Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/155

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A. D. lyor. Anno primo Ann^ Reginas. Stat. r. C. sr. 103 of Enghnd, Dominion oi IVaks, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, upon the Exportation of any Cod- OnEiponation fifli. Ling, or Hake, and before the fame {hall be laid on board for Exportation, to cut off Par: of rhe of Ccdfi(li,i,irf Tail of every fuch Codfifli, Ling, or Hake, before the fame fhall be fo exported, to the Intent it may be ^^ known that fuch Codfifh, Ling, or Hake hath been fo exported, and Allowances obtained on Exporta- (,iTp"t"o7tb-' tion thereof, in cafe the fame ihall be rclanded or re-imported ; and alfo, that it fhall be lawful upon the "j-jji ^j_ Exportation of any Pilchards, Scads, White Herrings, Red HejTJngs, Salmon, or dried Red Sprats, and before the fame lliall be laid on board for Exportation, to mark any Calk, Barrel, or other Vefiel, wherein any fuch Pilchards, Scads, White Herrings, Red Herrings, Salmon, or dried Red Sprats, fhall an*! mark Crftr be exported, to the Intent it may be known that fuch Pilchards, Scads, White Herrings, Red-Herrings, °J j ^1^'^^' Salmon, or dried Red Sprats, have been exported, and Allowances obtained on Exportation of the fame, ' in cafe the fame, or any of them, fliall be relanded or re-imported. XVII. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Codfifh, Ling, or Hake, Ccdfidi &<•. (n- or any Pilchards, Scads, 'White Herrings, Red Herrings, Salmon, or dried Red Sprats, fhall after the ported an frau- fame {hall be exported, be fraudulently relanded in England, or Wales, the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, ^"^'"'y reland- or re-imported, all the faid Fifh, fo relanded or re-imported, fhall be forfeited and loft:, and double the f„jfgtgj {^j._ Value thereof, to be recovered of the Importer or Proprietor thereof. XVIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Salt-maker, or Dealer in Salt, Salt Maker not {hall aft as a Juflice of the Peace in any Matter or Thing relating to the Duties on Salt, or any Offence 'o =0 as Juflice committed againfl the Laws relating to the fame ; and in cafe there fhall not be a fufficient Number of "^'^'^'^ '"^^^^^* Juflices of the Peace in any Corporation (that are not Makers or Dealers in Salt) fufficient to hear and pude" m Salt determine the Offences relating to the faid Duties, then and in fuch Cafe, the Juflices of the Peace of &c. the County next adjoining to fuch Corporation {hall have hereby Power and Authority, from Time to Time, to hear and determine all Offences, Matters, and Things, relating to the faid Duties on Salt, in the fame Manner as if they were Juftices of the Peace for fuch Corporation refpe£tively ; any Law, Sta- tute, or Provifion to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. XIX. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral Penalties and Forfeitures, Penalties and hereby given and impofed, fhall be recovered and levied by the fame Ways, Means, and Methods, as any Forfeitures how Penalties and Forfeitures can or may be recovered and levied by any of the Laws of the Excife, or by toberecovcicd, A<£fion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of her Majeft:y's Courts of Record at Weftminfter, wherein no EfToin, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, nor any more than one Imparlance : And that the faid Penalties and Forfeitures fliall be diflributed in Manner following (viz.) One Moiety and difiiibuted. thereof to her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefFors, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue or in- form for the fame. ' XX. And whereas the Allowances given by the feveral Afts relating to the Duties on Salt, upon ' the Exportation of Codfifh, Ling, and Hake, therein mentioned, do much exceed the Duty of the Salt

  • ufually imployed in the curing the fame, fo that many Perfons for the Sake of the faid AJlowances

' only, do export fuch Fifh not duly cured, and Fifh of very fmall Size, not having a due Quantity

  • of Salt made ufe of in curing the fame, which is not only a Prejudice to her Majefty in her faid Duties

' on Salt, but alfo a great Difparagement to the Trade of Englijh Fifh in foreign R'larkets ;' Be it there- fore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That in lieu of the feveral Allowances given out of the faid Allowances on- Duties on Salt, by the Afts relating to the famiC, upon the Exportation of any Codfifh, Ling, or Hake, Exportation of there fhall be allowed and paid the feveral and refpeftive Sums herein after mentioned, for the feveral 2°'*'' '"'"='- and refpeftive Sorts of Codfifh, Ling, or Hake, herein after mentioned, which fliall be exported from any Port or Place in England, Wales, or Town oi Berwick upon Tweed, from and after the faid four and twentieth Day oi June ; that is to fay, XXI. For every hundred of Codfifh, Ling, and Hake (other than and except dried Cod, Ling, or For Codfifli, &c.^ Hake, commonly called Haberdines) which fliall contain in Length four and twenty Inches and upwards, 24 Inches long, from the Bone in the Fin to the third Joint in the Tail of fuch Fifli, the Sum of fifty Shillings, and fo S°^- P" hun- in Proportion for a greater or lefTer Qiiantity. irti; XXII. For every hundred of Codfifh, Ling, or Hake (other than and except dried Cod, Ling, or of iSInches,25s. Hake, commonly called Haberdines) which fhall be of the Length of eighteen Inches, or more, and un- per hundred. der the Size of four and twenty Inches, from the Bone of the Fin to the third Joint in the Tail of fuch Fifh, the Sum of five and twenty Shillings, and fo in Proportion for a greater or lefTer Qiiantity. XXIII. For every hundred of dried Codfifh, Ling, or Hake, commonly called Haberdines, one Moiety For Haberdines, of the Allowance given by this Aft for other Codfifh, Ling, and Hake, of the fame Dimenfions ; upon oneMuieij, &c. Debentures, to be prepared according to the Directions of the feveral Afts relating to the faid Duties, and doing and performing fuch other Matters and Things, as by the faid former Afts, and this prefent Aft, are required and prefcribed, in order to the obtaining fuch Allowances. XXIV. Provided always, and it is hereby fuither enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That in In cafe Salt Du- cafe any of the faid Duties upon Salt fhall ceafe, determine, or be redeemed by Parliament, then, tiesceafe.Aliow- and in any of the faid Cafes, the faid Allowances upon Exportation of Codfifh, Ling, or Hake, anoes to be lef- hereby fettled, (hall be lefTened in Proportion to the Duties on Salt that fnall fo ceafe determine, or be '^°' redeemed. XXV. And it is hereby declared and enafted. That no allowance fhall hs paid out of the faid Duties PTo Allowance on Salt, for or on Account of the Exportation of any Fifh, that are or fliall not be well cured, or fliall to be made for be unmerchantable, nor for any Conger. ^'^ ""^ "^" -irv^T"! A J cured, &c. nor XXVI. And fo, cinger.