Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/124

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fncy (if any) flow to be (up- l-lici. 78 C. 12. Anno duodecimo 6t decimo. tertio Gulielmi III.. A. D. 1700. able during his Maiefty's Life (which God -long preferve) fhall happen to determine before the End of the faid Tertn of five Years, then out of the Monies arifmg entirely by the fai.d Hereditary Duties of Excife, for and during all the Rcfidue which fnnll be then to coir.e and unexpired of the faid Term of five Years, fliall'jepaid '"^ofhall be brought and paid by the Commiffioners, Farmers, Receiver and R.eceivers General, for the Time the Extiieqii«m|^^jj^g^ of the faid Duties of Excil'e (who are hereby injoined and required to bring and pay the fame ac- j,,g. cordingly) into the R.eccipt of Exchequer, diftindHy and Icparately from all other Monies whatfoever that ' Perpetuated by are or fliall be payable by them into the faid Receipt ; the fame to be brought and paid into the faid Re- 1 Geo. I. flat, ceipt in Manner and form following (that is to Ciy) The Sum of ninety-fix thoufand two hundred >. c. I, §.4.. Pounds for the firft twenty-fix Weeks, to be reckoned from the faid five and twentieth Day oi Dccc-,,bcr c'^-^li J Anns °"^ thoufand feven hundred, and to end upon IVednefday the five and twentieth Day oi June one thoufand c, : ' feven hundred and one, fiiall be brought and paid into the faid Receipt as by this A£f is fpecially provi- 6 Geo. I, e. 4.' ded in that Behalf; and from and after the faid five and twentieth Day of Jwu one thoufand ieven hundred aiad one, during all the then Refidue of the faid Term of five Years, the'iaid weekly Sum or Payment of three thoufand f;ven hundred Pounds fiiall, upon Wedmfday in .every. Week, if it be not an Holiday', and if t be, then upon the next Day that is not an Holiday, as one Week fiiall fucceilively and immediatel/ follow and fucceed another, be brought and paid into the. faid Receipt of Exchequer, for the Purpofes in Weekly Dcfici- this KSi exprciTed ; and in cafe in any Week or Weeks the whole Receipt of the Monies of the faid feve- ral Branches or Duties of Excife, hereby charged as aforefaid, fliall not be fumcient to aiifwer the weekly, Payment or Payments hereby. directed, for ilich particular Week or Vv'eeks, that then and fo often the Deficiency and Deficiencies thereof fhall be fupplied and made good out of the whole Receipt of the faid particular Branches of Excile, ar.d every or any of thc-m, arifing in the next Week or Weeks, vv-hcn- the Receipt or Receipts will be fufficicnt to bear the fame. II. And as to the faid Stun of ninety-fix thoufand two hundred Pounds, to be reckoned for the firf': tvi^cnty-fix Weeks from the faid 'i'<i and twentieth D.iy of DiYmvitT one thoufand feven hundred, and Hnw the ending upon IVednefday the five and twentieth Day oi "jiaic one thoufand kvan hundred and one as afore- 96,1001. for faid, it is hereby enadted. That the faid Sum of ninety-fix thoufand two hundred Pounds fhall be brought tl.e nift i6 atid paid into the Receipt of Exchequer out of the Duties of Excife. aforefaid, by /:vvo thoufand three Weeks (11411 be hundred Pounds a Week, for one and forty Weeks, to be reckoned from the faid five and twentieth Day E'vf|ieq°ef ii: '^^ 'J'^ne one thoufand feven hundred and one, fucceffively, and by paying nineteen hundred Pounds, to

  • ' ' compleat the faid ninety-fix thoufand two hundred Pounds, at the End o.f the two and fortieth Week, to

be reckoned from the faid five and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and one, QV£r and above the conftant weekly Payment of three thoufand feven hundred Pounds aforementioned, for the Pur- pofes in this A(Sl expreffed ; and that all the Monies hereby appointed to be weekly paid into the faid Receipt as aforefaid, and every Part thereof, fhall be applied and difpofed, and the fame are hereby appro- priated, for and towards the Repayment and Satisfaftion of the bum not exceeding eight hundred and twenty thoufand Pounds hereby authorized to be borrowed thereupon, and the Interefc thereof, as is herein after mentioned, and to no other TJfe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever ; any former Aft or A6ls of' Parliament, or other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary notwithfl:anding. RefiduG of t'le III. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Reft, and tRefidue of. the faid E.aijthes of Ex- particular Branches of Excife upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, which fliall from Time to Time re- life, &c. chjrge- rnain after the faid weekly Payments fliall bs made out of the fame, and the faid Revenues arifing in the vearrsu ^of ^^^'^ General Letter Office or Pofl: Office, and by the faid fmall Branches herein before particularly ex- '•ooooo"l'"t°o be prcfi'cd, and by the faid further Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and all other the Branches and Reve- jor the vk of nues. herein beforementioned, which v/ere chargeable with the faid yearly Sum of feven hundred thoufand' theKirig's Houf- Pounds as aforefaid, fliall, from Time to Time, dining his Majefty's Life, be for the LTleand Service of* holdajid Family, hj3 ]/Iajefl:y's Houfliold and Family, and for other his necellary Expences and Occafions ; the. faid Aiff

  • ^'^' made in the ninth Year of his Majeliy's Reign, herein before recited, or any Glaufe, Matter or Thing

therein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ■ . . : ; ^ » Claufcs toucliing I^- And it is hereby declared and enafted. That all and every the Claufes contained in the ifaid recited 'the Overplus in Act of Parliament for, touching, or concerning the Overplus or Produce of the faid Branches and Reve- thc Aft g w. 3, nues, over and above the faid yearly Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds, are and fliall be repealed, f. 23. reteakd. .j^oid, pind of none Efi"ea Commiffioners of V. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, the Commiffioners of Excife for ■ Excife to make the Time being, at the Head Office in London, fnall from Time to Time feparate and keep apart all the the laid weekly Monies arifipg by the faid paificular Branches of Excife herein before mentioned, as the fame fliall, from ihe^'EzT '"" Tifne to Time, arile or be paid into the faid OfEce of Excife by the Receivers or Collectors of the fame, |uer, o|- t5y any other Perfon or I erfons whatfoeyer ; and fhall, out of the Monies fq arifing, make the faid weekly Payments into the Exchequer, for Repayment of Loans, and the Intereft thereof, according to Itlie Purport of this prefent Aft. Penalty. ' VI. And be jt further enafted, That if the faid CommilTioners of Excife for the Time bejng fiiall re- fufe ct negleft to pay or caufe to be paid into the Exchequer the faid weekly Sums hereby appointed, or fhall divert or mifapply any Part of the Monies which fhould make good the fame, then they, and every of them f© oftending, fliall forfeit their feyeral Offices and Places, and be incapable to ferve the King iiir aHy Office or Place of Trufl: or Profi.t, and fhall be liable for every fuch OiFence to pay double the Value; of the Money fo diverted or miiapplied, to any Perfon or Perfons, who will inform or fue for the fame, by Aftion of Debt, or of the Cafe, Bill, Suit, or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record} pt, wherein no Eflbin, Proteftjon, Ws-ger of LaWj or more than ojie Imparlance, fliall. bet granted or ?,llQyed, ' . . :.» ^- ■ ■■ ^ vii: An