Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/156

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io4 C. 2i. Anno primo ANN-(5i RegiiiEe. Stat, i, A. D. 1701. Queen tnayap- XXVI. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and point particular f^j. j^gj. Majefly (if ftie pleafcs) from Time to Time to conftitute and appoint particular Comniiffioners, tbr'salt """' feparate and apart from the Commiffioners and Governors of the Receipt of Excile, for the Receipt, Management and Government of the faid Duties on Salt, during her Majefty's Plcafure; and upon her Majefty's conftituting and appointing fuch particular Commiffioners for the faid Duties on Salt, and du- ring fuch Time only as her Majefty fhall from Time to Time think fit to continue the fame under the Receipt and Management of fuch particular Commiffioners, all and every the Powers and Authorities given by this Aft, and by the feveral Afts relating to' the faid Duties on Salt, or any pf them, to the Commiffioners and Governors of the Receipt of Excife, and the Colledfors and other Officers for the faid Duties under them, fhall be and are hereby vefted and transferred to fuch particular Commiffioners as her Majefty (hall fo from Time to Time confi:itute and appoint, for the Receipt, Government and Management of the faid Duties on Salt; and the Colle<£l:ors and Officers to be, fiom Time to Time, appointed by fuch particular Commiffioners, or the major Part of them refpeftively, and all and every the Pov/ers, Authorities, Rules, Direftions, Methods, Claufes, Matters and Things, which in and by the faid A61:s, relating to the faid Duties upon Salt, are diredfed to be exercifed, prattifed, applied, ufed, and put in Execution by the faid Commiffioners and Governors of the Receipt of Excife, and their Offi- cers under them refpedlively, with relation to the faid Duties on Salt, or any Penalties, Forfeitures, Frauds or Offences againfl: the faid Afts, or any of them, relating to the fame, fhall, during fuch Time as her Majefty fhall pleafe to continue the faid Duties on Salt under the Receipt and Management of fuch particular Commiffioners, be exercifed, praftifed, applied, ufed, and put in Execution by fuch particular Commiffioners, and the Officers under them refpe£tively for the time being. Efmi? for's^lt XXVII. Provided always, and be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That where any Salt or. Rock enterc/to°be ^ ^^^^ ^1^^' ^^ entred according to the former Laws relating to the fiid Duties on Salt, and the fame fhall exported. be intended to be exported to Parts beyond the Seas, then and in fuch Cafe the Officers for the faid Du- ties on Salt fhall be and arc hereby authorized and impowered to take fufficient Security from the Mer- chant or Merchants that intend to export fuch Salt or Rock Salt, for the due Payment of the Duties thereof, without infifting, that the original Proprietor of fuch Salt or Rock Salt be bound in fuch Security. 9 & loW. 3. ' XXVIII. And whereas notwithftanding the Aft of Parliament for obliging all Perfons to fell Salt '■ ' by Weight, the fame is not obferved, by reafon the Perfons that buy the fan^e refufe to buy the fame of ' the Proprietors otherwife than by Meafure, to the great Prejudice of the faid Proprietors:' For Remedy NoPerfon tobuy whereof be it enadfed by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid four and twentieth Day S^!t but by ^f Jif^^ ^o Perfon fliall buy any Salt othervi'ife than by Weight, and not by Meafure, under the Pe- PelTltv" nalty of ten Shillings for every Bufhel of Salt which fhall be bought contrary to the true Meaning hereof, and fo in Proportion for a greater or lefTer Qi^iantity, to be paid by the Perfon or Perfons fo buying the fame, to be recovered and diftributed, as any the Penalties by this AQ. inHidfed are hereby direfted to be recovered and diftributed. ' XXIX. And whereas the Salt Proprietors having a Liberty to pay the Duty in ready Money, or give ' Security to pay the fame, in nine Months for the Rock, and in fix Months for other Salt, tends only to ' the Benefit of the richer Sort of Proprietors, but is deftruftive to the Salt Trade in general, through the ' Difficulties attending fuch as have not ready Money, thereby caufmg feveral Bonds to be fued, when by ' a due Encouragement to fuch, as well as other Proprietors, it might in a great meafure be prevented, Perfons paying ' and the Duty fooner paid ;' Be it therefore enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Dury in zSDays Pgj-fon and Perfons who fliall give fuch Security as aforefaid, fhall have Liberty, at any Time within after Security^ ^ twcnty-cight Days after giving the fame, to pay the Duty thereby fecured, and on Payment thereof fhall ■piicount &c. have and receive a Difcount after the Rate of ten Pounds per Centum per Annum, for the Remainder of the 1 ime for which fuch Security fhall be given. ', XXX. And whereas feveral Fifliermen who ufed the North Sea Fifhery, did in the Year one thoufand ' feven hundred fhip feveral Quantities of Salt at North and South Shiehh near Newcaftle upon Tine, giving ' Bonds for the Duties thereof, and then exported the faid Salt to the North Seas, where they fpent it in ' curing and faking of Fifh caught in thofe Seas, believing that upon Affidavit of fhipping off the faid ' Salt, and its not being relanded in England or Wales, they might be intitled to a Drawback of the ' Duties which fome other Fifhermen in the like Cafe had obtained, as if fuch Salt had been actually ex- ' ported to Parts beyond the Seas ; and upon bringing home their faid Fifh, fold the fame to feveral Re- ' tailers at Home Markets, at a low Price accordingly : Now, forafmuch as fuch Fifhermen might be ia;no- ' rant that they were liable to pay the faid Duties, notwithftanding fuch Salt was fpent in curing of Pifh, ' and they not being enabled by the Price thereof to pay the fame, a Profecution upon fuch their Bonds ' would ruin them and their Families :' For Prevention whereof, upon due Proof to be made before the Commiffioners for the Excife or Salt Duties, that fuch Z.Xt fo fliipped off was by them fpent in curing and faking of Fifli caujiht in the North Seas, that the fail Fifli was afterwards fold to Retailers at Home Bonds given by Markets, at a low Price, and that no Drawback or Allow-ince has been already made or paid by the faid FiOiermen who Commiffioners for the Excife or Salt Duties; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch "'"'^ J:*^ North }|5qj-,(^3 2^5 were fo given at North and Sou.h Shields near Nevncajile, for the Duties of fuch Salt fo expended A^nno'iyoo &c. ^^ aforefaid, and for which no Drawback or Allov.fance has already been made upon E^^portation thereof, made void.' " fliall be, and the fame are hereby made and declared void, and of none Effetl : And the Commiffioners Commiffioners to cancel the fame, and Profccutions to ceafe. farther Frmilfions concenung Salty 2 Q" 3 Ann. c. 14. 4 Am:, c. 12. J At'", c. ag. 6 Ami. c. 12. 9 A)"!- c. 23. 12 Ar,n. Ji- 2. <•. 3. 5 Geo. I. c, 1%. 8 Geo, i. f. 4 Sf 16. 11 Ceo. 1, t. 30. 3 Gc^. a. c, 20. 5 Geo. z. c. d. 8 Geo, a. c, 12. 14 Geo. z. c. 22. 26 Geo. z. e. 3 & 32. for