Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/151

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A. D. 1 701.' Anno primo Ann^ Reglnaj. Stat. r. &. 19 — 21. 99 ■• for not repairing fuch decayed Bridges, and the Highways thereunto adjoining, by the Judges before ' whom fuch Information or Indi<5lment is to be tried, to be legal Witnefles;' Be it enacted and declared. Evidence of ln> That in all Informations or Indictments to be brought and tried in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record habjiants to be at JVcjhninJicr, or at the Affizes or Qiiarter-Seffions of the Peace, the Evidence of the Inhabitants, being |^jt'-"„'"_ " " credible Perfons, or any of them, of the Town, Corporation, County, Riding, or Divificn, in which fuch decayed Bridge or Highway lies, fhall be taken and admitted in all fuch Cafes, in the Courts afo.e- laid; any Cuftom, Rule, Order, or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XIV. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of Queen ' Elizabeth, of bleffed Memory, intituled, An J£i for the perpetual Maintenance of^ochiiiliiv Bridge, it i8 Eliz. c 17. ' is arnongiT: other Things enafted and appointed, That the Election of the Wardens and Affifcants of ' the faid Bridge fliould be made on the Morrow after the General Quarter-SeiHons of the Peace holden ' for the County oi Kent, next after the Feaft of Eujhr: And whereas the faid Time of the Eleclion, ap- ' pointed by the faid Aft, hath been found to be very inconvenient, in refpeft of the Uncertainty of the ' ending of the faid Seffions, whereby the Inhabitants of the Parifhes, and others that are to attend the ^^^.^ . ' faii Eleftion, have been put to great Expence and Trouble;' Be it therefore enafted, That all and of Rochefter ' every the future and fucceeding Wardens and Affillants of the faid Bridge fliall be yearly chef n, at the Bridge to be dm- ufual Place of fuch Eleftion, at or upon one certain Day yearly (that is to fay) Friday in the Week next fen annually on following the Week of Eajhr yearly : And that all and every the Wardens and Afliftants refpeftively, ^"^^^ ^" fo to be elefted upon Friday in the Week next following the Week of Rafter, fhall fuccefTively have, ufe, an^ ^n- ^u' exercife, and enjoy the fame Power, Authority, Capacity, and Privileges refpeftively, as any former or fame Power. ° other Wardens or Afliftants of the faid Bridge refpedtively have had, ufed, exercifed and enjoyed; and FartUr Prmfi- that all other due Requifites, Matters, Circumftances, and Things hereafter ufed and obferved, in and ""f cmccrning about the Eleftion of the faid Wardens and Affiftants refpeftively, fhall be ufed, performed and obfei-ved; Highways .and and that all and every the Inhabitants and Houfholders of any Parifh or Parifhes, and all and every other Jf"' ^^cgIo Perfon and Perfons, who by reafon of any Law, Statute, Ufage or Cuftom, have ufed, or ought to be 2'. c'.z.' i6Cm.' prefent, and give their Attendance at the Eleftions of the Wardens and AJTiftants of the faid Bridge,;. aid-o. Ihall be prefent, and give the like Attendance, and do and perform all other Things in and about the 2-^.28. i.^Geii. Election of all and every future Wardens and Affiftants of the faid Bridge, upon every Friday in the Week ^ ■ "^^ 43- 16 C^ss. next following the Week of Eajler yearly, as they have heretofore uled, done and performed, upon the jgcwtz. i-?!?. Morrow after the General Qiiarter-Sefftc-ns of the Peace next after the Feaft of Eajler. z^Gco.z. c./^o, 30 Ceo. z. e, 28> CAP. XIX. - ■ 31C.0.2. An Aft for the rebuilding and repairing the Piers of the Town and Port of Whithy in the County of York. £ xl". Duties to be paid. For Coals (hipped at Newcajile, &c. i q. per Chaldron, and landed in Whithy Haven, 7 Geo. i. flat, 6 c/. ^tr Chaldron. Salt 25. ^^r Weigh. Malt, Cifc. '^d. p(?r Quarter. Foreign Goods imported. Butter i- c. i6. If/. /If r Firkin. Dried Fifh, cfc. i ^Z. ^^r Score. Barrelled Filh, 3/-/. ^i?r Barrel. Englijh 'i>VA^ tntning ' ^"'"^^ ^y , Port, izd. Top 4^. Foreign Ship 2s. Top 4^. Colkftor to have 6d. in the Pound. Truftees S Geo.2. c. io._ once a Year to make up an Account, ^c. Lord of th« Manor, (^c. may examine the fame. Truftees may contraft for repairing the Piers, isic. And engage the Profits of the Duties for Monies borrowed, bfc. After 6,000 /. is raifed, (jfc. the i q. per Chaldron to ceafe. Truftees Account to be laid before the Juftices, bfc. On Death of Truftees, Survivors to eleft a new one. Penalty on throwing Ballaft^ isV. into the Harbour. Coal Ships belonging to Great Yarmouth exempted from Duty, on Certificate and Oath, i3c. C A P. XX. An Aft for making the River Dcrwent., in the County of York, navigable. Undertakers for making the P R. River Derwent navigable, from Scarborough Mills to Neiv Malton, &c. may make new Cuts, ^c. and fet out Towing-paths, fatisfying Owners of Lands for Damages, 6ff. Perfons declining CommilTioners Mediation, Sheriff of York to impanel a Jury, who may viev/ the Place in Queftion, and on Oath may inquire and afitfs Damages. Commiffioners to give Judgment thereupon, which fhall be binding, ^c. On Payment, l^c. Undertakers may aft, iSc. Commiiinoners not to aft where concerned. In cafe of Death, i^c. of Commiffioners, Survivors m.ay appoint others, having 150/. per Annum, or 3,000/. Rates on Goods, b'f. to be paid. On Non-payment, Goods, ^c. may be ftopt. Watermen may fet up Winches. Mafter of Boat or Veffel, anfwerable for Damages, isc. Commiffioners to furvey the River, iSc. Undertakers to bear the v/hole Charge of cleanfing, ^c. Undertakers to fatisfy Owners of Mills, i3c. for Damages. In cafe the Courfe or Stream of the River be raifed, Undertakers to raife the Banks proportionably, l^c. Marfh Lands moft in danger of being drowned, isc. Undertakers to give Security for maintining the Rents thereof. CAP. XXI. An A61; for preventing Frauds in the Dirties upon Salt, and for the better Payment of Debentures at the Cuftom-houfe. FOR Prevention of evil Praftices frequently rrade ufe of in defrauding her Majefty of her Duties S^-l^M.c.y. upon Salt, be it enafted by the Queeji's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- ^^f'^rii^'"" "' font of the Lords Spiritual and Tempo?al, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by ,heNu„.beT&c f 15 "1 c T^ of the fame, That all and every Perfon and Perfons, being a Maker of Salt, or a Refiner ot RcCiC Salt, or bcmg a Proprietor of any Salt Works or Salt Pits, Ihall, on or before the four and O 2 twentieth of tlieir Salt Pits and PanS) &c»