bill, and Summons, Attachment, and Diftrefs Infinite thereupon to be iffued out of any of the faid Courts of Record, which the faid refpeftive Courts are hereby impowered to ilFue againft them, or any of them, until he or they fhall enter a Common Appearance, or file Common Bail - to the Plaintiff's Aftion, according to the Courfe of each refpeftive Court ; and any Perfon or Perfons, having Caufe of Suit or Complaint, m.ay, in the Times aforefaid, exhibit any Bill or Complaint againft and may exhibit any Peer of this Realm or Lord of Parliament, or againft any of the faid Knights, Citizens or Bur- p'" "S""* ^"^ geffes,.or other Perfon intituled to the Privilege of Parliament, in the High Court of Chancery, Court of ™orMembe», Exchequer, or Duchy Court of Lancafter, and may proceed thereupon by Letter or Subpcma as is ufual, and upon leaving a Copy of the Bill v/ith the Defendant, or at his Houfe or Lodging, or laft Place of Abode,