Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/154

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102 C. 21. Anno primo Ann^ ReglnjB. Stat. i. A. D. 1701. "Colleaorsto and required to be weighed by the faiclCoUeftors or Perfons executing their refne(fT:ivc Offices, and the wiiFh Inch Salt, f^^jj Certificate to be made irraiis and without Delay. And it is hereb/ enadled. That no Drawback iLall and make Certi fic.urgratis.'&c' '-"^ allowed or paid for more Salt or Rock Salt, of the Qiunuicy exported in iuch Veflel, than what fliall ' appear by fuch Certificate to have been actually landed in /r;,'/rrvz(r/. Jt Silt Ship be XII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforelaid, That if any Ship or VefTel laden with Salt aiove into Pore exported, to be carried to Parts beyond the Seas, fliall, from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of nvstrisof Jtiiig^ by Strefa of Weather or otherwife, be drove or come into any Port, Creek, Harbour or other 11.1, .■.. j>jj^g within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales., or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, it !ha!l and may be lawful to and for the Officer of Excife on Salt for fuch Place, appointed or to be appointed OiHceniiaycoma for that Purpofe by the Connniffioners of Excife, to enter or come on board fuch Ship or Veffel, and on hoard, &c. (-here to Continue aiid be, till the faid Ship or Vellel fhall unlade her Cargo, or return to Sea to go her in- ."cnaltyon refu- tended Voyage, under the Penalty of twenty Pounds, to be recovered of the Mafter of iuch Ship or Vef- ■ing to admit fel, who Ihafl refute fuch Officer fo to come and continue on board as aforefaid. And if the faid Mafter,, ^"'T", , or any other Perfon, fhall unlade or put on Shore any Part of the faid Salt, before due Entry or Repay- Shore befo?e"En- '^^'^' of the Duty, as by the Statutes in that Behalf niade is provided, that then, and in every fuch Cafe,, .try, &c. Cargo not Only the faid Salt fo unladen, but alfo the whole Cargo of Salt in fuch Ship or Veffel remaining, fliall torfeited. be fori-eited and loft. Salt ihipped to XIII. Antl be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That where any Salt, as well foreign as 'ae traniported, Englijh, fliall be laid on board any Ship or Veflel, either to be tranfported to Parts beyond the Seas, or ^^- carried Coaftwife, to be relanded in England, JVales, or Berwick, the Officer of the Cuftoms of the Port where the faid Salt fliall be laden on board any fuch Ship or Veflel, fhall in the Cocquets made out and delivered for fuch Ship or Veflel (which Cocquet fhall be alfo figned by the Officer in the faid Port ap- pointed by the Commiffioners of Excifs for the Duty on Salt, and given without Fee or Delay) exprefs t;.'ei(ln^heCoc-'^'^'^ P^"^'-^- ^-^"^"'^y °^^- '"° ^^^^" °" ^'^^ ■ And in cafe fuch Ship or VefTel ;hall come into any quel rhe Quanti- Port, Creek, Harbour or Place in England, IVales, or Berwick, it fhall be lawful for the Officers of the. ty thereof, &c. Cuflonis, or Other Officers for the (aid Duties, to go on board any fuch Ship or Veflel, and demand a . Sight of fuch Cocquet, and in cafe he or they fhall have jufi: Caufe to fufpect that there is not fo much Jionfre^lItinF"" ^^^"^ °" board as the Qtiantity exprelTed in fuch Cocquet, and Ihall make Affidavit thereof before the Col- .V-rew, '5 Geo. lfc<Sor or Cuflomer of the faid Port, or Perfon executing their or either of their Offices, to weigh all the i.e. i3, §, ij.' Salt remaining on board ; and in cafe, upon fuch weighing, there fhall appear not to be fo much Salt on board as the Quantity exprefled in fuch Cocquet, making reafonable Allowance for the Wafte of the faid Salt fince its Exportation, and making alfo Allowance (for Salt going Coaftwife) of Salt delivered at an- other Port, and indorfed in the Salt Permit, going with the faid Vefifel, as delivered at fuch Port, then Penalty. and in fuch Cafe the faid Salt fo remaining on board fliall be forfeited and loft. ' XIV. And for Prevention of Frauds frequently praffifed in curing Filh at Sea with Salt, which hath

  • ■ not, or fliall not have been entred, nor the Duties thereof: paid, or fecured to be paid, according to the

' Directions of the former Laws, or with Salt exported from England or Wcdes, the Duties whereof fhall ' have been repaid upon fuch Exportation, or Debentures obtained, in order to the drav/ijig back of the NflFi(h,&c. <■ fame;' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the nine and twentieth ^but^vv'hMwas ^^^ o's September one thoufand feven hundred and two, no Fifli, for which Allowances are by Law given tureJwichSalt upon Exportation, fhall be imported, brought in, or landed within the Kingdom of £n^/.7/z!/. Dominion for which Di:ty o's JFales, or Town oi Berwick upon Tweed, unlefs the Owner or Proprietor of fuch Filh, or the Mafter is paid, and no of the VefTel, fhall make Oath before the Officer for the faid Duties, in the Port or Place v/here fuch P"™*f^ " ^'^^ ^^'^ ^^ imported, brought in, or landed, (who fhall adminifter the fame without Fee or Charge) owi , c. That all the Salt wherewith the faid Fifli was cured, was laden or put on board from fome Port of Eng- land, JVales, or Berwick, and that no Drawback or Allowance, or Debenture for the fame, hath to liis Knowledge or Belief been had or obtained, or is intended to be had of obtained, upon the Exportation or carrying out of the faid Salt, or any Part thereof; upon Pain of forfeiting fuch Fifh that fhall be im- ported, brought in or landed, contrary to the Intent or Meaning hereof, and double the Value thereof. Penalty. jq jjg recovered of the Importer or Proprietor thereof. ' XV. And whereas the Officers appointed by the Commillioners of Excife to take Care of .the Duties ' on imported Salt, and to prevent Frauds in the undue < btaining Debentures for Drawbacks, and AU ' lowances out of the faid Duties, are not, by any of the Lav/s relating to the faid Duties, fufficiently ' impowered to go on board Ships and Veflels for that Purpofe, although the Duties on Salt are under sfu"f°'*^ ' ^'^^ Management of the faid Commiffioners and their Officers;' Be it therefore enacSted by the Authority go on bo'ard^a'lf aforefaid. That from henceforth it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Officers appointed by the Coai- Ships exporting miffioners of Excife for the faid Duties on Salt, from Time to Time, to go on board all Ships importing Salt, &c. or exporting any Salt or Fifh, and to continue on board fuch Ships, to t ike an Account of fuch Salt and j^anaityonPer- Yi(h, and fee the fame v/eighed, landed or exported ; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall obftru'ft or hinder

.5r.ii Ob. raaing. ,^,^y of the faid Officers in Performance of their Duties aforefaid, then, and in every fuch Cafe, the Per-

fon oftending therein fhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds. ' XVI. And whereas her Majefty's Duties on Salt are much lefTened by the Exportation of great Qi.[an-

  • cities of Fifh, in Regard the Exporters thereof, after the fame are carried out of Port, and Allowances,
  • or Debentures for Allowances out of the Duties on Salt, had or obtained on fuch Exportation, do fre-
  • quently bring back Iuch Fifh into Port, and re-export the fame, and obtain a fecond or more Allow-

' ances for the very fame Fifli :' For Remedy thereof be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thousand (cvsjx hundred and two, it fhall and may be lawful for the, Officers for the faid Duties on Salt, in the feveraj and refpe(Si:ive Ports of the Kingdom of